jobel's Forum Posts

  • use the timer Behavior!

  • fun little game with potential.. I like the stamina for each player before the game.. although all my guys were very tired before we even started!

    you got some major bugs in the gameplay though....

    why is the manual--draw a path to the ball so slow?? it's not even functional it's so slow. The computer player was way too good for my guys.. they couldn't even get the ball out of our zone..

    after the lightning, everyone on the field flipped out a bit and started to rotate.. after a while I couldn't draw paths anymore.. but then it came back..

    I would concentrate on the gameplay, don't worry about powerups and all that.. just get the game playing good.. so you can kick the ball, and have it be responsive.. right now, it's totally not responsive at all.. and I didn't like the option to just do nothing, because why play then?

  • happening for me as well.

    Once any fade-in, wait or fade-out finishes it triggers for all the fades.

    using r244

  • CurX is only for looping through the entire array.

    If you know your index you would reference it like Array.At(5)

    but if you are trying to find the row based on a value, you need to loop through the whole array and look for it. So you would use CurX and CurY (because your array above is 10x10). You have to look through on each row (x) and then in that row each column (y).

    Think of arrays like excel spreadsheets.. the rows are X and the columns are Y

    If there's more than 1 "58" in your table this loop will execute the action(s) for each "cell" that equals 58.

  • no need for that entire sub event. you set Drawbridge.Open to 1 and then check if it's 1. No need to check if it's 1, you already knows its 1. On E pressed will only trigger once, if you are worried about spamming the 'E' key, just add Drawbridge.Open not equal to 1 in the condition.

    as to how how to add text.. (you should use spritefonts - download plugin SpriteFont+ and the program GiveYourFontsMonoSpace)

    -on your Text or Spritefont object, put the Fade behavior

    -add an action that has Drawbridge Spawn another object.. and that object should be the text.

    -set the Text to whatever you need it to be.

    -make sure the fade behavior (on the text) is set to Active At Start and Destroy on fadeout.

    -set the Fadeout or Wait value to be able as long as your drawbridge going down which looks to be just over 2 seconds.


    Fade in 0

    Wait 2

    Fade out 0.25

    or adjust as you like

  • very nice!

  • yeah it depends on how you look at it but for me X is always the row and Y is the columns... I hate the way C2 says X is the width.. and Y is the height.. it's completely wrong to me. Height should be the number of rows or "records" and width should be the columns or fields







    that's more like the way it is shown here: ... ers/page-4

  • changing the light purple bound into something else. maybe a rocky-tile or something.

    also you could make it into a chasm tile....that way the bats could still fly over it... and the player could still overlap it a bit and it would still make sense. ... 8f1a4d.jpg

    or ... 416c96.jpg

  • pretty cool..

    is there a way you can use more of the screen real estate? make a grid instead of a column in the center.. seems like a lot of wasted space.. I assume because you brought it over from a mobile app.

    I like the idea of a bunch of news sources and being able to drill down.. but I don;t like the "reading" option, would rather just have the lines there so I can skim with my eyes..

    Functionally I think I'd like to see all my news sources on one page if possible... like how you see apps on your iPhone or Android. And be able to glance at their top stories, then drill down from there...

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  • Insert object -> use the Particle object.

    search the forums and tutorials, there's dozens of examples... and check in C2's /examples folder.

    you can also use sprites...but you have to do a little more work to make them do what you want... Particle Emitters do that for you.

  • C-7 who's arguing? I'm saying be careful with reading that much data into memory. period. are you actually arguing to NOT be prudent? If so, that's terrible advice.

  • Your scenario implies loading in nearly an hour of music at once, which is more than many games have for music in their entire soundtrack. In actual practice, particularly with interactive music, you'd never load in more than a couple minutes of music (15-30 MB) at a time, and you totally get more mileage out of less audio content with interactive music.

    I once wrote and produced 30 minutes of music for a small little game. if that music was not streamed they would have had serious memory issues - they simply would not have been able to do it with the graphics they had. All I'm saying is to anyone reading this is the same thing that is in ... our-memory - and even though it does not mention audio per say, I think at the time of writing it was not conceived of a reason for music to be read into memory.

    also check out games like Undertale or Lisa.. crazy amounts of music

    EDIT: People want to make music games with C2. and look at the problems that KLANG had... it's just a friendly warning!

  • I've only tried this with the audio preloaded into memory. I'm not sure if streaming it (ie, putting it in the "Music" folder in C2) will have an effect. I put everything in the "Sounds" folder, personally, and just preload everything I need.

    Now that you can unload sounds it's less of a problem but still.. you need to be careful here.. loading music fully into memory can take up a lot of space quick! If I remember correctly audio is uncompressed in memory so your 8MB song can easily be 80MB in memory. Add a handful more tracks and suddenly your footprint is half a GB... and that's no good.

  • I played for about 10 or 15 mins before I gave up..

    everything looked the same color, I couldn't tell where I was and if I was going anywhere different really... although when there were more enemies I realized I was in a new area.. Oh and the outer light purple color which is the bounds of the game? I thought I could walk on it.. so I was surprised when I couldn't go through it..and died pinned up against it a few times.. maybe this needs more contrast (darker) as its the edge of the screen? or maybe it was weird how the character starts to overlap it but then you can't quite go through it? not sure.. something just wasn't right so when I was running from those bat things I wasn't sure where the bounds were exactly... also the bats go through this so I thought I could... if it's supposed to be higher or lower elevation, maybe you could add something to the tiles give it height or depth?

    The player needs some work.. without any walking animation the player really feels like it's like a HUD element. doesn't feel as part of the world. Also think about doing a Scroll to lerp instead of ScrollTo behavior to make it in the world more maybe?. And the player needs a drop shadow like those bats.. and needs to turn left/right.

    I played a second time and eventually I found 1 human.. but not another one.. and I looked hard!

  • for the gun sound just add variations..take the original sound bring it into Audacity and do one of these to each version:

    -change the tempo

    -change the pitch slightly (very slightly)

    -give a small doppler effect (pitch slide)

    -add a little shimmer, echo or something to it (make this one twice as long)

    you can trigger sounds randomly: Play sound "gun" & choose("1","2","3")

    or do something more elaborate..every 6th one play a different sound

    Play sound "short_laser" & (counter < 6 ? "1" : "2")

    set counter to counter % 6 + 1