HolidayExplanation's Forum Posts

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  • Azpimar Revenue Share. Do you have Discord? It's more efficient to use Discord if we are gonna discuss things and communicate, that is, if you are interested in working for revenue share.

  • Azpimar Yeah I am still looking for an artist, was on vacation till now so I couldn't see your message before. Sorry about that. Are you still interested?

  • Tom

    I can't upload a game to Scirra Arcade since I am getting "Server Error in '/' Application." error

    It's a fresh Construct 3 Scirra Arcade exported game.

  • ABrown12 I don't really have nor use Skype since it's pretty obsolete nowadays to me. If you can Discord, you can always add me HolidayExplanation#5275

  • Sinfae Gladly if we didn't have a sound engineer already, for now we're only looking for an artist :| Thanks and sorry!

  • mm that sucks.

    guess I'll have to simulate a TextBox using Text object then.


    I've put a lot of effects on the layout and they're applied to everything except to an input text object. Why is that? Is there a way to overcome this issue?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This is the style:

    Team consists of a sound engineer and a programmer/artist/marketer, which would be me. The game has been in development for around a month now and everything is going smooth, except the character creation since I cannot see faces in my head and struggle drawing them. Can do everything else like the Monsters, Environment, Weapons, Tools (all the weapons are done by now, including guns and are all animated as well) etc. etc. and of course the animations via Spriter.

    The game is called HollowNoon and it is about realistic hardcore survival in an unrealistic world surrounded by monsters at night and various NPC's during the day that can be friendly or dangerous. There's also Hollows (Caves), the most dangerous part of the world that has the ores and gems needed for upgrading and crafting, which you can only find and enter during the night, when the monsters are out. Main point is to build communities with NPC's/players to survive the post-apocalyptic environment which becomes harder and harder over time. Game will have a large multiplayer version and a phone edition. Won't go too deep into the idea on a forum, this is just the surface.

    Planning to release the game on Steam and probably go for a Kickstarter on the 31st of October (Hallowheeen).

    Anyways, if you'd like to be a part of the team, reply or DM me.

  • I read through all possible optimization tutorials before even attempting to start such a mobile intensive game and there's no unnecessary collision checks in my project of course. So that's not it.

    Might be that the RAM is bottlenecking since I assume the GPU doesn't have any VRAM, and if it does it's definitely bottlenecked. My animations got 100's of frames and that's just how it is, I made the best out of it, so I assume it has to keep getting the frames out of the RAM, which is slow, right?

    Anyway, since I see it's not limited to 30 FPS, which is great, I found some things that could optimize it for phones. I simulated real time shadows which was pretty heavy and put static shadows instead, removed the noise and voilà 55-61 FPS. Those were the effects that were a bit too heavy for a phone

    Thanks for all the tips guys!

  • Since I really optimized my game to be mobile friendly, I see it being locked at 30 FPS as you can see in the image down there. Why is that? Are mobile games in C3 locked at 30 FPS if they can't get to 60 or what is happening here? Even though at the steady 30 fps my phones CPU becomes burning hot after maybe 2 minutes. It usually doesn't get hot in games, just warm.

    Screenshot of my game from a Sony Xperia XA1 phone:

    These are my phones CPU & GPU, they don't seem that weak:

    Thanks in advance.

  • Does compressing your sprites before importing them into C3 make a difference? I know that C3 compresses them when exporting, but is that as strong as an external 70% png size compressor?

  • Sorry for bothering, but it's important for me to know if it will be available in the near future or not. So is there an exact date or at least an estimation on this?

    Thanks in advance
