hassekf's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • hassekf sharing Knowledge is always helps for someone, its 7 years but i came across this post today for my game. i Wonder if there is any example for daily reward


    Hey mate, not a problem. I would recommend you to try first, and see where you got stuck, then i can guide you from there. This way you can get your head around the logic for the whole process, otherwise, if i give you a step-by-step, you would end up not understanding how everything works.

    Just hit me up as soon as you have any specific question. I'm glad to help.

  • Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. Sorry i was not alerted by email for the replies here. Just saw it.

    Glad it could be helpful Enjoy.

  • Ok, it would be something like this:

    You are using ajax to save the score and login, through a php file right?

    First thing: Create a column in the user table on your mysql database for the last_loginreward_time for example.

    Now, in the php file, everytime the user login, check the last_loginreward_time for the current user.

    If it's not from today, update the field with the current timestamp and add the reward to the user.

    If it's from today, don't update the field, and don't add the reward to the user.

    Another way is creating a table just for the log of logins. Everytime a user login in the game, you create a new log with the time. Then, make a query to pull all logins from the player, of the current day, if there is more than one result, means that the user logged more than one time today, so he probably already received the reward. If there is only one (because we just added), means that this logins is the first today, so give him the reward.

    I won't give you the code, because you need to know understand something that you did yourself, it's the best way to learn. But that's a logic you could use.

    Edit: Sorry for answering a really old post. Was unintentional. Forgot to look at the date, my mistake.

  • Hey guys, i'm sharing some assets i've created for Tower Defense Games.

    There are some backgrounds for grass, sand, dirt and snow levels. Also a dozen examples of levels ready to be used.

    As for a plus, i've put a Construct 2 project sample with the pack.

    Check it often, there are updates constantly.

    Also, check the rest of the assets available at the website while you're at it. There are some cool stuff and freebies.

    Download Page:



  • Hey all, just to let you know, if you looking to build a turn based tactics game, like final fantasy tactics or Super Robot of Wars, this template will surely be useful.

    You can have free access to it and future updates and also a lot of cool stuff by supporting me on Patreon

    Check it out here - https://www.patreon.com/hassekf

    DEMO - http://agencialuma.com.br/luma_games/tactics_template_latest_version

    DOWNLOAD (Patreons Only) https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1595743&rf=519577

    Let me know what you think.


  • Yeah, sorry about that.

    Download here: ask4asset.com/indiegogo/indiegogo1.zip

  • Thanks guys

  • Hey guys, here is some assets for your 2D games, handmade by me.

    No copyright, but mention to Luma Games is appreciated .

    Download: http://goo.gl/iMjxcW

    Also, check out our crowdfunding campaign.

    https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ask- ... /x/8483741

  • Hey guys, how's going?

    We started a crowdfunding project to fund our web platform for 2D game developers and designers.

    Is a collective development web platform for 2D Games, where you can get help for you games projects, and help other projects/games. And it is all for free.

    Check it out, contribute and share if you can!

    Thank you!

    https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ask- ... /x/8483741

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Try putting a "Wait 0" after "Set visible/invisible"

  • Hi guys, as the title say, that's what i'm doing.

    I did it already, just wanna see if any of you have any idea to simplify this, maybe i'm over thinking, or you have a different approach?

    What it does:

    When a user click's the player, a menu is created.

    Then i set the position of the menu, by it's center, centralized in the player.

    (I've set the position later and not in the object creation itself because "background_menu_player.Width/2" didn't worked there. I don't know why, and when i tested setting the position with the "Set Position", it worked just fine. )

    Then i did an if statement to see if the x and y value are less than zero (outside layout check).


    Can it be done simpler or with less lines/code?

    Can anyone do the positioning within the object creation work as it did in "Set Position"? Or at least know why it wasn't working. (It just doesn't move, it ignores the value)

    I can't provide capx because of copyright material within this project.

    Thank you

  • 13 posts