grossrob0's Forum Posts

  • I love the plugin, it has helped me begin work on a 3D game I wanted to make a while ago. I only have a couple suggestions for it:

    Nearest neighbor sampling option for drawing 3D textures (in the case you want to make a 3D pixelated game)

    The ability to modify meshes, as in remove or add new triangles/vertices from an already existing mesh, OR the ability to save and load meshes in JSON format.

  • This was incredibly helpful, however I have only one more question: what would I need to do/what modifications would I need to make to the triangle 3D plugin to render with nearest neighbor rather than linear (preserve the pixels)?

  • I am working on using construct 2 with the paster plugin to make a 3D game, and am trying to find the pixel coordinates (actual coordinates onscreen) of a 3D point, given the camera position and angle (x/y/z/yaw/pitch).

    I have tried to find an example which shows how to do this with calculating camera angle, however I cannot find any such example capx or tutorial. I have also looked elsewhere online for the answer and am having a hard time converting those explanations to construct 2 events.

    I plan on drawing textured quads connecting the points to make a 3D surface.

    Does anyone know how to do this in Construct 2? (Without Q3D because I don't have the money, and would like more customization over what is rendered)

  • Is there an easy way to convert a string to an expression? For example if Sprite.var1 = 5 then "sqrt(Sprite.var1+4)" would return 3.

  • Hi, I was wondering if it would be possible to import a .zip file and have construct 2 read the files in the .zip archive? I'm not sure which plugin to use.

  • bump

  • I know how to get the data, I just don't know how to make the game store it

  • I have made a game that lets you make custom levels, and I am wondering if there is a way to store those online, where they can be found again by inputing it's level code. Is there a way to do this?

  • Not really what I'm looking for, but I found a workaround. Thanks!

  • I was able to install the addon, but it just comes up with an effect labled [???] that crashes construct 3. Do I need to be running an older version? Anyways thanks for helping!

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  • How do I make shadows like you can see in mario maker? Kind of like I were to copy the foreground and paste it a few pixles lower and to the right of the current foreground, making a simplistic shadow effect. I have a screenshot of mario maker to show what I mean.

    Please help!

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  • Thank you for helping!

  • I am trying to make a racing game where you tilt the screen a lot like a steering wheel, but I cant find the right plugin/mechanic to do so. Please help!