j0schi's Forum Posts

  • This game was developed over the last days, as a promotional project. It will be available at the Google Playstore without ad`s.

    I appreciate any thoughts feedback and so on

    Please keep in mind, that it was intended to keep this game very simple without the use of ads or online highscores.


    Kind regards


  • R0J0hound Touch.X("layer") that would have been the solution! didnt know about this function though

    Thank you so much for helping me out here!

    Kind regards


  • Tha tgame is so smart Very impressive though!

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  • i just loove your game! did you do the art your self? for me the hitting is to sensitive, maybe implement a limit?

    regarding the the very slow condition, well i have implemented this really early, so i think he meant another problem. ive also included a "big" ready sign when the ball si slow enought. so it should be a little clearer when to hit

    Kind regards

  • ThomasP yea you are right, but somehow i couldnt make the connection in my brain... however since i am aproched it from a diferent line of view it all makes sence now lol

    my bad

  • LittleStain it worked!

    For the record, here is my solution:

  • [quote:jexrjq3k]Pick Nth instance

    Pick the instance at a given place in the internal list of picked objects. This is most useful used in sub-events to act on separate instances. For example, in a "Sprite collided with Sprite" event, Pick 0th instance and Pick 1st instance can be used to act on each instance involved in the collision separately.

    THAT should work! thank you so much for pointing that out! i dont know how i could possible have missed that!

    [quote:jexrjq3k]By the way, if you just use family on collision with family wouldn't both be affected (because both instances are referenced in the event)

    Thats what i thought and tryed, but only one object is affected. i think construct at this point pics the first or a random instance and applys the effect.

    what i will do now is to pick each instance (mostly 0,1) and apply the effect. that should work!

    thanks again for pointing this out!



  • ThomasP

    thanks for pointing it out, ive already read it several times. so maybe i am to dump to understand it or maybe i just need another solution.

    so problem is i am not only have to compare 2 instances but 20 or more.

    i can set a instance variable to the uid at the start of layout, no problem.

    but my question is, how do i pick (damage ) BOTH instances participating in the collision out of 20 existing, not only one.



  • love the new title screen, not so sure about the second image though... a smooth glowing effect would be fantastic, but i know that would add masive ammount of images...

    for enemys... well it would suit the overall humor style if you reference / use something from "iron sky"


  • blackhornet

    Thansk for the suggestion, but if i understand correctly i would have to add physics to the second family also. because if not the

    family.physics.velocity[/code:2bh4mb6g] would not be available right? and when i apply 2 physics behaviors to one object it would end in chaos 
  • Anonnymitet yea its developed with mobile inmind, however the screes are a little small.

    the early hit is kind of a problem which i dont know how to solve it... at somepoint if the ball is moving i have to diable the ability to hit it. currently i am thinking of a big notification when you can hit it again. would make sence. since the little grey button (bottom left) isn`t much of a help.

    to be honest, i am not much of a grafic person i hate this fact, but i tryed so often again and again and its just not mine, so all grafics are either bought or done by other people. there is one little exception, i did the holes my self with psd (and i am so freaking proud of it lol) sometimes i also modify things or build new things from existing objects.

    currently i am working on implementing destroiable glass blocks:

    i will post an update here when its done

    i am working on this problem right now:

    currently i am programming 17h a day to make this work hopefully people will like this game.

    Kind regards


  • Hi, i want to check collision of 2 objects (which could be the same) from the same family.

    In the case they collide they should be both damaged. curretly only one gets the whole damage.

    can someone points me in the right direction? i have marked my current attempt yellow.

    Both glassblocks are also in the family glassblocks

    Kind regards


  • thats really up to you... the user input must happen before connecting. so asking the user first and then connect after the user hit a button is a good idea.

  • Anonnymitet i like it... personally i would like it more if there where just a skip button (optional). Intro is great though, nobody should skip it haha

  • wix -> dont

    do it your self... if you go cheap you wont have high availability neither you will have speed. but it will be enought for a long time. i have some performant servers avaiable for hosting, but they are located in germany.

