haypers's Forum Posts

  • Ok! I'll try it out today. Thanks.

  • Howdy. In my ever increasingly random experimentation in construct 3, I have hit another problem that probly has a super simple solution, and I'm just to dumb to see it.

    For many reasons, I have a goal to try and do this without using the physics engine behavior. I'm trying to learn how to do it myself. Just cuz.

    Here is my setup. I have a ball Sprite. It has an xvelocity and yvelocity instance variable. I have made a super simple physics script. Every tick the ball is moved in the x direction the value of it's xvelocity and it is moved yvelocity in the y direction as well. This allowed me to add a gravity constant to the yvelocity every tick. Kool. I have a ball that can fall in an arc. Now, I want the ball to bounce off a platform. With me still?

    I can detect when and where I hit this platform.

    My goal is to make a script that can take three inputs (x velocity, y velocity, and the angle of the platform's surface) and output 2 values(the new x velocity and new y velocity). Or in other words, I want a function that can bounce the ball given any flat surface angle. I just want the x and y velocities to change when this function runs.

    I think this is a trig problem, but I can't figure it out. Any ideas?


  • Well, I'm still stuck. I can't figure out what is wrong. I submit the score, no errors appear, I received all player data, I just can't post any scores. Maybe it is because if you are the top score holder, you must wait to be beaten before you can post another score? IDK. If someone who is experienced with the google play leaderboards could show me a screenshot of their script, or give some insight that would be great!

  • Cool! I found the next snag! Making progress! So, this time the problem is simple. I submit a few scores to my leaderboard about a week ago now, and It showed up the day after. I submit a better score that day, and the old one was replaced the day after. Since that day, I have tried submitting multiple better scores to the leaderboard from three different google play accounts, and none of them have shown up. The only thing I changed was a script that lists a google play error on the screen if one ever occurs. I turned tamper protection off on all leaderboards in case they were the culprit, and have never received an error. Any ideas? I have waited multiple days for these entries to show up, and have checked all my ID's twice.

  • Interesting. It has been a long time since I saw a post here. I'm glad you pointed that out. When I bought this pluggin, I originally thought it was great. At first look, it is. But after some testing, I had to stop using it for those reasons you pointed out. I also noticed that when making new geastures(despite the difficulty) gestures that are declaired in script first are way more likely to be detected than gestures delcared later in the script. After five gestures or so, you can expect not to be able to detect any more.

  • OK! so, once again, I have discovered that I am an idiot. So, basically, I have learned that whenever you use the "submit score" action, It is really just updating any previous scores that you had. So If you submit a score of 10, came back an hour later and submit a score of 12, the score of 10 would disappear, and be replaced with a score of 12. I should have assumed that would be how it worked, but like I said. I'm an idiot. Also, the default tab of the built-in leaderboards display is the "today" tab. You can change it to the week or to of all-time as well, and so that also fixes my problem of wanting scores to disappear after a few days. I also discovered that the google play saved games feature has been suggested to scirra but is currently not supported. So, If anyone knows of an easy way to save players' games to the cloud, let me know. other than that, I think this thread has answered all of my questions. Thanks yall.

    Here are some places that talk about the saved games feature:



  • Well, I've got the google play services working. YAY! Now, I need to decide how I am going to implement it. Let's say you have a leaderboard that you want every player to only ever have one spot on. Let's suppose this leaderboard displayed what players had the highest rate of winning games. I don't want my player to put up a new entry every game, because they would quickly fill the leaderboard if they are good. And if possible, I only want entries to last a week before diapering unless the player has updated them. Now, I don't know if that is possible with construct 3 and the google play plugin, and if not, thats ok. I have other leaderboards I can make. If anyone has and info on that, let me know

    Also, I'll bring it up again, for anyone not reading all the previous posts, there is a saved games feature in the google dev console when setting up game services, and I would like to know how it works or if any of you have ever tried to use it.

    Sorry for the strange variety of topics in this one thread. I figure at this point, it would be annoying to make a new one, and I have never used this plugin before, and am only just understanding what it can and can't do. Thanks yall.

  • Ah, ok. So the plugin is more like mobile advert or IAP in that they don't work unless already exported to android. Ok. That's fine. I can work with that. My other questions hold. Thanks for everything Nepeo.Perhaps I'll look into linking my preview with a web setup, but for now I think I'm just going to move on with my other issues.

  • The preview is not working, but when exporting to any track on the dev console, even internal, the board works. I haven't found where to put the preview URL in yet, but I've been messing with it a lot. I'll let you know if I figure it out. If one of the construct guys could take a look at the API site again, I think they would find that things have moved around. The instructions they have in the manual are clearly outdated. The tabs and directories are not named the same, and even if you find the right page, I don't think that is where you enter the URL anymore. I'll nudge a moderator in a few days if someone doesn't respond. I don't want to bother them more than I already have.

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  • Cool. So, Yesterday and today, I when through all the steps again, and re-pasted every ID, Key, and piece of information I could. None of it worked. I went to the API console and messed with the auth page a bit trying to find out how to add the preview domain to the authorized URLs, and then saved it all and went to bed. This morning, low and behold, the leaderboard is working. Now, I have no idea what I did to make it work, but it is working! YAY!

    I still can't get the preview to work, but that's ok. At least I have the leaderboards working when exported to google play.

    So, now I am back to the original purpose of this post, which is to ask a few questions about the specific functions of the google play plugin.

    First, What is up with the saved games feature that I posted about toward the start of this thread?

    Second, Is there a way to set a leaderboard to only ever keep one entry from any player? One of my leaderboards is the top win-rates, and I want every player to have one place on it. Is this possible? Or is there like a way to delete your last entry?

    Third, can we get some more detailed instructions for how to add construct as a preview URL for google play leaderboards?

  • OK! I got home today and took a look at this whole thing. So, It looks like the SHA-1 signature that google play automatically used to fill out the SHA-1 field when linking my app was the signature that google play uses to sign the app before distribution, because of my using of google app signing. So, that means, that the app is correctly linked to google play services. So, why am I still unable to sign users into google play?

    I have a few ideas, but I will need a day or two to test them out. Let me know if any of you have any ideas in the meantime. Thx everyone.

    Also, while I'm working on that, if any of you have looked into that "saved games" feature that google play offers, leave a post. I'd like to know how it works.

  • Wait. I'm stupid. So in that tab, Google actually lists both sets of keys. They give you the keys they use to sign things a second time before release, claiming you need to use these to add API services, and another set they say came from you. So, I have both keys, and know which is which. So all I need to do is copy Google's key, and relink my app with it. Right? And if that doesn't work, I have a different problem.

  • So. I got good news and bad news. The bad news is that I am using Google play signing services. I apparently made every mistake this time around. The good news is I did some digging and found out two things. First, Google auto-filled the SHA-1 field for me. I don't know if this is the signature I made with my Keystore, or the one Google uses to resign my APK. Two, in the release management-app signing tab on the dev page, Google has listed an SHA-1 signature. Again, I don't know if this is my signature or Google's secondary one. However, I'm assuming Google is smart enough to auto-fill the link your app page with the correct signature. But, if they did, why is my app still not working... So... Basically, I'm still confused. I'll look into that tool later today.

  • Ok. I get it now. So. Obviously, like an idiot, I did not save that string anywhere. However, when I linked my app to the game services, there was already a SHA-1 signiture entered in the box. I went back and looked at the prosses of making a new one to find this out. Was this just a randomly generated string?

    Either way, is there any easy way to fix this short of republishing the entire game? I could do that, I just don't want to.

    ThxNepeo. You are a lifesaver.

  • Interesting. Thanks. I'll do some digging.