krish's Forum Posts

  • TELLES0808

    I like your games. Do you self publish?

  • Can you please send me a quote as well - krish at toonheart dot com

  • May be you can mention what the problem is?

    Send me a mail with details at krish at toonheart dot com ... I won't promise that I will finish it up, but I can probably take a quick look at let you know how to go about it

  • Any good reason to be limited to Dutch only?

  • Try Construct 3

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    • Post link icon

    Wazza .. would you be interested in this -

  • Nice screenshot


    Would this be of your interest?

  • mikeOstaff

    what is your game? any links?

    Looks interesting.

  • Worked

    I had different fonts, so had some issues at first.

    Some of the fonts are moving away a bit to left... which is not a problem, but it looks weird when font moves off from its holder at the scoreNote

    As far as this tutorial goes, it works as written

    If you have multiple fonts, ensure you find them all and replace them.

    If you didn't set a font or force webfont in your game, then it's proabably Arial font that you need to replace.

  • Removed the plugin and it worked.

    Pode - I am using your iframe plugin. Any ideas if you have time to fix it?

    However, I see super horrible FPS (with and without webGL), and webfonts dont work.

    I'm gonna try this - for the fonts.

    Wondering if you guys have any recommendations for the FPS? (our game runs at 33-40 fps on Android, it has been already optimized many times for collision polygons, animations and ton of things)

  • mikeOstaff

    Good documentation mate. You should put it as a tutorial.

    I haven't used it yet, but will do in a bit and let you know if it worked for me.

  • There is this line

    and its part of function
    [code:krtkhatj]instanceProto.onCreate = function()[/code:krtkhatj]
    which starts at line 16179.
    Here's the whole function  - [url][/url]
  • Has anyone done that with a full game that has a pause, menus and loading screen using preloads?

    I'm not talking about one layout tests or games that are made in one layout with no loading screens or pause or anything.

    I'm stuck with a black screen with error on console

    Ejecta[1129:60b] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: jQuery at line 16200 in index.js

    I followed tutorial from Ashley

  • We are doing 20K over 2 platforms right now (Hoppu is on both BB and Android).

    I'm not trying to be bossy. My tone is a bit clear straight forward thats it.

    Because we've had people who were the type I described we didn't want.

    Cipriux "Your proposal sounds kind of bossy for a free proposal."

    Looks like you missed the essense by a mile

    I'm not asking anyone to do it for free.

    As I understand I'm talking about sweat equity for what they pull together as a team.

    If you're saying people wouldn't want to team up for a new game with guys that have 20K downloads, ... sure yeah, you're right.

    Lot of people want to team up with games that have 10 Million downloads... but guess what, they don't need it.

    I'm looking for people who want to create something that will have 10 mill downloads, not the ones who want to piggyback ride join a team that already has one.

    If that sounds bossy, then fine!

  • Tigrra .. can you mail me up on my work id as mentioned in above post?

    Yeah we have some projects right now. We can talk over skype after we go through some initial discussions about 'team' stuff

  • Hey Tigrra

    Wondering if

    1. You have experience in drawing consistent sprites, walk cycles, jump/attack cycles

    2. And have you seen this -

    (It doesn't offer you $8 per hour though, but could be good amount later)