Hasan999's Forum Posts

  • Alright, now you posted the whole programming where you had both: Pushing from left and right, and pulling from left and right.

    Now, please change the X comparison back to how it was. I didn't know you had done this down below.

    Let me know if it worked now..

  • ..because there are too many conditions, which may not necessarily be true.

    For example: Why do you have Player.Y > Box.Y ? The overlaper and X comparison is sufficient.

    And then you have Player.X < Box.X, which is not true, because player.X is > (greater than) the Box.X as in your first post.

    Make the changes, and let me know if it worked.

  • Your game currently is changing frames of the first animation.

    To change the animation (a different set of frames), that you have designed, choose "Set Animation" in the Actions of your Player object, and write the name of the animation in double quotations like "Push" (or whatever you have named it within the Sprite editor)

  • Hi SashikLV,

    There could be two different controls, one would change the "Speed" with the tilt, while other would change the "X position" based on tilt, here is how you can implement both:

    For speed (assuming you already have a speed variable)

    Set Value (Speed) to Speed + Touch.Gamma

    if it is too sensitive and moving too fast, then make it Speed + Touch.Gamme/2 (divide by a number)

    if you wish to change the X position based on the amount of tilt then:

    Set X of Player to Player.X + Touch.Gamma*10 (multiply by a number to be able to reach both ends of the screen)

    I'm not sure about the multiplier or divide values, it depends on your game and Touch values, so you will have to experiment and fine-tune with some trial & errors. Good luck.

  • Glad it helped !

    To pick nearer bricks, add another condition "Pick by Comparison" found under System conditions.

    Then input values as below:

    Object: Brick

    Expression: distance(reactor.X, reactor.Y, brick.X, brick.Y)

    Radius: 200 or whichever radius (in pixels) the bricks to be affected

  • Force is normally used when you want it continually for a period of time.

    What you are looking for is impulse, which is like a sudden jerk/impact.

    And here's an easy way to do this, in your case:

    [Reactor] On Destroyed, then Action:

    [Blocks] Set Impulse at Angle:

    Value: 5 (something from 5 to 10 would be a great impact force)

    Angle: angle(reactor.X, reactor.Y, block.X, block.Y) this will make the blocks go in opposite direction from the explosion

    Let me know if it worked.

  • Thanks dimitriosfl - Yes I suggest properly update and finalize your game then promote. One mistake that I did was during my Admob campaigns I was updating my game, and the problem is: not everyone updates! So I'm stuck with half my audience with Facebook share option while the rest are still playing an older version.

    Well, campaign costing is a tricky question but let me summarize, based on my experience:

    You are charged only when the person clicks on your ad. (You will not be charged if it showed 10,000 times and no one clicks). You can also see the "conversions" (how many people actually Installed your game among those clicks), this updates normally after 24 hours though.

    The cost per ad is mainly dependent on the country where your Ad will be shown (due to the currency differences). I suggest narrowing it down by having different campaigns with selected (targeted) countries only. That helps a lot.

    For example, Cricket games are most famous in India (comparatively speaking), and based on that country, I had to pay only $0.01 per ad click. Whereas, if you promote your game in UK, USA, Australia etc then set your AD/click to around $0.5, because for these countries it will charge your $0.1 to $0.5 per ad click.

    Hopefully this will help..

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  • That makes sense. Good idea!

    Thanks briggybros

  • Thanks briggybros but are there any tutorials/examples of changing host without disconnecting the game?

    Has anyone ever tried something like this, so they can share their experience please?

  • Anyone?

    I'm really curious, especially about Point number 3.

  • This refers to a Real-Time (20 player) game. I know that when the host disconnects, the game ends for all peers.

    Is there any possibility where the game somehow continues? by one of these techniques/improvisation:

    1) A change of host to a random peer (when the original host leaves)

    2) Multiple hosts during a game so lesser chances for the game to end quickly.

    3) Transfer all peers randomly to different rooms quickly, WITH, their instance variables saved and continued on that new room (let's say the players eat and get bigger, when host disconnects, the player is sent to another room with his bigger size to continue with different players) - This way the player won't be frustrated compared to him getting kicked out with what he had earned.

    4) The game does not disconnect, instead all the peers (excluding us) convert into AI Bots (with random movements as the developer would program)

    ..or some other way?


  • Radulepy Sure, go ahead. Email me your capx: hasan555x at gingermail.com

    EDIT: Changed it thanks

  • Hi,

    You need to check how are you initializing the WebStorage. I assume it is initializing it without checking whether it even exist already or not.

    It should be:



    Webstorage "Money" exist:


    Set Webstorage "Money" to 10000

    This way, it will make the Webstorage called "money" to 10000 only if it does not exist. (Which means, only one time even if you come back tomorrow).

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi Ali,

    Just played your game... It's fun and well-programmed, but need improvements for sure. Rated it 5 Stars on Play Store to help it get more attention. However, here's my detailed and frank review:

    First Mode:

    As of now: Amazing game play, perfect controls, challenging and fun to play.

    By the way, there is one bug: Highscores do not get submitted! please check.

    Improvements: Ball could be slightly bigger, after every 10 points, create another ball just for extra fun and continuity - Imagine someone trying to preserve 5 balls in the circle, that would be awesome, compared to one ball for 5x times more time - that may get boring, right?

    Second Mode:

    As of now: Took me a long time to understand the controls ! - I got a hang of it, but it ain't easy. Always make sure to have the easiest control so that the users get challenged by the game alone, not how to play the game.

    Improvements: I suggest having "Point towards Touch.X, Touch.Y" controls. Let it follow the finger and it will be amazing! Trust me.

    Third Mode: (Levels)

    As of now: That's like a hidden mode! I would not have found it, if I wasn't to assess your game! It's good, but that's really a different type of game.

    Suggestion: I suggest making a whole new game with that concept. OR. keep the three modes in a line to choose from. You can have a look at my game that I recently posted (Stickman Cricket League) to get an idea on how to make things "look" much more appealing and simple to use, because that helps a lot.

    Apart from that, I also suggest having a "Share on Facebook" button, which will help you gain more downloads (because you shouldn't expect an Android user to randomly bump into your game, it took me a lot of scrolling to reach it after searching exactly your game title!). But, you will need to work on the game-improvements first so that you have returning customers, not the one-time audience or those 1-star lovers.

    Hope this would help.. Feel free to ask me for any help

    I'd also appreciate if you can have a look and review my game as well !

    Oh, and about the Video Trailer... 10/10 for that, just epic!



  • Simpler way is to use the distance function.


    System --> Compare two values --> distance(player.X, player.Y, ghost.X, ghost.Y) < 500


    Play Audio "oOOOoOH.mp3" or whatever that is.

    The distance function above measures the distance in pixels, and you can change that 500 to how much closer you want it to activate the sound.