Jase00's Forum Posts

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    I believe the admins don't work on weekends - it's a small company, and everyone needs a break from work to switch off and get on with their lives and do their hobbies, see friends and family.

    If they peeked at the forum every single day for the past 10 years, then that'd drive anyone insane.

    Rest assured, it will be looked at and maybe even fixed on Monday.

  • ACCES-Mathieu , How strange, I can see "Align" when I highlight 2 instances and right-click one of them.

    I also finally discovered the "Expand" and "Collapse" groups button in C3 - If you right-click a group, it's within a sub-menu called "Event Sheet" which I didn't even realise existed, so that's good to see! (C2 had it immediately visible when right-clicking a group).

  • I had a similar question but always thought it was too minor to post about.

    C2 has "collapse all groups" in the event sheet editor, but I don't believe this exists in C3.

  • Ayy,

    Just curious, what options are there for a entirely offline LAN game, without the need to be online to connect to a signalling server or anything?

    Is it impossible to use IP connections in HTML5, even with a 3rd party plugin?

    Also, this is NW.JS only, if that matters.

    The purpose is to send really basic data, doesn't need to have UDP, but does need to bi-directional. Think of a turn-based simple game, like chess.

    Thanks for the input!

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  • Thanks for feedback piranha305 and dop2000 - I asked, and I received! Yeah even if it's on the forums here (I don't even have social media beyond Reddit, tbh I'd actually make an account just to vote if it was only social media, that's how eager I'd be for some form of influence for C3), and it doesn't need to be "monthly", it could be once a new beta cycle starts and it could gauge what to make in the next beta cycle for 2 months into the future perhaps (of course not at the start of a new beta cycle and then expecting to have the suggestion made within the next few releases).

    It's a shame it didn't come to be though when you suggested it a year back.

    I think if we do a 6-monthly reset, we could take the top 10 or so ideas at the end of that period, and permanently archive them somewhere, so the fact they got a lot of votes is recorded and isn't lost right away.

    I mean, I'm not 100% against the idea, but I guess I don't know exactly what you had in mind - if you archived the top 10 or something, would this be public, or tucked away at Scirra...and wouldn't this build up suddenly over time?

    The whole point of this discussion is to figure out how to avoid people inundating us with a mountain of work that is literally impossible to implement. Then people get disappointed that what they suggested isn't being worked on. If people can post unlimited suggestions, we'll be inundated.

    With the "monthly poll" idea combined with dop2000's "upvote once on all suggestions" idea, then you don't need to worry about the hundreds of new ideas that only get 6 upvotes, and you don't have to worry about being inundated with a huge amount of suggestions, nor worry as much about disappointing people, because: If the casual C3 user browses the suggestions website, and they know that they can upvote whatever they like, then they'll probably check out "Recent" and will hand out upvotes and comments to whatever they feel is a good idea, and ignore (or downvote?) the ideas that are poorly written, bad, pointless, or even defend Scirra on suggestions that go against Scirra's philosophy (e.g. The community will defend Scirra if someone's trying to attract attention to a "native export" idea - We care about C3 and we understand its mission and we would explain this to anyone trying to scream about native exports).

    Once suggestions start reaching a high amount of votes, then it's up to Scirra to set boundaries on what they will acknowledge or not, maybe Scirra would only acknowledge & write a comment on the top 20 suggestions, which doesn't mean Scirra will immediataely work on the suggestion, but Scirra could at least provide feedback, even if a suggestion gets to number 1, Scirra can dish out the facts and say "Sounds great, this is feasable" or "That's impossible I'm afraid, [maybe a quick reason why it's impossible, just to soften the blow]".

    I think it needs to be accepted that a fair amount of people will have to be disappointed, it's impossible to cater to all suggestions, but I guess I'm trying to focus on how to make the disappointment lower, as well as change the "reason" for disappointment. If people are competing to get their suggestion noticed, then yes disappointment exists, disappointment will always exist regardless of the solution to this topic, but where now we have people thinking "Does Scirra randomly check up on this website? Or not? Is it alive? Should I even bother?", we could instead have a busy suggestions platform with unlimited upvotes, and people would be thinking "Damn I need to write something well-written and spark discussion on my suggestion to encourage people to vote for it, because if I do, then it will rise and then there's a guarantee that it will be acknowledged by Scirra". This would happen primarily because the suggestion-creator knows the community has unlimited voting power, and would be thinking "The community are upvoting based entirely on how I write my post and the idea itself (and not voting based on "Hmm I only have 1 spare vote to give, I'll use it elsewhere"), so I better write this out well so I attract maximum attention".

    This all relies on the suggestions website being a busy website, but I really do think that the consistency of a monthly/bi-monthly poll of 5 highly-rated suggestions (that Scirra picked from the top 10 highest-rated ideas) would surely attract people to the suggestions website. With the existence of these polls, people will know that the suggestions site is alive and thriving, which attracts more visitors, more votes, more participants - I mentioned doing these polls on Social Media; wouldn't this boost Scirra's visibility too when more people engage on your Social Media posts?

    The absolute key point about being inundated with a mountain of work: The 5 suggestions that are in the poll will be voted on, and once the poll is over, those 5 suggestions will then be filtered down into one ultimate suggestion, which then Scirra could then work on. All said and done, this leaves Scirra with 1 suggestion to implement into C3 between each poll, and maybe commenting on like 20 suggestions. That's it for Scirra. The rest is the community curating the suggestions and essentially doing most of the admin work with votes and comments. A consistent pipeline like this just sounds really ideal to me, I wish I could articulate why.

    I'm hyper-focused and passionate about the poll and "unlimited upvotes" concept, but to comment on the "minor suggestions" thing - I'd say keep this section! Or, can you do "tags" and make it so people can tag things as a "minor suggestion", therefore keeping categories tidy? If Scirra could then browse via "Highest-rated minor suggestions", then this can be another poll at a different rate to monthly (considering they are MINOR, this shouldn't become a huge addition to Scirra's workload), and maybe only acknowledge the top 5 instead, or however Scirra would want to handle the numbers and workload. Keeping in mind that these should still have the strict "This isn't exactly a minor suggestion, sorry" judgement from Scirra - because otherwise it WILL waste your time.

  • Deleting suggestions after 6 months or 3 months... I don't feel that I understand. Does it mean that every suggestion with 50+ votes gets a response? What if you amassed 100 votes over the 6 months, gaining new votes every couple of days, but suddenly its deleted because its been 6 months and 10 other suggestions reached 150 votes, therefore you have to start over? Then all the discussion in the comments of your suggestion is deleted? I don't like the sound of it.

    I do like dop2000's idea, it almost makes me curious how it'd go if a /r/c3ideas subreddit was created and promoted by Scirra, since Reddit has all the systems in place, and the suggestions website right now is a 3rd party product anyway. At least your suggestion that you spent time and effort into writing won't be deleted (then again, reddit archives after so many months right?)

    Anyone want to chime in on my suggestion from earlier in this topic? Even if its a con or to say "lol that'll never work"? My suggestion covers popular suggestions and more "minor" suggestions, and I think the pros to my suggestion would be that it gives confidence in everyone that stuff WILL get done, and even Scirra can cherry-pick suggestions themselves, so it's a win win for everyone. I also think it would attract people to the suggestions platform more because of a consistent "monthly" social media poll - consistency is key, unlike currently where its random what's produced next in C3, it's random when the suggestions platform is checked (which seemed to have spawned this topic in the first place) etc.

    I get that Scirra can't make accurate judgements on the feasibility of a new idea, but if that's the case, then ANY method of handling suggestions is fundamentally pointless (e.g. Let's go with Ashley's idea: 6 months pass, everything deleted, a reasonable suggestion rises to number 1 which Scirra takes on, but turns out during development that Scirra discover its very complicated, then they pause/change focus/etc.)

  • I'll try to make some time next week to go through the suggestions platform and update the status on some of the ideas, starting with the ones with the highest votes (as those are presumably the ones most people care about).

    This is greatly appreciated, although I understand the community member's uncertainty with the suggestions platform as of now - I haven't used my votes in over a year, I don't even remember what I voted for (probably my own stuff mostly, how selfish of me D; ), and I would assume there's more people that's done this too.

    I think the solution is to figure out how to have fewer ideas that most people care about. Having hundreds of suggestions covering years and years of potential work is indeed getting unmanageable. So, if anyone has any ideas on how to radically reduce the number of ideas, let me know... but I'm pretty sure things like letting people have more votes, and be able to submit more ideas, will just make this much worse.

    Oh! How about this: Lets assume the suggestions plaform did not contain years-old votes, or lets just ignore that aspect for now:

    Perhaps an occasional poll on social media of the top 5 most-voted ideas (as long as they are approved and would be viable for Scirra to produce, i.e. you won't ever have unrealistic ideas such as "Native export" appear on this poll)? This would give the community more chance to give direct influence to Construct 3.

    I would see myself ALWAYS casting a vote on something like this. If something I really care about was never getting voted on, I would be on the forums discussing it more amongst the community, rather than thinking "should I try to convince Scirra/Ashley in a forum post?".

    If you had run a poll a few weeks ago with "3D Shapes" and 4 other ideas, then I'm very confident that "3D Shapes" would have amassed loads of votes as it's common knowledge amongst the community that "3D" is a desire from a lot of people. For me who would not be using 3D Shapes, this would have still been a good poll result from my view, because it feels like, as a community, we have made a group decision to influence the future of Construct 3. (Little do we know, that you may have picked 5 things YOU are interested in developing, yet we as a community would feel like WE made the decision. ;) )

    It's your software though, you might have a confident idea on what's best to do next for Construct 3 - after all, you made this software and pretty much live and breathe javascript and gamedev, and a lot of us really trust your instinct and decisions when you respond on the forum. I suppose even an occassional "minor ideas" poll where something a bit more smaller (e.g. NOT "3d shapes", but a further improvement to something already existing or something) so that Scirra can work on whatever complicated thing they have in development, but still maintain a sense of "Community has some influence".

    But yeah - On a sort of casual note - It always looks like so much work is directed towards yourself Ashley. You have on Construct's homepage that you have 180,000 monthly customers, but you have about 2(?) programmers. I think a lot of us can recognise that you have a LOT of people coming up with all sorts of suggestions and expectations for what Construct 3 should focus on, and it is impressive how much has been produced with such few (very talented) staff. I don't know how you guys do it. Construct 3 itself, the several editors within C3, many plugins that need updating whenever Google/Apple/This/That update something, people eager to have a say in the next features of C3, forum posts etc. I know not ALL of that is on your plate and you have other staff that do great work for Scirra. Yet, you still bust out regular beta updates and such with complex features often. It's impressive to say the least.

    I hope the workload gets even a tiny bit lighter for you one day, hopefully more staff is a viable option (it's none of our business how you choose to run Scirra) or even volunteers helping out at some point - I don't know. Maybe some day you can go back to writing occassional blog posts again as a more cathartic bit of work in your day job (assuming you enjoy writing those; Myself and many others enjoyed reading them!) Amazing bit of software though, we can all agree, it's why we are so determined to have influence to C3's next features.

  • I completely agree. Like, I passionately agree. It's great to be able to influence the software that you use and spend regular money on.

    But we already know the response that's coming - "we are a small company".

    It would be cool if there was an employee who could do these minor/moderate suggestions that might take a couple of hours to implement and test. I always get excited for updates but it does feel focused sometimes, like I'm not interested in 3D shapes (it's really cool, but not needed in my case) but it seems like the next few updates might end up being mainly about 3d shapes. There's me who is eager to see new stuff in the event sheet view, where I spent 90% of my time. Improvements to bookmarking such as groups and coloured bookmarks and other event sheet improvements would just speed things right up for me, but how would I ever attract attention to that lol, I wouldn't give up a vote for something that I don't think I'd use myself.

    I sometimes have seen people post on the forum and then their suggestion is more likely seen and an answer is given. I rather not do this coz it feels like it'd pollute the forum, and if everyone started doing it, then it would probably be enforced to remove posts like that and pushed towards the suggestions website once more.

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    I was curious to see how many others would still continue to use Construct 2 after support is officially ended after July 2021.

    Personally, I have about 3 projects that I'm working on-and-off in C3, but I do have 1 large project that is only about 30% completed that is still in C2, and I chose not to move to C3 for this project for a few reasons (too many third-party plugins, the project is a free game that I slowly work on so I'd rather not develop it on a "subscription" software, etc.)

    Anyone else still hold their love and passion towards C2?

    Anyone still in the middle of a large project, or developing addons still?

    Or does anyone see themselves starting new projects in C2 even in a year from now?

    Does anyone have fears, or confidence, on how C2 will function in the upcoming years? (e.g. Years ago, we once had that issue where a mandatory update was needed to fix all audio in all HTML5 games. What are the chances of something like this happening again I wonder.)

    I feel its a strong bit of software still - I found that it fits my workflow in some places, e.g. I do not use multiple event sheets and only use groups, which works fine in C2, but in C3, the editor can lag terribly when you have 3000+ events, so I need to start adapting to using multiple event sheets (which is probably better practice anyway, but hard to unlearn what I've been doing since using clickteam products 10+ years ago!)

    Would be curious to see what others think!

  • Many thanks Ashley, glad that they work!

    The third party addon thing...

    I moved to C3 with the intention to strictly use the official plugins only, so that I can get optimal support from Scirra if any issues arise, and not need to mess around with removing plugins to submit bug reports and such. Makes it easier for everyone.

    It would be confusing to try to use third party plugins when there's official plugins that are advertised and documented from Scirra. If someone had an issue that came from using a third party plugin that already exists as an official plugin, then I would have thought Scirra would think "why are you using a third party plugin, we have an official one!" like if people tried to use the ported Paster plugin, surely we would be strongly advised to use the Drawing Canvas plugin as it's official.

    There's definitely trustworthy developers out there, but I'd hate if I misjudged, or the cost is high to buy the plugins, and buying a third party plugin doesn't guarantee support or that it will continue to be updated. Whereas it is the opposite for official plugins (free to use any of them, support is given, updated often, bug report system that applies to all official plugins, etc.)

  • Uh, just to clarify, besides the subscription feature, do these monetisation plugins work correctly? Are they not being maintainted at all?

    I planned to use Mobile IAP at some point and this thread made me confused about the level of maintenance for official Scirra plugins. I've never monetised any previous projects before.

    I really rather not rely on any third-party plugins either, as this has burned me in the past.

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  • I'm subscribed to work on a Android project only. I avoid using third party plugins at all, just so that I can have full compatibility and avoid any weird issues, but this thread makes me worried that when I start testing APK exports, that I will encounter many problems and will need to spend a lot of time fiddling with the scripts options/Web worker options, debugging and testing why I get different results in an APK vs Chrome, etc.

    I really hope this doesn't happen, otherwise I'll be thinking "Why did I subscribe to C3 when I could have just continued using C2 which didn't have these issues when I exported APK files?".

  • How does one create a custom theme in C3?

  • Fair enough, thanks for the reply, I was mostly curious if it was potentially going to be added.

    Cut and paste is painfully slow (In the example I gave with 10 actions and moving the 5th action to the 4th position in the list... this would be so many repititions of "long-press, cut, long-press, paste"... only to move an action up by 1).

    I understand C3's mobile support is supposed to be for basic touch-ups... I suppose thats why I wish I could drag n' drop events and actions, to "touch-up" my events. To me, reordering events is more "quick touch-ups" than writing out expressions or using the image editing stuff, which all works fine on mobile.

    I understand UI is extremely complicated... I assumed "all the code is already there", so I thought it wouldn't be a matter of writing a huge chunk of UI code, but maybe it's just adding a Boolean here or there to check if your touch is within an area of the Event Sheet View, and then checking the boolean and if true, then use the "Touch Scrolling" code, else use the "Behave as Mouse" code. Perhaps I misunderstand and that a physical "touch" is not compatible with the "Behave as Mouse" code or some other unexpected reason.

    This made me check out GDevelop as this is the only comparable product I could think of (A Game Development HTML5 app that works on mobile), and turns out that GDevelop allows you to drag n'drop events, but not actions as far as I could see.