jobel's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound

    thanks! that works great, however it introduced another problem I was not aware of...

    I use Custom Movement behavior, so in order to make a Max Speed cap I do this:

    so when you are at max speed, the camera shakes violently because of constantly being set to 1 less than the cap. The player moves like the game Asteroids, so you can rotate while still moving in the direction you accelerated to. So this was my bad solution in order to turn around and apply acceleration in the opposite direction. So now need a new solution.. I could maybe make that interval smaller...

  • R0J0hound

    I thought of that, but, when the player slows down I want the screen to then be centered on the player. Like what it currently does with lerp(scrollx,player.x,dt) so it visually looks like the lerp "catches up" to the player when the players speed approaches 0.

  • it seems like I would need to use Angle of Motion from the player to determine whether to add or subtract the X or Y.

    but honestly I was first just trying to get it to work going right - where I know it will always be adding to X - but it doesn't work either!

  • Hi, I'm trying to come up with a calculation to make the camera not follow the player but rather proceed the player depending on direction.

    Using plain lerp makes it so the player is closer to the edge of the screen they are traveling to, but I want them closer to the opposite edge the are traveling to so they have more time to adjust to objects that they arrive at.

    Any ideas?

    This is what I have... it did NOT work :O

  • make sure your origin is in the middle of the sprite.

    also try saving and restarting Construct

  • give your barrels an Instance variable called 'spawn_id'. Then set it to 1-5 for whichever ones you want.

    I'm assuming you created all the barrel sprites in the editor. click each one and set its variable to 1-5

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  • the first problem is you don't have Events 99 - 103 indented properly under OnStartOfLayout so all those events will run 60 times per second. Is that what you want?

    the second problem is you are not picking any specific barrels, each event picks ALL the barrels. So they should all be going to the same place.

  • Nepeo

    It was purely anecdotal, at no point did I claim I was performing a definitive test.

    I didn't think you were.

    As a recreational guitarist I like to think my ear is fairly passable and I used a fairly nice pair of sennheiser on ear headphones. So I was probably able to discern more of a difference than the average person would.

    no offense, but a recreational guitarist is not the same as someone who has done extensive audio ear training. I was merely suggesting that it's difficult to hear what you don't know is there. Meaning that yes, equipment has its definite limitations AS WELL AS there is a certain training that goes into critical listening. So it seemed like you were running a quick test as an example, and since you are the one that would be working on it I was trying make a point of: you don't know what you don't know -- but I wasn't trying to make a big deal about it. (Please don't read anything overly negative into my posts! ;-)

    As far as it being "overkill". I somewhat disagree. Again to compare it to graphics, I think it would be completely unacceptable to force a compressed JPG format on all images where 99% of people would not see any artifacts.

    I think you do it for the developer - not for the players. I think it's important that the developers feel like their work is being represented properly. A game engine like Construct you have devs doing it all: art, animation, sound, music, game design and coding. When the devs produce assets, they are creating the uncompressed version, so when it goes into Construct, they might see/hear the difference. And if you subscribe to the notion that games are art, then you have to give full control to the developer and not hinder any of their creative work. It's impossible to predict what someone may someday make that might expose this limitation.

    tl;dr - on principal I think we should let devs set their own audio bitrates.

  • Nepeo

    My headphones aren't monitors(studio grade) but are more than good enough for this.

    Increasing the target bitrate to 128Kbps removed any noticeable difference

    you can't say it doesn't make any noticeable difference with subpar headphones. The frequencies are not being properly represented. Also the audio itself matters since not all audio uses the same exact frequencies, so in testing you should use a wide range of audio; sound effects and music.

    Is this whole process splitting hairs? well sort of yes, as I said it's incredibly hard to hear to the untrained ear. But if you are going to do it, might as well do it right...

  • Ashley

    like I said above if you are listening on a pair of $300 studio headphones you would need the to do an A/B comparison maybe then you'd notice a difference. (A/B means, listen to the uncompressed one, then listen to the compressed one, side-by-side)

    but a player that never heard the audio before will NOT have a clue.

    However that being said I would recommend giving the developer the option to change bitrates. The graphical equivalent would be like forcing the developer to save all their art as JPEG with moderate compression.

    But the difference is: people's hearing is usually way more forgiving than their sight - hence how some people commonly play with the sound OFF. You don't hear of too many people playing games with their monitor off!

    Giving the dev the option to choose their own bitrate would really just be a "quality of life" issue for a developer.

    Here's a good article:

  • the doc doesn't say, but I've never had any problems with hearing any artifacts or any degradation. Judging by the file sizes I would say it's 160kbps

    of course it's really hard to tell by listening on average computer speakers. Even if you are listening on a pair of $300 studio headphones you would need the to do an A/B comparison to notice a difference.

    I had a song that I imported and here are the file sizes...

    wav = 13MB

    m4a 192kbps = 1.8MB (converted this one myself)

    webm = 1.0MB

  • do you lerp your camera shake?

    i also use scrollTo lerp for my camera and therefore have to make my own shake, but it doesn't look great.

    the problem is sometimes the shake ends on a position further away from where it was previously so when the shake is over and goes back to the normal lerp, it jumps a bit making it look bad.

  • dop2000 of course you can do the same with events.. the point is its just easier to do with Rex's CSV - why reinvent the wheel?

    one action to load it, one event to loop through it, and you can do a table "lookup" based on field name.

    currently there's nothing as easy as that, I've looked and tried.

  • this is STILL a very necessary plugin, I know it may not be needed by everyone. However, it's extremely powerful and light weight (event wise). Maybe I will put together tutorial on how I use it...