Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • Solved, don't put a "?" in the game title.

  • I have used the xdk before with no problems, i updated construct to 156 exported and rebuilt my project, when i try to download the link (from the xdk or from the link sent to me by email)

    I am getting an error message:

    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.



    <Message>Access Denied</Message>






    Anybody knows what is the problem?

  • I am using the userMedia plugin on a mobile game using android 4.2 and chrome, when i request and allow the camera it opens the front camera with no option to switch.

    In firefox on android 4.2 i get to choose front/back.

    In chrome on android 4.4 it sends me to os camera app and i have all the feature accessible from there.

    Is there a way around it?, can i force userMedia to request back camera?

    Thank You.

  • IntelRobert any info about camera access using the userMedia plugin?

  • What is the game concept?

  • I totally forgot about that :)

    It was an inner joke with some of my friends who tested it.

  • I couldn't get UserMedia to work either.

  • so... first try conclusions, still needs a lot of work :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Here is my attempt in PeerJS:

    A tribute the the classic atari tank game

  • I am connected with chrome for the next hour, if someone want to try it out against me, just go to this link in a chrome browser:

    Tank Game

    There is only one room with two players defined right now, so if you get an error 'user2 is already taken', bummers...

    some info on the game:

    The game inspired by the classic atari tank game.

    The game uses peerJS and for now is set to automatically connects and limited to 1 room for now, that means 2 players at a time tops.

    Remember, peerJS is limited to work Chrome Vs Chrome, or FireFox vs FireFox for now.

    Controls and logics:

    Move the tanks with the keyboard's arrows or with the on screen analog stick.

    Fire by touching one of the weapons button or with z,x,c,v,b,a,s,d,f,g on your keyboard (on screen key hints when hovering a button with the mouse)

    You can press Q, to flip the controls from right to left hand layout.

    Each player starts with 200$ (money pickups generated randomly throughout the level), each weapon/powerup cost a different amount of money.

    Each player has a flag and a guard tower that targets the enemy, capturing the enemy's flag and taking it back to your base rewards you with 200$.

    The flag can be snatched back by colliding with it.

    Avoid the helicopter, if you're in it's range it will follow you and shoot on you.

    There are 4 shortcut portals one on each side of the layout.

    The map and minimap are generated randomly by user 1 and then sent to user 2 onConnection.

    weapon types:

    1. bullets

    2. 2 angled missile

    3. drop down dynamite

    4. drop down sawblade (moving object)

    5. speedup for 12 seconds.

    6. homing missile (auto destroyed after 5 seconds, enough time to reach from 1 end of the screen to the other, but also avoidable, with quick maneuvering or using the teleporters)

    7. shield for 15 seconds

    8. flamethrower - stays on for 10 seconds.

    9. invisibility for 15 seconds (also effects minimap)

    10. airstrike - confirmed hit - unavoidable.

  • I am trying it right now.

    My tablet runs android 4.1.1 and though they said it should work from version 4+ i only had 4.2 in the os version options and i couldn't find a way to change that anywhere.

  • Hi everybody,

    I am in need of a file reader plugin for one of my projects.

    The plugin should have the same functionability as pode's



    1. on click - open file browsing.

    2. allow filter file browsing dialog by extensions.

    3. onFileloaded event condition

    4. ability to read file content into a sprite.

    Last and most important thing, the button should be a sprite object i can attach an image to.

    This is a paid gig, contact me if you are interested.

    Thank You.

  • Is it possible that CocoonJs does not support the touch ForID expressions?

    Playing on android through firefox i am getting the right result, but not on CJ.

  • Nevermind i finally got around it using Touch.XForID.

    Thanks anyways!

  • Hi Constructors!


    I've been fighting with setting up some multi touch control events.

    I am moving the player using isTouching sprite.

    and i have a big blank sprite covering most of the screen for firing.

    my firing events says if isTouching fireSprite, spawn a ammo with bullet behavior towards angle(ammo.x, ammo.y, touch.x, touch.Y).

    Now if my first touch is on the fireSprite and then i move around while shooting, everything works fine, but if i move first then i try to sho?t the system picks the 1st touch X and Y and shot towards the UP/DOWN controls.

    So what i am basically trying to do is if touchCount or has Nth touch is bigger than 0, pick touch where touch.x is bigger than 150 and shot to that X and Y.

    Any suggestions?