twg for your input. Glad to know someone else got everything working. Maybe that GMSDEV (Verstala) plugin is the way to go...
1. When exporting from C2 make sure Minify script if unchecked and PNG recompression is set to "None"
this worked for Canvas+! up till now I've had to use Webview.
2. When zipping your C2 project for upload to Cocoon do not include the config.xml file or the intelxdk.config.additions.xml file in the zip, I manually add the plugins myself in Cocoon.
also, I used the normal Windows>SendTo>Compressed THIS DOES NOT WORK. I downloaded Winrar and that seemed to do the trick.
3. Set Multidex enabled to "Yes" for Android builds.
Mine is set to 'No' and still worked. although Ads aren't working..
6. Check in Cocoon under Installed plugins and make sure Cocoon didn't add any of the "Whitelist" plugins to your project, I got a black screen everytime one of these plugins where included.
yes these caused Blackscreen on mine as well I learned way back in the beginning.