krish's Forum Posts

  • Anyone progress on this?

  • Interesting.

    Add me too on steam - toonheart.

  • $40 for how many sprites?

    I seem to get a bit confused sorry.

  • Thats the problem is free sprites, it is rarely to a specific "taste"

    If you need very customized sprites, then you'll need to get it done via paid service :) or DIY.

  • I am consider going there.

    Although the asia subdomain website is a bit confusing that the europe one.. I can't seem to find indie showcase anywhere?

    Has anyone been to CC confs already.. and if someone's going to this years asia conf in May and showing off your scirra creations?

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  • found the hotspot at right down corner.. put it in.. it "kinda" works now... but player has to shoot exactly the origin aimed :(

    I more like was expecting the whole size of sprite to be a pointer that can be aimed... so you dont have to be perfect aim to shoot.

    So I tried, is overlapping my object, and on-click destroy... that doesnt seem to change the behavior?

    I just want people to have it bit easy.. you click and anything under that crosshair gets destroyed.

    Cant seem to think of a way.

  • you could also have a condition where it says On Click and Sprite is over object, then do the action.

    Yeah I was gonna do the 'is crosshair sprite overlapping my object' and is clicked then destroy.

    Thanks :)

    But wanted to know why the 'is mouse clicked' not working if we choose to use mouse style from a sprite.

    Wondering to hear back from Ashley or someone :)

  • Hi,

    I set My mouse pointer to be a crosshair graphics from a sprite.

    I have an event-action that says If mouse clicked on certain object, then destroy the object.

    Doesnt seem to work :(

    Same thing if I set the crosshair via 'set cursor style' -> crosshair ... it works.

    Anyone know why this odd behavior?

  • Whats on line 134?

    I seem to get problem it says rex_debugger line 134 on pop up.

    Happens when I have multiple layouts.

  • timeline plugin is missing from the given download link location.

  • dinofun

    How is that done?

    I see a Set X or Set Y .. but dont see a set imagepoint on actions of any sprite.


    Nah... I'm using array tiles to generate maze maps here.

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to edit / add /subtract from image points of a particular sprite using the event sheet?

    I wanted to set image points dynamically based on certain events... or say if I'm loading a sprite from URL, I wanted to set origin point to exactly center or 100 px away from center on Y-axis.

    I tried to look but couldn't find.


    Thanks :)

  • Using something like this

    Wondering why if I had to say

    for-every tilesprite -> spawn an object -> someobject

    doesnt work.

    Nothing spawns.

    But same thing if I just include another action within the Foreach(x,y) of array section as

    system->createobject-> someobject

    It works.

    What I am trying to do is pick particular tiles from the generated tiles and spawn grass or something on it.

    Any help.

  • Ah sorry got it.. had my hash names wrong. :)

  • So I can't have multiple json's loaded into multiple hash objects? each hash object having a different name.