iyenal222's Forum Posts

  • I tried to convert this shader to C2 : ax23w4.itch.io/lightrays-2d-effect but now I arrived to this result :

    A gradient. But I don't know what is doing this. Do you can know please ?

    Here is the shader :

    uniform highp float seconds;
    uniform highp float _Speed;
    uniform highp float _Size;
    uniform highp float _Skew;
    uniform highp float _Shear;
    uniform highp float _Fade;
    uniform highp float _Contrast;
    varying mediump vec2 vTex;
    void main ()
      highp vec4 _Color1;
      highp vec4 _Color2;
      _Color1 = vec4(0.100000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000);
      _Color2 = vec4(0.000000,0.460000,1.000000,0.000000);
      lowp vec4 tmpvar_1;
      highp float val_2;
      highp float noisePos_3;
      highp vec4 color_4;
      mediump float tmpvar_5;
      tmpvar_5 = (1.0 - vTex.y);
      highp vec4 tmpvar_6;
      tmpvar_6 = mix (_Color1, _Color2, vec4(tmpvar_5));
      color_4 = tmpvar_6;
      mediump float tmpvar_7;
      tmpvar_7 = vTex.x;
      noisePos_3 = tmpvar_7;
      noisePos_3 += -0.5;
      noisePos_3 = (noisePos_3 * _Size);
      noisePos_3 = (noisePos_3 + (tmpvar_5 * (_Size * _Skew)));
      noisePos_3 = (noisePos_3 * (1.0/(mix (1.0, _Shear, tmpvar_5))));
      highp vec2 tmpvar_8;
      tmpvar_8.x = noisePos_3;
      tmpvar_8.y = (seconds * _Speed);
      highp vec2 P_9;
      P_9 = tmpvar_8;
      highp vec4 gx_10;
      highp float tmpvar_11;
      tmpvar_11 = (float(mod (floor((tmpvar_8.y / 1000.0)), 2.0)));
      if ((tmpvar_11 == 0.0)) {
        P_9.y = (tmpvar_8.y - (floor(
          (tmpvar_8.y / 1000.0)
        ) * 1000.0));
      } else {
        P_9.y = (P_9.y - (floor(
          (P_9.y / 1000.0)
        ) * 1000.0));
        P_9.y = (1000.0 - P_9.y);
      highp vec4 tmpvar_12;
      tmpvar_12 = (floor(P_9.xyxy) + vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
      highp vec4 tmpvar_13;
      tmpvar_13 = (fract(P_9.xyxy) - vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
      highp vec4 tmpvar_14;
      tmpvar_14 = tmpvar_13.xzxz;
      highp vec4 tmpvar_15;
      tmpvar_15 = tmpvar_13.yyww;
      highp vec4 tmpvar_16;
      tmpvar_16 = (((34.0 * 
        (tmpvar_12.xzxz * tmpvar_12.xzxz)
      ) + tmpvar_12.xzxz) / vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
      highp vec4 tmpvar_17;
      tmpvar_17 = (fract(abs(tmpvar_16)) * vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
      highp float tmpvar_18;
      if ((tmpvar_16.x >= 0.0)) {
        tmpvar_18 = tmpvar_17.x;
      } else {
        tmpvar_18 = -(tmpvar_17.x);
      highp float tmpvar_19;
      if ((tmpvar_16.y >= 0.0)) {
        tmpvar_19 = tmpvar_17.y;
      } else {
        tmpvar_19 = -(tmpvar_17.y);
      highp float tmpvar_20;
      if ((tmpvar_16.z >= 0.0)) {
        tmpvar_20 = tmpvar_17.z;
      } else {
        tmpvar_20 = -(tmpvar_17.z);
      highp float tmpvar_21;
      if ((tmpvar_16.w >= 0.0)) {
        tmpvar_21 = tmpvar_17.w;
      } else {
        tmpvar_21 = -(tmpvar_17.w);
      highp vec4 tmpvar_22;
      tmpvar_22.x = tmpvar_18;
      tmpvar_22.y = tmpvar_19;
      tmpvar_22.z = tmpvar_20;
      tmpvar_22.w = tmpvar_21;
      highp vec4 x_23;
      x_23 = (tmpvar_22 + tmpvar_12.yyww);
      highp vec4 tmpvar_24;
      tmpvar_24 = (((34.0 * 
        (x_23 * x_23)
      ) + x_23) / vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
      highp vec4 tmpvar_25;
      tmpvar_25 = (fract(abs(tmpvar_24)) * vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
      highp float tmpvar_26;
      if ((tmpvar_24.x >= 0.0)) {
        tmpvar_26 = tmpvar_25.x;
      } else {
        tmpvar_26 = -(tmpvar_25.x);
      highp float tmpvar_27;
      if ((tmpvar_24.y >= 0.0)) {
        tmpvar_27 = tmpvar_25.y;
      } else {
        tmpvar_27 = -(tmpvar_25.y);
      highp float tmpvar_28;
      if ((tmpvar_24.z >= 0.0)) {
        tmpvar_28 = tmpvar_25.z;
      } else {
        tmpvar_28 = -(tmpvar_25.z);
      highp float tmpvar_29;
      if ((tmpvar_24.w >= 0.0)) {
        tmpvar_29 = tmpvar_25.w;
      } else {
        tmpvar_29 = -(tmpvar_25.w);
      highp vec4 tmpvar_30;
      tmpvar_30.x = tmpvar_26;
      tmpvar_30.y = tmpvar_27;
      tmpvar_30.z = tmpvar_28;
      tmpvar_30.w = tmpvar_29;
      highp vec4 tmpvar_31;
      tmpvar_31 = ((fract(
        (tmpvar_30 / 41.0)
      ) * 2.0) - 1.0);
      highp vec4 tmpvar_32;
      tmpvar_32 = (abs(tmpvar_31) - 0.5);
      gx_10 = (tmpvar_31 - floor((tmpvar_31 + 0.5)));
      highp vec2 tmpvar_33;
      tmpvar_33.x = gx_10.x;
      tmpvar_33.y = tmpvar_32.x;
      highp vec2 tmpvar_34;
      tmpvar_34.x = gx_10.y;
      tmpvar_34.y = tmpvar_32.y;
      highp vec2 tmpvar_35;
      tmpvar_35.x = gx_10.z;
      tmpvar_35.y = tmpvar_32.z;
      highp vec2 tmpvar_36;
      tmpvar_36.x = gx_10.w;
      tmpvar_36.y = tmpvar_32.w;
      highp vec4 tmpvar_37;
      tmpvar_37.x = dot (tmpvar_33, tmpvar_33);
      tmpvar_37.y = dot (tmpvar_35, tmpvar_35);
      tmpvar_37.z = dot (tmpvar_34, tmpvar_34);
      tmpvar_37.w = dot (tmpvar_36, tmpvar_36);
      highp vec4 tmpvar_38;
      tmpvar_38 = (1.792843 - (0.8537347 * tmpvar_37));
      highp vec2 tmpvar_39;
      tmpvar_39.x = tmpvar_14.x;
      tmpvar_39.y = tmpvar_15.x;
      highp vec2 tmpvar_40;
      tmpvar_40.x = tmpvar_14.y;
      tmpvar_40.y = tmpvar_15.y;
      highp vec2 tmpvar_41;
      tmpvar_41.x = tmpvar_14.z;
      tmpvar_41.y = tmpvar_15.z;
      highp vec2 tmpvar_42;
      tmpvar_42.x = tmpvar_14.w;
      tmpvar_42.y = tmpvar_15.w;
      highp vec2 tmpvar_43;
      tmpvar_43 = (((6.0 * 
        pow (tmpvar_13.xy, vec2(5.0, 5.0))
      ) - (15.0 * 
        pow (tmpvar_13.xy, vec2(4.0, 4.0))
      )) + (10.0 * pow (tmpvar_13.xy, vec2(3.0, 3.0))));
      highp vec2 tmpvar_44;
      tmpvar_44.x = dot ((tmpvar_33 * tmpvar_38.x), tmpvar_39);
      tmpvar_44.y = dot ((tmpvar_35 * tmpvar_38.y), tmpvar_41);
      highp vec2 tmpvar_45;
      tmpvar_45.x = dot ((tmpvar_34 * tmpvar_38.z), tmpvar_40);
      tmpvar_45.y = dot ((tmpvar_36 * tmpvar_38.w), tmpvar_42);
      highp vec2 tmpvar_46;
      tmpvar_46 = mix (tmpvar_44, tmpvar_45, tmpvar_43.xx);
      val_2 = ((_Contrast * (
        (((2.3 * mix (tmpvar_46.x, tmpvar_46.y, tmpvar_43.y)) / 2.0) + 0.5)
       - 0.5)) + 0.5);
      color_4.w = (tmpvar_6.w * mix (val_2, (val_2 * vTex.y), _Fade));
      tmpvar_1 = color_4;
      gl_FragColor = tmpvar_1;
    (EDIT) The effect have been uploaded below
  • OK thanks but for #define... (#define REPEAT_Y 1000.0) I leave it like that ?

  • Do you have some advices to convert CG to C2 please ? I want to convert this Unity shader to C2 effect : pastebin -> bd5cyiLx I tried the CG toolkit for cross compiling to GLSL but unfortunalely. it don't work .

  • Thank you so much !

  • Nobody ?

  • Hello

    I have a problem that is related to Construct 2 (plugin exactly) but not linked to Construct 2 :

    The Windows Phone plugin download link is unavailable (plugin-windows-phone-updated-new-tutorial_t78325). If you have the plugin on your HDD, do you can post a new download link please ?


  • Thanks for your help ! Very good workaround.

  • I can On Touched event with object animation checking ?

  • The collision check have to be on for the 2 objects, because the OKTouch object add points and NOTouch object remove points.

  • Hello,

    I have 2 objects of same size, OKTouch and NOTouch in the layout, and their place in the layout is specific (grid placement) and object type (OKTouch or NOTouch object) change depending of the level. (I use them for user touch in the event)

    So how I can replace an object by another object in the layout editor (for example replace a OKTouch object by a NOTouch object without having to re-enter X Y coordinates of their placement in the grid) ?

    Thanks for your understanding.

  • Please post a new download link, the dropbox link is unavailable. Thanks in advance.


  • Hello,

    I have embedded 2 web fonts in my game project :

    stylesheet.css :

    But fonts aren't loaded but remplaced by an another font (Intel XDK export on Android) and Chrome error log tell this about web font :

    Note that files are present, I have can open fonts in the browser.

    How I can fix it ? Thanks !

  • I have never been able to understand how Q3D work.

    Maybe see textures.

  • But how I can change the center point in realtime without the object be wrapped at the top of second center point ?

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  • Thanks, it works.