InDWrekt's Forum Posts

  • This should fix the issue for you.

    Part of the reason your controls were failing is, the keyboard and D-pad were fighting against each other. The D-pad x-axis was 0 so even though you pressed the keyboard arrow key, the angle was set back, etc... I combined some of the controls into a single event so they wouldn't fight and the 2 events for setting the piece idle, I placed before the ones that set it to rotating.

    Here are a couple other things I did to get it working:

    I pulled out the amount you are rotating by and placed it in a global variable. That way if you decide to change the value, you only have to change it 1 place. I added a global variable called state with 3 valid options: -1 for rotate left, 0 for idle and 1 for rotate right. Using a variable to represent state can make changes over time a little easier to work with. I used the state to define when the sprite is rotating and which direction. Finally, to create the smooth transition back to the original state, I checked to see if the left and right buttons were released and if the controller x-axis was 0. If so, I set the state back to 0 for idle. When the state is 0, I transition the sprite back to 0 rotation.

    I hope that helps and good luck with you project.

  • The answer is, it depends. You need to try the tools out and see which ones fit your style. Personally, I used Gimp and Inkscape together for years. Then I bought the Adobe suite and realized, I preferred Gimp and Inkscape to Photoshop and Illustrator. I also tried a few other Open Source products such as Pencil, Synfig, and many more. They were all great tools but I just kept going back to what I knew in the end.

    I like to create the base graphics in Inkscape, add detail in the Gimp and, as of late, I have been using Spriter to animate it.

    I would suggest you stick to Open Source at least until your art starts paying. Commercial graphics programs cost too much for a hobbyist in my opinion.

    Also, if you have access to a touch screen or usb connected tablet, MyPaint is a fantastic digital painting tool. Check it out.

  • bsimser

    Just wanted to throw this out there:

    "do this"

    <insert image>


    "then this"

    <insert image>


    I know this is kind of a snide response but, I wanted to show you the images can be placed "inline" with your text. All you have to do is, after clicking the "Place inline" button, make sure the line that reads "[attachment=#]YOUR_IMAGE_NAME.EXTENTSION[/attachment]" is on the correct line of your post.

  • Naji

    You could try Bryce, SoftImage XSI, Wings3d, Seamless3d but, no matter the tool you choose, you are going to have to work through learning it. There is no such thing as a 3d modelling tool that you just immediately know how to use. Also, while free, some of these tools licenses don't allow you to create commercial content unless you pay.

    I started 3d modelling using 3dS Max. It is an amazing tool but, as mentioned, too expensive. I tried Blender and XSI and finally settled on Blender because it has the most features and a completely permissible license. It can be hard to learn but, so are every one of these other tools.

    <Note> a list of 3d modelling programs can be found here: ... g_software

  • Blender 3d

  • I downloaded your example and, I don't believe a 9-patch is the right object to use for it. See the reference link about what a 9 patch is: ... tch-Images






    Using a 9 patch, any time you scale the platform, positions 2, 5 and 8 in the above diagram would be stretched or tiled (if you set the property to tile) any time you scale it horizontally and positions 4, 5 and 6 would be stretched or tiled if you scale it vertically. Positions 1, 3, 7 and 9 would never stretch causing the strange results you are seeing.

    If anything, I would suggest you either just use a simple sprite object, or create a platform image which can be easily tiled. If you create 9 different images (4 corners and 5 easily tile-able center images, you could then combine them and use the 9 patch object set to tile. You would just want to make sure the object always scales to a multiple of the height/width of the tiles.

  • Can you post the project? It would be easier to find the issue if we could see it happen.

  • I'm afraid we need a little more information. When it comes to "floor slide," do you mean you want the player to be able to slide across the ground to say get under low hanging barriers? Or is it more like the floor is covered in a slippery substance causing the player to slide around and making controlling the character more difficult?

  • I'm not rolling back my version of Construct just to get you an example. Instead, here is a screenshot of the events:


  • OK, I just can't seem to let this 1 go. Here is a way to do it. Use a "ShowCursor" variable and when the cursor should be shown, append "|" (the pipe symbol). See the attached edited version. Use a timer to define when the ShowCursor is set to true.

    [Edit] added a basic version. The first version has some functions that may not be clear but only uses 2 events instead of 5.

  • Now that I understand the question, have you tried changing the Text object with a Textarea object? If you use a Textarea object, it displays a cursor at the end of the text.

    One thing to remember, you will have to set the Textarea focused to see the cursor and if it ever loses focus, the cursor will disappear.

    I edited your example with the suggested change and attached it.

    I hope that helps and good luck with your project.

  • You could give your cursor the Flash behavior and use the event in the image below:


    Simply put, the cursor flashes for .5 seconds on, .5 seconds off for 1 second, then repeats.

  • Well, this is the best you're going to get from me on the cursor issue. This example doesn't work on slopes but it does on any horizontal platform. The key is, the platforms created first must be above those created after them. Other then that, the cursor will show up right above the platform.

    If you can take this example and figure out how to get it to work with slopes, I would love to see it. As for right now though, I don't intend to spend any more time on it.

    I hope it helps and good luck with your project.

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  • Well, I just went back and reread the cursor issue. In my second submission, I am just setting the cursor to the position of the touch. I will try to post an example of the cursor in a little bit (if I can figure it out).

  • Alright, here's a modified version. Hope this gets you what you need.

    When it comes to traversing the "height variations" you may need some more events. If you look at the level in the edited version, there is a slope which the player can walk up from the left but not from the right. This is because the slope from the right is too steep. If you are having trouble getting the character to traverse an area, you may want to make sure it is not too steep.

    As for handling platform traversal, an easy way to do it is to add an invisible jump trigger. I re-purposed the jump button as a trigger in this example where if the target is higher than the player when they collide with the trigger, the player will jump. If it isn't higher, the player will just continue walking normally.

    The reason your player "spazzes out" is because you have an exact value set for the location the player is moving to but the player will almost never hit that exact location. That is why in both examples, I have a range of about half the size of the player for the value to be correct (target.x between player.x - 20 and player.x + 20). Adding this simple change will stop the spazzing.

    You don't actually need a global variable to define if the player is moving or not. If you are using the cursor object that you asked to be included, just check the position of the cursor against the player position.

    After looking at your events, there is one thing you should know. The every tick event should only be used if it is the only condition for an event to fire. Using it as a sub event for another condition doesn't change anything. While the parent event is true, the event will trigger every tick without the every tick event. This will help to clean up your code and remove unnecessary events.