igalencar's Forum Posts

  • I already tryed a few times asking this..

    Maybe im too dumb to get it right .. for quasar i have 4 layers tath are my background.. and one for the enemies and one for the player.

    Upon explosion i do like to have a distortion effect similar what we have in the next penaelope.

    i have tried to apply the efect on the explosion it self and it not make the right result.

    Can anyone help me out?

  • Bummer...

    Well ok..

  • It is possible to change a type of object like a tiled background into a sprite?

  • I also need to know that as welll

    Quasar is geting very polished and my goal is Steam and xbox

  • Last update before Global GJ

    Redone the backgrounds.

    Improved ai for enemie ships..

    Boosted a little bit the dificulty.

    If someone could try play .. i need a good feedback of the gameplay.

    Once again, arow keys control ship

    Control fire

    Space special

  • 12 diferent new dreadnoughts and 23 new enemy types.

    levels from 1 to 10 done.

    17 to go

  • For what i have see container will not work... since i have the same object used in several diferent ships..., i will have to create a diferent sprite for each.

    As i said i have a sprite named mothership.. that has diferent frames.. each frame is a diferent part of the ship.. so i use the same object (sprite), for all the motherships.

    Maybe im using diferent the container..

    As i said before. i still dosent understand what containers do, basicaly they are very similar to families, if there was a way to group objects that are from same sprite but diferent ids, to a larger object (container) so that i can apply simplke things like destroy to all of them instead of pick object by id for each one of them.

    Some of my ships in my game has 78 parts.

  • I already have it.. and will be using it

  • It is possible to test it?

    I dont have a xbox, but im planing to have my game on it

  • Obviously it depends on what you have in your game, but I usually have big background images or crowd animations in sports games.

    Running those sprite sheets ( after export from Construct ) through tinyPNG ( or some similar program ) does reduce file size by up to 70%. Image quality looks pretty much the same, but I don't do it with main elements/sprites in the game. They are usually smaller in file size anyway, and I don't want any compression applied to those.

    So yeah, a 15 MB game may easily drop down to under 10MB simply by doing this to some larger images in the game


  • This post is to put a experienc received, recently with a project of mine, Quasar my game was over 150meg of size most of them because of the images and graphics, not only took a long time to load but also got a very big use of memory.

    After geting images from the export and running over TinyPNG i reduced the size to 45mb.

    Reduce the file size before importing them to construct will not have the same effect.

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  • Enemy fighter work now as a squadron, and also one fires and moves diferent fron another to simulate diferent types of pilots.

    Friendly fleet now takes damage and get distroyed.

    For friendly ship not respaw, refresh and it will work still working on that bug.

  • I need some good examples of layout transitions...

    Where i can find them?

  • Reduced the files to 50%, using tinypng.

    Also got minimap done...

  • Yes still loads of bugs.. but im getting there