justifun's Forum Posts

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  • There is the "Step" plugin which will draw the path, but then you could simply make the player follow each "path" step it creates one after another.

    Upon each creation of the path sprite that the plugin draws, give it a number that increases by 1

    then after letting go of the button have it look for the lowest number one. upon touching it, look for the second one etc,

    it will follow the path

  • Problem Description

    When attempting to download beta 187 i'm getting the following error from chrome

    Your connection is not private

    Attackers might be trying to steal your information from downloads.scirra.com (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).

    Back to safety



    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    windows 7 64 bit

  • You can loop through the x and y width and height of the tilemap and compare if they are overlapped.

    for x in (tilemap.width / tilesize)

    for y in tilemap.height/ tilesize)

    tilemap.tileat(x, y) is overlapping sprite -> do actions

    But with your example picture you are going to have to draw the colission box of that circle as an oval, if you are intending for the center part to count as "not touching"

    another approach might be to draw the circle as a series of small sprites if you run into issues

  • You could create 4 events (on gamepad 1 pressed, 2, 3, etc ) that checks which "start" button was pressed, then assign that player an ID. Also make a variable that gets assigned the gamepad number who's button was pressed.

    Then create one function for all of your inputs. You pass the button that was pressed (gamepad.lastbutton) And you pass the gamepad number that presseed it (the variable from before)

    there fore each time a button is pressed, the function uses who pushed it and which button, then updates the associated player with whatever he's supposed to do. (Pick by evalulate, player.ID = function.param(0))

    then you only have one function, to handle all player movement etc for all players, thus only having to write it once.

  • rexrainbow , i would imagine each step supposed to be the same distance apart regardless of how fast the object creating it is moving?

  • Rexrainbow some some really useful timer plugins

    check out




  • Ashley - would this be something easy to add plz?


  • Perhaps i'm miss understanding on how its supposed to work.

    I believe the idea is that if you were making a top down rpg game for example, and you wanted to leave foot prints behind your character as they walked, that it would stamp a foot print sprite every "pixels per step" behind you.

    Or if you were going to make a game where you dragged your finger to create a line path behind it, it would leave a trail of dots spaced evenly as you moved.

    Similarly to as if you were to manually code it like this.

    Variable StartX

    Variable StartY

    Variable (pixels per step)

    While in Touch

    If Distance (startX,StartY, TouchX, Touch.Y) > (pixels per step)

    create sprite (trail)

    angle (trail towards touch.x, touch.y)

    set startX, to Touch.X

    set startY to , Touch.Y

    Or was it originally designed to do something else?

    Thanks for your help rexrainbow. We love all of your amazing plugins!

  • I was trying it with 187

  • It would be awesome if there was an expression that would give you the ID number of the gamepad after pushing a button, so that we could easily tell which gamepad initiated that button press.


  • rexrainbow - sorry rexrainbow, this still doesnt seem to work. With the new example you posted, no sprites are created when dragging the blue box.

  • Objects don't have names that you can store, but you can give them a variable and assign it a value to whatever you want. EG: Objectname.

    Ideally you want to store the UID or (Unique identifier) which each object has. so that you can refer to that specifically later.

    to store it into an array like you wanted to do.

    (system) For each (object) -> (array) set at X = Loopindex, value = (object.UID)

    this will put the UID of each object into the X position of the array as it loops through each object in the scene

  • https://archive.org/details/internetarcade

    The Internet Arcade is a web-based library of arcade (coin-operated) video games from the 1970s through to the 1990s, emulated in JSMAME, part of the JSMESS software package. Containing hundreds of games ranging through many different genres and styles, the Arcade provides research, comparison, and entertainment in the realm of the Video Game Arcade.

    Lots of great inspiration!

  • cranberrygame - still can't get it to work

    Here's my steps

    Open your example screen capture example file.

    export it for android crosswalk

    import the build into XDK (1494)

    add the "get plugin from web" and add it as per your instructions

    try and build,

    Plugin installed: Canvas2ImagePlugin (https://github.com/wbt11a/Canvas2ImagePlugin#7ba2044)

    Error: Plugin failed to install: org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin (org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin)