igalencar's Forum Posts

  • Hello .. i have 23 objects that are clone from each other but the actions are the same... is there a way to do only one action for them all??

    for example, on create, check on value x destroy...

  • THank you all i have solved the issue

  • Hello

    Ok my space game quasar have a dreadnought that spawns fighter.. so the fighters when created are also displayed in the minima.. the problem is that im getting buggy on the map.

    Here is the code

    So im getting problems in the minimap with the number of minimap references for the fighters, also when im destroyng them

  • Once Again .. i have rednone most of my coding.. and as always i did a better job that before.

    Redone all minimap logic.

    Redone all turrets logics

    Redone all Big Ships Logics

  • Hello everyone, in my game i got a minimap with the big ships displayed on, but now i need that the fighters as well are displyed there also, the problem is that in my code i have specific ids for the big ships linked witn the markers on the minimap, since the fighter are spawned, how to create a marker for the minima with the fighter so i can get a recent created id?

  • You should provide more information, maybe post a screenshot of your code?

    Also the video you posted is 7.5 hours long! What is the exact time of that smooth transition effect you are trying to achieve?

    Drop i have several formations.. i have upload some images for you to see and i have several placeholders for fomations... one formation in specific i have a group with rotate behaivor aplyed.

  • Yes remember i pin to my plane but pin does note resolve my problem

  • IN quasar i have now drones that follow the player.. i already have done the placements form the drones to follow based on a variable in the player.

    but since im using every 0.1 seconds to update the position of them how do i make a smooth transition similar what we have in tokyo?}

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  • Dop it is possible to extend this example of yopurs to create a lighting to fire from a ship and to be glued into a eney ship similar to Thruxton

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  • It has been so long.. i dont know were to start...

    Well a lot has changed. i put some thing of the game more simple and bossted a lot of the game mechanics.

  • All the dowload links are broken

  • Signed

  • Since my game is geting near release.. one issue has come out in my mind.

    How does construct output files in my case for steam and xbox one, handles piracy?

  • it ahs been a long time since ai post here.. that is because my new son has born....

    Going back to post ...

  • Is there any good examples of coop multiplayer example?