jobel's Forum Posts

  • does this Greenworks plugin support Steam cloud saves?

    EDIT: nevermind, Steam uses an Auto-Cloud Save feature that will work.

  • R0J0hound I elected to not "set cursor from sprite" since it's updates are not that reliable. If I change mouse pointers it doesn't always work which is why I started to use my own sprites instead. It was always wonky.

    You’d effectively be just doing all the math that mouse.x/y does behind the scene. Which would work but I don’t think it provides much benefit.

    Well if the mouse is showing it would not race across the screen as the camera moved. What happens is that sometimes depending on where the mouse was when the camera moves it travels over buttons that make clicking sounds and effects... it happens really fast as the camera moves. It's noticeable. It's sort of a polish nitpicky thing. I'm just trying to tighten up things. When I look at absolute values they never move when the camera moves. It still may happen since the hover buttons could move under the mouse, it would just be less so without it trailing like it currently does. I only know because if I run the game with Fullscreen mode OFF and use absolute for the mouse pos it pretty much fixes it.

    Set sprite x to mouse.x

    Set oldScrollx to scrollx

    Set scroll position

    Set sprite x to self.x-oldScrollx+scrollx

    aha! I will poke around with this.. however I have my mouse code in an #include (included on all event sheets) and the scroll happens in the layout's event sheet, so I have to find a way to do it... but that is a good suggestion to just make sure, thanks!

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  • Funky Koval I don't think pointer lock will help me here. I am positioning a sprite to wherever the mouse currently is on my layout and I lerp the screen position when "swiping" to the next screen. So its not an instant move... if it was I would have no issue. The main problem is I'm trying to be "stylish" and swipe right ..haha! If I shut off Fullscreen mode and use Absolute values it all works perfectly.

    what I need to do is:

    Set mouse_point_sprite to mouse.absolute x/y - upscale

    but upscale has to be calculated. but I guess if I use absolute for the hiding, I could use the calculation for position which doesn't have to be exact (is this what you meant R0J0hound?)

  • R0J0hound ah that's a good idea. Not sure why I didn't think to use absolute to see if it moved and the regular X for position. For some reason I was thinking I needed to use one or the other.

    That fixes the wake up problem. Although I still have the problem of when the mouse is awake and I slide to the next screen you see the mouse moving - which isn't a terrible thing, I just wanted it to stay in place and not "hover" over things as it moves across the screen.

    In general if you set a sprite to mouse.x/y there is a tiny little lag - a player wouldn't notice, but because I swipe screens and move pretty fast with easing (meaning the screen swipe is not instant) you see the mouse move. So when I saw the absolute values, I was thinking those are the ones I want.

    I tried viewport expression, but those seem to be pre-upscaling. I didn't see any 'screen' values in the Browser obj in c3 - maybe they removed that.

    if I shut off Fullscreen mode in Properties the absolute value works perfect.

  • is there a variable that tells you the current stretch of the screen? can you access Letterbox Scale somehow? I searched the doc and couldn't find anything.

  • I think I figured it out, but I don't know how to fix it.

    my screen reso is 854x480 and when I Letterbox Fullscreen mode it stretches the screen to 1920x1080 upscaling the game.

    so my mouselayer has to be parallax 0,0 but then it thinks the bottom RIGHT corner of the screen is x/y:854,480 but because Letterbox is scaling it, it is really at x/y:1920,1080

    (oh maybe parallax doesn't matter?)

  • okay. I got it to reproduce the issue, you have to fullscreen it to see how it exponentially strays from the actual mouse pointer.

    mouselayer is 100,100 parallax

  • wow! you are quick enough... profiles look GREAT! I love that you can view your most recent posts and not just a link to them... great job

  • I'm so confused...

    should the mouse pointer sprite be on a layer with 0 parallax?

  • Tom excellent work, these forums needed some love!

    I really love the "Mark all as Read", I have one of those strong pulls to blinking notifications and numbers - and while I love notifications, I've found often times you read things, but it still says you have a notification (happens in all apps). So having that mark all as read is a life saver. for real!

  • R0J0hound oh that is a great idea. I guess I was thinking mouse.x was where it was in the layout. thanks will try that out!

  • I'd rather not shut off all mouse/keys control when they switch to gamepad. I'm trying to make it as seamless as possible: pickup a controller, it works and all the glyphs change, start using the mouse, they change back.

  • R0J0hound

    here is the mouse "waking up" when I switch screens because technically the x/y is moving when I jump to the new ScrollTo position in the layout.

    I'm trying to avoid it "waking up"

    here you see the mouse pointer go invisible after a few seconds of being idle. I hit the E key to go to the next screen and the movement makes the mouse visible again

  • well the reason I need Absolute is a little bit complicated.

    basically I hide the mouse when not in use. The way I do that is I compare if the mouse has ever moved or was click to activate it.

    so when I jump to a different part of the layout the movement "wakes up" the mouse since the mouse is in a different position, if they are using the controller it messes things up like MouseOver etc... but mainly I don't want the mouse to wake up.

  • I'm having difficulty understanding the difference between Absolute and regular Mouse.X - I'm using my own mouse pointer by putting a sprite in place of where the mouse is.

    I don't know what it is about my project but I can't reproduce what is happening here. I just don't understand how this is happening. If I set it to follow mouse.x it works fine, but if I set it to follow absoluteX its exponentially ahead of it.

    it doesn't matter if my mouse pointer layer is parallax 0,0 or 100,100

    can anyone help explain it? or has seen this?

    (I need to use Absolute because I change screen positions and I want the pointer to stay in place as the window snaps to a different part of the layout)