jobel's Forum Posts

  • its way too hard. I could barely get a 2nd orb. I kept falling and dying on enemies even though I was shooting them.

  • great job! how did you manage sync? last I tried to do sync with multi tracks in C3 it didn't work very well.

    one thing I might add, is some sort of moving progress bar (on the button) when the button is yellow to tell you that it will soon be green, same with going red to off.

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  • mOOnpunk the top one has no filter, the bottom one has the colorblind filter that shows what it looks like to someone with a color blindness.

    any chance you'd take a look at my game when ready? to tell me what is hard to see?

  • yikes!

  • I'm looking into color blindness and trying to figure out what colors to change. I heard Color Oracle worked okay for static images, but I had some trouble with it.

    Does anyone know of any resources to view a game through some sort of color blind filter so you can figure out what you would need to change?



  • testing out some "dash" mechanics...

  • R0J0hound oh that's great they did give you a few years free.

    also just curious... do you work in game development? do you have twitter or blog or anything to follow?

  • well I guess all I can do is express gratitude, so thank you! There are a number of great helpers on these forums, so I always try to give back (pay it forward) if I can. I guess in general your help is of a different variety, and really helps me to see things differently.

    I notice you don't have medal on your profile pic. Scirra should definitely comp you a lifetime c3 membership!

  • ARGH! sorry, bad mistake on my part... at least that issue is resolved!

    so now back to figuring out if bullet and custom are incompatible...

    also R0J0hound do you have a kofi account or something? I very much appreciate all your help and wouldn't mind buying you a coffee.

    EDIT: oh no, this has been working right all along! it was only my test that was faulty! but the original issue of you helping with family vs family and orbit speed to bullet speed was VERY helpful, so thank you!

    btw I checked that angle calculation MANY times and somehow I missed the Y and Y!

  • DiegoM not sure if you know the answer. Is cos() and sin() compatible with bullet angle of motion?

    the math here is not working for bullet when object are going up/down, but work left/right

  • R0J0hound okay I found its not Custom vs Bullet that is the issue. The issue still happens when I try a bullet vs bullet bounce.

    It works great from angles 0-180 but not 90-270

    Do you think the .AngleOfMotion could that give values that don't agree with sin() or cos()? (movingAngle is -90 when going up)

    I honestly don't know how its not working...

    here's a simple test

  • oh! I always assumed Custom and Bullet speed/angleOfMotion were the same. Maybe they are not?

    I will do some testing around this, I hope there's no major discrepency.

  • LinearSpeed = angularSpeed*radius*pi/180


    ah thanks for this! I was testing hitting a key to disable the orbit and transfering the speed to bullet and now that looks exactly right!

    I'm not worried about the bounce as much. The problem is, sometimes there's no collision and the objects just go right through each other. It's usually when its a north/south collision. like shown in the GIF in my previous post. It's almost as if there's no collision detected, which seems very odd.

    As far as circles vs boxes, the way I'm ultimately using them is probably closer to circles, but most sprites in games (unless you are using actual primitives) are drawn art (characters and things) usually have some depth to them, collision polygons are not drawn right to the edge and are usually smaller than the sprite itself. Even if the angle is off slightly it doesn't matter. However, if it goes in the complete wrong direction, or there is no redirect at all is when it doesn't look right.

    the bounce won’t change the angular velocity as is which adds to making the bounce not look right.

    I don't understand this part at all. why wouldn't it, if I transfer it to bullet.speed before the equations?

    all the side to side (east/west) collision work great.

    I thought maybe you set it up that way since your original response was to a question about how to make something like this happen:

    currently this happens (north/south collides):

  • original thread:

    R0J0hound revisiting the collision formula you gave me and I'm wondering if I got it wrong somewhere.

    This all started when I tried to make the collision happen when one of the objects is using the Orbit behavior. I want the collision to knock the orbital object out of orbit to then start using the bullet behavior.

    So I did a back-of-the-napkin translation of the orbit movement to a bullet "moving angle" by adding 90 to the rotation (in degrees). So if it's in orbit at 0 degrees and moving CW the moving angle is roughly 90 degrees. but it's not working very well.

    However, I noticed some other weird interactions with even non-orbit obstacles. A lot of times when the player is moving up/down, hitting an (non-orbital) obstacle that is moving up/down the collision seems wrong. So I wonder if this exposed something slightly off about the formula, because sometimes its works perfect (so that smells of doing a + instead of - or * instead of / etc..) I tried to mess with it, but I only made it worse!

    Also one other issue is that I am setting a max speed for all objects, could that be a factor?

    check it out here: