hyem's Forum Posts

  • no, sorry. i was never able to download the plugin or to find a suitable way of doing what i had planned. i decided to change the mechanics all together, because of the difficulty i had.

    i wish i had better news.

  • A little more news was released about the upcoming Ataribox console.

    https://www.pcworld.com/article/3228135 ... lizes.html

    Does anyone know if a C2 game could run on the Linux Ataribox without a specific plugin (since its browser based)? Will we need special plugins?

    Do any developers who have published their games received any OS specific hurdles for C2 games or does the html 5 make that a moot issue?

  • great that's exactly what i wanted. thank you very much

  • Mario Style Coin box, and Centipede video game style formation

    Reuben, can you please do another template? a Mario Coin box, that actually replicates the look and "feel" of the original: with the coin box going up and down when bumped from below, and it spawning an object (either stationary right above the coin box, or an object moving to the left/right). there are examples of coin boxes on the forum but none that truly replicates the feel of the original with the box itself going up/down.

    Also, if you can make a top down enemy formation like Centipede arcade game, where it starts with a single squad and if the squad/chain is broken in the middle or somewhere else, each group becomes independent and goes in different direction.

    Thanks a million, you're the best.

  • awesome, thank you very much for all your help. whatever i find, i will post on this thread for everyone's benefit. thank you again

  • Ashley,

    thanks a million for taking time from C2 and C3 dev and answering my question. i went to the site you mentioned and played around with the filters and for desktops (all OS), tablets, etc. the penetration rate was in the mid/high nineties. That's awesome, it appears the folks whose games were having WebGl issues maybe more in luck now and as time marches forward.

    the only follow up question i have (forgive me for distracting you from other competing priorities) is this: do these published numbers include US/Western European markets only, or Asia/E. Europe/Latin America? i only ask because C2 via HTML5 breaks international barriers allowing games to be published to a wider audience, but those other markets may be 1 or 2 cycles behind in tech...not sure. just asking.

    Thanks a million for all your help.

  • hello everyone:

    i've read alot of posts online by C2 developers that had problems with their completed games on devices (phones) and platforms (older windows versions) that did not use WebGL or the implementation was not the default setting for the user.

    how prevalent is this on mobile devices? the only FX i'm using is the fog of war type technique...straightforward and simple: a flashlight lighting up the dark background and reveling the immediate surroundings.

    if WebGl is truly a major issue, is there another "clever" way of achieving the flashlight technique without the use of WebGl blend mode?

    any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • Guys,

    I'm testing my Save/Load Game functionality (via standard "save game to slot ..."), and i want to delete old games saved into specific slots. I searched all over my C-drive, to include hidden files but could not find the file location.

    does anyone know the physical location on the drive for saved games?

  • First of all THANK YOU VERY MUCH for everything your're doing and sharing freely with all of us. YOU'RE the best!!!

    Is there any way you can create a LEVEL EDITOR that we can incorporate into our existing games, to give the players the ability to create a level based on existing assets in our game and share the new level with their friends? to give you a little more info, I'd be interested in a 2D platformer type of level editor?

    IT WOULD BE GREAT if you can

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  • SoldjahBoy

    thanks a million for your reply. i've used dictionaries and arrays a lot before; it never occurred to me that i can do as you suggested. thanks a million for your advice.

    my only question is this: suppose i create the level editor and save 30 levels in a dictionary. now, how do i save that from the level editor as a stand alone file that can be "imported" from the actual game. also, does that mean that an extra file must be distributed/installed by the user to play the entire game?

    can you please explain how to get the data "out of" the level editor and "into" the game during run time and how to address the file distribution?

  • mekonbekon, thanks a million for your feedback. I'll do as you suggested and create the pre-made layouts and test along the way. btw, there are no new no additional art nor assets....just the existing ones being used in different combinations...so I'm hoping that, in and of itself, should not impact the game download size.

    thanks a lot for your help.

  • so i'm pretty much done with my 2D platformer (8 levels so far) and i want to use the existing assets in new variations/combinations and create over 30 levels.

    what is the best way of doing that?

    shall i continue creating a new layout for each level? Is that how you guys do it? I've seen 2D platformers games that have over 100 levels, do they really have 100 pre-made layouts in the game? does that increase the download size, or loading size?

    is there a more efficient way of creating 30 levels without creating 30 separate layouts? i don't have the skill set to create 2D levels via procedural generated algorithm, but was wondering if there was something short of that technique that allowed you to reuse existing layouts.

    I'm stuck, the only thing I've come up with is this:

    ---use random generation technique to change platform size, platform angle, platform type (jump thru or not, conveyor belt or traditional platform) and also use randomly generation to place other assets (swinging vines, spring boards, etc) ...

    but leaving all that to a random generator ends up creating some retarded levels...so something better is needed.

    i have no problem hand crafting the 30+ layouts, one for each level....but my only concern is this: increase the download size, or forcing the player to wait forever while the giant game is loading.

    any advice, and past experience you can share is GREATLY appreciated.

    Thank you in advance for all of your help.

  • first let me thank everyone for their wonderful and honest opinions. that means a lot to me and helps guide me in the direction of selecting the final artwork for the game.

    second, i'd like to share on this thread sources for free game art to help you in your games...if you are a experienced game developer you may know of these sites below (and probably a lot more), but this is what i've come across and would like to share with you:

    free pixel art: http://www.openpixelproject.com/

    free art, sound, music: http://opengameart.org/

    free vector art: http://www.zipup.me/

    thank you everyone for your advice, recommendations, and help...hope the above links are of some value to you.

  • i am finishing up my game (2D action platformer), and wanted to know what to update the placeholder sprites with: pixel art characters/environment or contemporary/polished art?

    I know different folks have different preferences, likes, and dislikes...but assuming the same game, the same mechanics, which graphic type do you prefer, which graphic type attracts you and peeks your interest in wanting to give it a shot and play?

    if you have already made, sold/distributed games what is your first-hand experience on what the mainstream, casual gamers prefer based on your experience?

    any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • Gerardb91

    can we explore your idea a little bit more? when the monster's were coming from all direction, in your opinion what was done correctly so that you ended up feeling scared and paranoid...as opposed to feeling annoyed because that was "random"? what did they do correctly to add to your fear as opposed to make you feel irratated that every now and then bunch of stuff attack you from all directions?

    do you feel that would also work in a 2d game?