Jetta88's Forum Posts

  • I normally create game templates and eBooks for sale, so nah I'm good.. You don't have to do anything for me. :biggrin:

    I played your app. Nice design and gameplay. I may do a review on it on my website soon.

  • How about this one? ... tenhexagon

    Do you have any game where I can spend $0.99 back?

    Thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    [quote:3iw3kxak]I'm not really utilizing any iAP in my game(s) at the moment

  • I'm not really utilizing any iAP in my game(s) at the moment, but I'll be happy to spend .99 on one of your apps?

    Just let me know which one.

  • Those are nice eCPMs.. I might need to start giving AppoDeal a look.

  • San Ki Kwong, Can you describe better how to install?

    I copied the files into the construct2 folder but they don't appear in the ide.

    With construct2 closed, also tried to drag each file into the construct executable icon. Then Construct2 opens and it gives an error.

    Do I have to drag the folder or individual files, and where to drop them ?



    You have to drag and drop the .c2addon files into the IDE and it will install. Just make sure to restart the IDE for the plugins to take effect.

  • In my opinion, I think they should keep what they currently have, but raise the 100 event limit for Free Users.

  • I see you finally put them on the Scirra Store. I've had the plugins long before then, but with these plugins, you helped me establish good revenue over the past few months and I applaud you for that.

  • I'm starting an early Black Friday Scirra Store on my products until December 1st, 2015.

    Get all of this:

    Originally, all of this would cost $59.52, but you can grab all of this for a limited time for $11.84!

  • Great news.

    How many downloads do you have, to make such a money with ads?

    The money doesn't come from the ads. Most of the money I made comes from connections and making custom C2 mobile apps for clients and selling reskinned existing apps on

  • A couple of good links I didn't know about in the ASO section: thanks for sharing!


  • Do you have an example source that you can share so I can check and see the problem?

  • Just use Letterbox Scale, export your project to Cordova and view in the emulator and tell me if that worked for you.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Use Letterbox Scale.

    Recommend window size:

    LandScape (854x480)

    Portrait (480x854)

  • I made a guide last year that I sold that explained about how to promote your game using Facebook Groups and ASO (App Search Optimization).. It's a bit outdated but it's still effective, so I updated minor parts of the guide and made it free. You can grab it here..

  • > Well it depends on how much traffic is on your app. the more people use your app the more you earn. you can earn around $200 dollars or more in a day iff their are around 2000 downloads. By my game ADVENTURE RUSH, i m earning $150 dollars a day.


    Can anyone tell me/guide me regarding how to get downloads for your game? I've just freshly uploaded my game on Play Store and there are not much downloads, only 20 so far. How does it work out ? can anyone share their experience ?

    here is the playstore link: any type of feedback and suggestions on how to get downloads will be appreciated!


    I made a guide last that I sold that explained about how to promote your game using Facebook Groups and ASO (App Search Optimization).. It's a bit outdated but it's still effective, so I updated minor parts of the guide and made it free. You can grab it here..