If the colors you want are simple and you do not have more than one color in the picture (color family, that is like blue, light blue, dark blue but still blue) other than black and white, then you can:
Add the Effect Adjust HSL to the sprite you want to use.
And then in the events, maybe at load layout, you can set the effect parameter to the parameters. Index zero is Hue, and this changes the COLOR. index 1 is saturation, adjust the saturation, that is, max = strong vibrant color, lower = more grey added. index Two changes the BRIGHTNESS, max = white, lower = black. Play with these 3 values to change colors.
You can "preview" by doing same thing in your photo editor, choose adjust hue/saturation/brightness.. So you know roughly which values you should enter.
Note, you have to have some color in the field to begin with, this will not work with a entirely black&white picture. Start with like red and from there you can work your way. if you want solid white and solid black you might want to have separate graphic for these.
Then there's other Effects to use, play around.