I wouldn't post this, but I am days on these 2 problems. I would really appreciate some help, I have even redone the entire inventory system from scratch, and it still doesn't work for me. I am still practicing my array skills, so sometimes I encounter issues like this that I think should work, but can't.
First issue:
Where: In Event Sheet called Chests, line 6 - marked with a bookmark.
What is going on: I have a simple inventory using an array called arr_Chest. I made it so you can put items into it, but when I try to take stuff out onto my mouse (with InventoryManager.itemType, .handAmount which then creates a ground item, sets bool pinned true so you can move it around on screen and drop it or place it into your player inventory), it won't work and I really cannot figure out why it is.
Important: Since I couldn't create a version where LMB click is working, I did it with RMB just to show what I am trying to achieve [on line 6 Conditions]
I would really appreciate if someone manages to figure out a new way, it's only a line of code that I think is the problem.
Second issue:
Where: Event Sheet called Inventory, Line 24 and then Line 39, also bookmarked.
What is going on: I have a simple player inventory using an array called Inv.
On line 24: I am trying to check if the function AddToInv has 2 or 3 parameters, the third param is for putting items into a specific Slot which you hover and if you have 2 params then it does it automatically.
On line 39: I just call that function with 3 parameters.
project file: ufile.io/0i36w3c2