j0schi's Forum Posts

  • Hey Asmodean, no problems at all, happens to me on a regualar basis haha :D

    So your explanation actually gave me an idea how to solve this:


    This works perfectly.

    What i dont get why the my first version does not work, but maybe you are right and its a picking problem... But as i use Familys for a comparrison it seems to be an engine quirk, maybe not a bug...

    Anyways, that is solved for now with the workarround... I think making the "minecart" move along the rails will be even more complex... I tryed physics and platform behavior but both seem to be to wonky. So i have to figure out a way to determine which way to go haha :D

    Anyways, thank you very much


  • Hey Asmodean,

    but both condition should be true! So if i test every single condition it works in both cases. But i want them both to be true at the same time! It was just for demonstrating that both work (OR) but AND does not work even when both are true...

  • So what i am trying to do is pretty straight forward, and maybe i am missing something or its an engine quirk i dont know about but it just seems not to work.

    I have a 128x128 grid, where i want to place "rails" which should connect themselfes automatically. Therefore i check the neighboring sprites with "overlapping at offset".

    so this works: gyazo.com/9c16badd3235b5c920df8eef08e0c972

    as you can see here: gyazo.com/5a13a9055ce0032ff21e3c4eca6ab46f

    it switches the frame regardless if the other rail is right or right and above it. which is fine.

    however when i do it like this: gyazo.com/a5a77cc73eebe869efd440c6b9aa2238

    It does not work: gyazo.com/a7a8bec39d0925aa79e175bedb45a906

    can someone tell me how it can be that both conditions are never true when each single one is true? I really dont get it, what am i missing?

    Thanks & Kind regards


  • Hey Folks, i am currently getting back into constrcut doing some experimentation with tilemaps and random world generation, to be precice i want to generate caves. So i took a clother look into advanced random which seem to be a good start. However the caves dont look closely what i want them to haha :D

    So i would like to have more horizontal caves, with a rather flat ground. Somehow i thought i have to modify the amplitude maybe, but that does not to seem possible.

    Another thing, i want to place ojects randomly on the map. Arround the object a cave should emmerge. its pretty easy to make a square cave, but how do i do that with advanced ramdom? So the cave does not look like a square ;) Could anyone point me in the right direction? Maybe advanced random is the wrong starting point?

    Kind regards


  • Ok, i tryed for a few hours now and was able to figure out the most stuff. Anyways, i cant get it to work properly, the problem was described before in this thread: Is there anyway to modify the scale within the object frame?

    i mean it would make a lot of sense to at least be able to set it when the object is created?

    My workarround would be that i set the scale beforehand but then i have trouble centering the image...

  • Alright, thanks :)

    I have another quick question: I use the Scale Property together with keep aspect ratio which works great. However as there are no image points its a bit hard to place everything. Also, and this is important, it seems i cant modify the scale property from the event sheet. Is this correct, or do i miss something? Sometimes i create another spine object and i want it to be smaller than the other ones, so it would be nice if i could manipulate the scale :)

    Kind regards


    Alright, thanks :)

    I have another quick question: I use the Scale Property together with keep aspect ratio which works great. However as there are no image points its a bit hard to place everything. Also, and this is important, it seems i cant modify the scale property from the event sheet. Is this correct, or do i miss something? Sometimes i create another spine object and i want it to be smaller than the other ones, so it would be nice if i could manipulate the scale :)

    Kind regards


    Update: Another question, another solution: One can pin the object to another one with size angle and scale, this actually seems to resize the object :) However it seems that the origin of my spine object is not the center it seems like "moving arround" when you scale it, which is a bit strange.... it scales in another speed than the rest...

    Unfortunatly the privatemessagefunction seems to be gone, so i am posting this here: Mikal

    When i donate i get an error page afterwards from git:


    File not found

    The site configured at this address does not contain the requested file.

    If this is your site, make sure that the filename case matches the URL.

    For root URLs (like example.com/) you must provide an index.html file.

    Read the full documentation for more information about using GitHub Pages.

  • A bit of feedback:

    When i set a custom skin "on start of layout" it does not work at all. i have to wait at least 0.9 seconds for the skin to be set. seems to be a bit of a strange behavior :(

    Ill experiment a bit more with it...

    Kind regards


    Update: I realized i can use "on sceleton loaded" as a trigger to set the skin asap :)

  • No examples yet, sorry, only thing that i can say is, that its used as a background picture and we are working a lot with mesh deforming and now skins :) ill send you a message when its done if you are interested and i still remember haha :D

  • Ohhh i get it now at least partitially, thanks, thats basically what i am looking for :)

    I heared that there is actually something called "spine slots" and that they eventually can be toggled on and off? Maybe this is the way to go, does the plugin supports this? If not i will go for skins, as i could just make an empty skin for an object if it is not there.

    Thanks again and kind regards


  • Hey, and first of all thank you for making this plugin! It might actually be THE reason for me to switch over to C3 as i am still developing in C2 haha :D So i tested arround with the free version a bit but i am also relativly new to spine, so quick question:

    Is it possible to set a single "layer" of the animation to invisible? Or do i have to use skins for this? ( i dont know how to use skins yet) As an example: The hero wears an armor when he finds it, under that its just a shirt. So do i have to use a skin for the body or can i set the armor to invisible till he finds it (as the armor is also animated)

    Thanks :) and kind regards


  • Try Construct 3

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  • With the intel XDK gone there is only one way for me to build my games for mobile: Cordova CLI. Which is working fine so far. However, i thought aboutfinally starting to earn some money from my creations, so i would like to integreate some ad`s. Problem is, there seems no working way to rly do this with construct 2 anymore.

    When using the build in admob object in construct i cant build the game properly:

    Failed to install 'cordova-plugin-ad-admob': CordovaError: Failed to fetch plugin github.com/cranberrygame/cordova-plugin-ad-admob-sdk via registry.

    Probably this is either a connection problem, or plugin spec is incorrect.

    Then i found this: scirra.com/store/construct2-plugins/ultimate-ads-3549 but from the posts in the forum it seems like it has a lot of problems. Also in the tutorial videos its not stated how and if it works with a cordova cli export...

    Is there any way left to monetize apps build in construct 2?

    Do i just have to switch to construct 3? I still dislike it somehow, cant really say why... but maybe it is finally time to say goodbye to construct 2?

    Sorry for offtopic, but from what i understand it is easy to integrate ads in construct 3 as the app is build by the online service?

    Kind regads


  • Hey folks, just released my first game for android made with construct 2. Performance of phones has gotten a lot better the last years and now it makes actual sense to release for android!

    Subscribe to Construct videos now


  • Mostly i have internet, so thats no problem, i read somewhere that you need to connect every 7 days or so which is fine... thing is how i use constrcut it is quite pricy for me... Most likely i will never make any real moneys from my games, so i do it mostly for fun, and 1 or 2 month a jear (when i have time for it besides of my main job). I would happily subscribe if i could switch the subscription on / off on a monthly basis (as i can with every other subscription i have) problem is nowdays, everything is subscription based, so you really have to keep an eye on it... Jea construct alone is not much and it might be fairly priced, but so are the 6 other services i use and bam, you pay 300$ a month worth of subscriptions... (Sorry for offtopic)

    I will take another look at the free version of 3 and just programm a little bit in it to see if i can get used to the interface... i might switch, or give up making games hahaha :D

    Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction

  • Hey dop2000

    In Construct 3 you can create objects by name.

    Finally a valid reason for me to switch to construct 3 :D I might have to do so soon... Basically i just wait for the offline version to be more polished, not a big fan of the new version yet...

    So, for example you put Leg.AsJSON into the array. Then when needed you create Leg sprite and do "Leg Set from JSON".

    i have already experimentred with this, it makes a lot more sense then savong all the variables seperatly...

    Also, take a look at Spriter addon

    i have to take a closer look at this, never knew you could use those directly... but i think it wont help me with this particular project...

    For now i will rethink the whole process, maybe i find another viable solution :)

    Thanks again dop2000, i appreciate it!

  • Thats a hard to answer question, without seeing your code.

    normaly if you you da something like

    Sprite1 on collision with Sprite2 {Sprite2 destroy}

    it should only destroy the Sprites involved in the process as they are picked by construct with the on collision condition