Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • Are you sure you're talking about window mode and not screen/display mode?

    That's the only one that works for me with --disable-direct-composition

    I have NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750

    Actually this was originally reported to me by a player who uses an ATI adapter.

    A long time ago when I tested it, it worked even in game mode (more than a year ago), but somewhere since then it got broken.

    What settings can cause this?

    I tried all the options available on OBS, none of them seemed to help.

    Personally I do my recordings with NVIDIA built-in game recorder, works better than anything else, but it also needs --disable-direct-composition to work, and not everyone got a GTX 600+ for that.

  • I was talking about windows capture, it still needs the --disable-direct-composition to work, I couldn't get game capture to work for quiet a while now regardless of version or args.

    Oh I didn't know Steam had it as a requirement, good to know, I was taking my time with it, I'll add it asap.

  • Quick question, why are you targeting

    %LocalAppData%\GameName\User Data[/code:6flu62pg]
    For the uninstall script and not [code:6flu62pg]%LocalAppData%\GameName[/code:6flu62pg]
    Is there any reason to keep the other cache directories on the root directory of the game?
  • Oh sorry I missed that, here it is:

    --disable-plugins --disable-internal-flash --disable-popup-blocking --enable-gamepad --enable-html5-camera --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-software-rasterizer --ignore-gpu-blacklist

    using NW.js 0.19.2 on windows 10 64bit with obs studio 17.0.0

  • "How To: Workaround Recording Issues & Canvas Flickering (NW.js v0.14.0rc1 - v0.19.0)"

    It refers to both, maybe it just fixes the flickering.

  • > FYI, NW.js 0.19.2 still produce black screen on OBS without '--disable-direct-composition'.


    Basically what BackendFreak said, this is a more technical bug that the Chromium team will hopefully take care of.

    You could try to use --single-process but I doubt that it will fix the bug. I'll do a post when the new update update goes live.

    tecbug I'm still waiting for a response from MadSpy, he seems to be rather busy right now.

    I'll add everything new to the roundup as soon as the fixes for Steam4C2 and Greenworks are done and ready to be released to public.

    As always, patience is the key.

    --disable-direct-composition fixes the bug, but it says in the post that from version 0.19.1 it should work without it, but it doesn't, waiting for Chromium 56.

    I've tried --single-process before, it didn't do anything besides causing the game to stop working.

  • FYI, NW.js 0.19.2 still produce black screen on OBS without '--disable-direct-composition'.

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  • Hello fellow constructors,

    I'm happy and proud to announce that Bad Pad is finally up and running in Steam Early Access!

    I've been working on this game for the past 20 months, together with Oray Studios who are in charge of the graphics.

    The game wen't through many phases and changes over the development process and I feel that we now have a very solid UX to offer, a fun and entertaining game, lots of my new music which I wrote for the game and a few more surprises.

    We're are at about 60% of the development process and plan on finishing it up by Q3 2017.

    If you like to support Bad Pad’s development and the team, get yourself an Early Access copy and more importantly let us know what you think!


  • Thanks man, I'm glad you loved it!

    If you have any comments, suggestions, tips, I'm all ears!

  • This happened to me because of a 3rd party webgl effect, are you using any?

  • Bad Run, is platformer runner and was created as a part of the Bad Pad (http://badpadgame.com) saga, to expand the world, characters and story and for some extra fun, Bad Pad is my upcoming PC/Consoles platformer game.

    Join Square's epic adventure and fight the infamous Evil Pen.

    Run, jump, dive, fly and shot your way through, but most importantly take Evil Pen down!

    It's up to you, are you ready?


    • Campaign mode including 4 episodes, 40 levels, missions and battles.
    • Endless mode, master your skills, collect coins and upgrade your character and buy new items.
    • Daily rewards and achievements.
    • Bad Pad comics, finish an episode to reveal more slides.
    • Original guitar driven music by Avishay Mizrav.
    • Supports Landscape and Portrait views.

    If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to ask here or drop me an at avishaymizravadw@gmail.com.

  • When launching a game's page in google game you have a record button to record gameplay (see picture below), is there anyway to call this action from c2 or to link to this page from the game?

  • On a different note, putting a every x seconds triggered event inside an every tick event kind'a defeats it's purpose, move all your every x condition outside of every tick condition checking events, also if you're checking other values in the event do it after the every x seconds and not before.

    It probably won't matter if you have just one, but for a bunch of them it will.

    Also use 'else' to minimize condition checking, especially for 'for each' events on lots of objects.

    if star is playing

    else if star is playing

  • whats beam effect, florar effect + led effect?

  • It's all good and nice I theory, but the fact is that covering the screen with your hand while playing makes it hard to play and keep track of what's happening, the lack of physical feedback also degrades the exprience, I'm not saying it's not possible I'm just saying it's not accurate as using a keyboard, and for fast paced pixel perfect platformer games it's not ideal.

    My guess is that after the flexible bending screen will get standardized we'll start seeing some adaptable screen that will let you bump out parts of the screen, for UI elements, or maybe it'll sink in on touch, who knows, as long as you get some sort physical feedback and boundaries for the element.