Karentzos's Forum Posts

  • Is it possible to copy or load animations or frames from one sprite to another? I have a sprite that includes many different animations (for better organization). The problem is that it rises the amount of used memory. Is it possible to copy animations/frames from one sprite to another?

    When I say "copy" I mean in run-time not on design-time (this is done with "clone").


  • Tried to change some parts and now I get even worse results. Layout doesnt even change. It gets stuck on a radom point on my event sheet.

    The new message I get is:

    c3runtime.js:154 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property '_GetLastCachedZIndex' of null

    at a (c3runtime.js:154)

    at Array.sort (<anonymous>)

    at C3.RenderCell._EnsureSorted (c3runtime.js:154)

    at C3.RenderCell.Dump (c3runtime.js:154)

    at C3.RenderGrid.QueryRange (c3runtime.js:157)

    at C3.Layer._GetRenderCellInstancesToDraw (c3runtime.js:160)

    at C3.Layer._DrawInstances_RenderCells (c3runtime.js:160)

    at C3.Layer.Draw (c3runtime.js:160)

    at C3.Layout.Draw (c3runtime.js:163)

    at C3.Runtime.Render (c3runtime.js:445)

    at C3.Runtime.Tick (c3runtime.js:445)

    Any ideas on that?

  • Indeed this is getting bigger and bigger. Today after trying to display the newest topics, I got almost 4 pages of spam. The admins should raise the security levels.

  • I am facing a random issue where "go to layout" freezes the game. I have put some actions on "end of layout" (without any loops). I have tried to destroy some objects before changing layout and I have even put a wait 0 sec to ensure the freeze doent happen. The problem still occurs and is random. It happend 2/10 times.

    After checking the browser for any error it gives me these:

    c3runtime.js:412 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'Update' of null

    at C3.WorldInfo._RemoveFromRenderCells (c3runtime.js:412)

    at C3.Runtime._FlushInstancesPendingDestroyForObjectClass (c3runtime.js:445)

    at C3.Runtime._FlushInstancesPendingDestroy (c3runtime.js:445)

    at C3.Runtime.FlushPendingInstances (c3runtime.js:445)

    at C3.EventSheet.Run (c3runtime.js:292)

    at C3.EventSheetManager.RunEvents (c3runtime.js:289)

    at C3.Runtime.Step (c3runtime.js:445)

    at async C3.Runtime.Tick (c3runtime.js:445)

    Any idea what is causing this?

  • I have made the changes by myself. I have downloaded the project file, extracted its contents and edit the JSON files with notepad. I can now use the project as normal. Please add some checks when the user is saving its project in order to prevent those types of issues in the future.

  • After trying to open my project today I got a message for "type mismatch". It forces the project to close and restart. The only solution given on the message is to open it with a previous version. I cannot open the project with ANY previous version because Construct says: project is saved with newer version.

    This is a request for Scirra team:

    If you wanted to prevent users from falling on type mismatch, then you could just prevent them from saving the whole project. It is completely unacceptable to leave the user save a project with file, that cannot be opened later.

    How am I supposed to work? I cant open the project with any previous version. This is a looping case where I cannot do anything at all. My only solution is to wait for a bug fix and a future release... Until then my time is completely wasted.

    Any ideas Ashley ?


  • I agree with WackyToaster. I am sure that you will find more bugs in the future. You can just release a beta version. There are a lot of stuff from this plugin that could be used in many projects. It doesn't need to be completely perfect at the beginning anyway...

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  • So how other developers implement this? It is supposed to be a very simple concept. To have a leader board with just basic player details (name, photo, score) and it it in order to identify the player (if you can play with him etc..) Even if you use your own backend, it is near impossible to match leaderboard players with your database...

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  • I have already a backend storing other information for each player. To use backend to have IDs of the players to connect with FB ID's is the worst thing you could do. The simplest thing would be to have data from connected players that include ID, name, photo etc.. The only thing missing is "scores" that is implemented from facebook SDK v6.2

    API Reference v6.2 Changelog

    Connected Player Score Entries Introduces the new Leaderboard.getConnectedPlayerEntriesAsync() API, which fetches the score entries of the current player's connected players from the leaderboard.

    I am still wondering why Scirra has not given any answers regarding Facebook Instant Games plugin, which is supposed to cover this function since it implements version 6.2 of SDK.

  • That functionality exist in Load Leader board data, just change Results into Connected players.

    No, this i snot the problem. The problem relies on Facebook plugin implementation, although it is supposed to use SDK version that includes those features.

    What i need is having:

    Player name

    Player Score

    Player Photo

    Player ID

    The whole issue is that there is data for Player name, Player Score, Player Photo on "leader board" and there is Player name, Player Photo, Player ID on "connected players".

    How can we fetch all data? Or how is it even possible to correlate both of them?

  • I can take a look at your project if you don't want to share it here, maybe I'll see something that you missed. My email is doperst2006 (at) gmail.com

    I have sent you the project sample. You can find those event on "playStage" event sheet

  • Spooky becomes more spooky....

    After putting an alert to show "token.count" and after a "wait 1.0 second" (because without this, the count is 0 although its on another event + event level) I have noticed this:

    If I put a single alert, it shows "9" (which is correct as I have 9 tokens created)

    If I put 2 alerts, the first one shows 0 and the second one shows 9!

    If I put N alerts, then guess what? It shows 0 until the last which shows 9!!!

    Its like the count of the objects only takes place on the last alert. Even if you put another condition or even wait in between, then the tokens.count only works for the last event.

    I am starting to believe that there is a completely messy code under the hood regarding instance picking/counting etc. Which obviously is more than frustrating because this is a game engine. Game engine supposed to have 1 thing super clear and solid.... object access...!

  • I had the same without "pick all". The group only gets deactivated by one line at the end of this group. I have put a log message and it works. But with browser alert "tokens.count" I only get "0". I cant reproduce it because it doesn't happened on the rest of the project. This is extremely frustrating and awkward bug...

  • This is not the issue. First of all I want to say that this thing didn't happen some days ago. This was working fine and after working on other things on other things on other layouts, I found that this by accident. I was working on another layout that was my main menu that also suddenly stopped working (all positions got messed up and I tried to recreated by by scratch).

    For some reason the even "for each" gets skipped. The second time it passes this group "for each" is working by this is not how it is supposed to work. I can see all objects on the debug mode and there is nothing that can force Construct to pick those objects. I tried to put wait 0 seconds, I broke it into 2 different functions (1 creating tokens and the other accessing tokens to change private variable). I broke it into different groups... nothing!

    This is not happening anywhere else on my projects, not even on other projects. I cant even reproduce this. Its like something is messing my projects and I cant't figure out what this is.

    a) Tokens get created

    b) tokens cant be accessed, Construct skips this loop whatever I try.

    Of course I also tried different picks, putting tokens inside different families, removed from families, renamed tokens, renamed families... and nothing!