joelmayer's Forum Posts

  • Ashley That must be it, i thought it might be more a problem of 3rd Party Addons but my main project has the physics behaviour in it. Any chances this will get fixed or is "fixable"?

    EDIT: One of the things that seem to go different with my project is, that instead of crashing or an error report or anything it just shows a black screen... I wanted to ask in general, since i'm at a stage with my game where i no longer feel comfortable to share the .c3p file publicly if i may send it to you via E-Mail in case you would like to take a look?

  • Hi there!

    I was testing out exporting in C3 and exported my bigger project for Mac with the setting "Minify Script" turned on. Unfortunately, it didn't run the exported game and only showed a black screen. When i turned the option off it worked. Now, i made a small project file using the one 3rd Party Addon currently in my project since i read, that those can sometimes cause the problem but it exported fine with Minify Script turned on.

    What other reasons can there be that Minify Script doesn't work?

  • Works fine for me so far, fingers crossed....

  • Ashley Oh, comeon now, there might be untapped business opportunity here No worries though, i might just use the CSV Plugin by Rex and all's good.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to answer though!

  • Ashley

    Sure but in the meantime how about this:

    Would there be a way to make the Editors behave more like Excel or Google Spreadsheet in that i could select multiple cells? Now, i don't know if this would be technically possible but wouldn't it be relatively easy to implement now that you can copy paste from the Array Editor over to something like Excel or Google Spreads? Was just thinking haha ^^

  • Thanks for your Reply oosyrag

    With C3 you got the new Array Editor which generates a JSON File in the Editor that you call upon and load into an Array via AJAX. So basically i'd just need to be able to edit the JSON as a CSV or just in a Spreadsheet Software like Google Spreadsheets and reupload it again but i'm not sure how to go about it without breaking the JSON.

    Since the CSV Plugin was mainly for the convenience of editing Data in a Spreadsheet for me, with the new Array Editor i wouldn't really need it unless there's no way to get the Data out of C3 into a CSV or Excel and back again...

    Maybe Ashley has some advice?

  • Hi there!

    I've got a question:

    I have an Array Object with the new Array Editor which stores all the dialogue of my game in a column for English and one for German Language. A variable switches which column is being called when dialogue is playing depending on the players language choice.

    Now, since i'll have this edited and proofread when everything is set and done i wanted to export the .JSON file as something easy to externally edit like a .csv file. I found some online converters but i'm not quite sure how they'll work and if it will be able to convert the CSV back to JSON after editing is done... So my question is, how to best go about it or should i rather use rex's CSV Plugin from the beginning?

    Is there a way to replace files in the File Menu of the Project window as well?

    Thanks for your suggestions!


  • Hey blackhornet

    The tool is absolutely fantastic but i can't really use it for my low res game since it only exports spritesheets that are anti-aliased... unless i'm missing something of course Any way how to get an aliased sprite sheet out of this?



  • Ashley Already began to set that up, seems to be the best choice as well and i could use larger SpriteFonts too, if i choose to go with those after all

    Thanks for all your help! I just wanted to say that i really love C3 and i advocated it very strongly in the Adventure Development Community so, i hope that makes up for some noob questions

    If you're interested, my twitter is

  • Thanks all for your suggestions, advice and also information Still learning, i never had a problem on Windows with the game so i'm glad that at least the issue came up, while i'm still at such an early stage and totally makes sense.

    Ashley : Thanks as well for your explanation, it makes total sense. Just for the record: i never blamed Construct or HTML5 or anything, i just thought it was more a question of Retina Resolutions than of GPU power so i thought maybe i was missing something.

    The reason why i wanted to use the high quality setting on the fullscreen mode in the first place was, that i wanted to use Webfonts in my game. Now, at this resolution and going with the "low" quality setting, as you can imagine, you can't make out anything anymore of the text. But it works without any problems on my MacBook. It works rather well with the Settin on "high", the high-dpi display setting OFF and the scaling set to "letterbox integer"...

    Which brings me to my question actually... What would you suggest to do? I see three possible options:

    1. Go with Spritefonts, which i don't really want to, since the game is already being translated into languages using special characters like äöü or â and so on, plus again, with a Gameboy Resolution there's pretty much just so small as you can go with sprites.

    2. Export all my assets double the res (512*288) and use Fonts there. They will still be blurry but at least less blurry than with half of that resolution.

    3. I don't know, this is a long shot, but maybe i'm missing something? Is there a way to use the "low" quality setting on a project but still keep crisp Webfonts when scaling up?

    I'm worried that when i upscale my assets, that i could run in performance problems again, since i'd like to use quite some effects (actually just one force own texture layer per layout, i think that second one was added by mistake )

    About performance i got a question too:

    When i, let's say, use my vignette png in half the resolution and then upscale it in the engine, does it use less performance than when i import a fullscreen vignette png in the first place?

    Thanks for all your help!


  • Okay, i think i narrowed it down even further... i disabled "Use High-DPI display" in the project settings and though it still doesn't run as smoothly as on Windows especially when there's text drawn on screen i experience a small lag, it's already much better than before... I'm gonna play with the effects stuff a bit and see where i can optimize maybe making tha Vignette half the size and scaling it up on start of layout or something...

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  • I'm trying to narrow it down, what the big performance killer is and funnily enough, the main problem seems to be my vignette layer which is only a png image with darkened corners :S

    Might there be a less heavy way to do that?

  • That is really weird... I updated to the latest High Sierra OS now as well but unfortunately that didn't help... It's only relevant when going full screen, when i play back the game in about half the size it works fine on Macs. It ALWAYS works fine on Windows and works slightly better when i change the Macbook (2015, i7, 16 GB RAM) to a lower Resolution...

    Could you try this file (current version of the game i'm working on) too, if possible? Really sorry for asking, but THANKS A TON for all your help!!!

    Removed File since i fixed the issue...

  • Cryptwalker Ooo that sounds promising Could you maybe try my file in the Bugreport for me on your Mac whenever you get the time? That would be awesome! Maybe there is a problem with my Macbook i just can't put my finger on it yet :S

  • Hi there!

    I just started programming my game in C3 and even though it works smashingly well on PC's and even Android Remote Previews, my one year old MacBook PRO with 16 GB of Ram etc. stutters and spouts whenever going Fullscreen with the Game. It has some basic lighting and overlay effects as well as two particle effects on the test background, but it's at a Resolution of 256*144. The problem happens only when i set the fullscreen quality to "high", which i really want to do since i want to use Webfonts to support different languages. It doesn't really work all that great on "low" quality fullscreen mode either if i'm honest but oh well...

    I already opened up a Bug Report on the Scirra Github but i'm guessing there's not much they can do about it even though i think there should be a way to optimize this for the platform. And, yes, i tried every browser, my drivers are updated, etc. Other games work perfectly well on my computer, i'm an Interaction Design Student, i use it for 3D Modeling/Rendering, After Effects, Premiere Pro etc. never had a Problem. Of course, my uber super Gaming PC will be faster at those things but the Mac surely isn't too slow for a small Gameboy Resolution Game with some Effects...

    Especially since it worked perfectly well on PC's and even on my Android Phone via Remote Preview... I'm kind of desperate, since i was even contacted by the Apple App Store who took an interest in my Game for Promotion and i've told them it would be out for Mac as well, since i work on Mac and i mean... if it works on a standard Windows Computer it shouldn't have a problem with Macs either...

    Any Ideas?

    BTW, here's the link to the Bug Report:

