GloryF90's Forum Posts

  • But if my ViewportLeft has a negative value, it doesn't work.

    It works to me

    Could you show a screenshot?

  • Im not sure, because i dont know what kind of game it is, but try 'letterbox scale' instead of 'scale inner'.

  • When someone buy something on an App, sometimes the payment is not aproved at this point, so its needed to track that purchase to, when it is approved (by Android at this case), acquire the product.

    And how can i know that the purchase has been approved? Maybe its aproved 10 minuter later than the payment.

    There are 4 test card options when purchase something on Android:

    1.Slow test card, approves after a few minutes

    2.Test card, always approves

    3.Test card, always declines

    4.Slow test card, declines after a few minutes

    option 1 and 4 are new and there is no way to track that purchases easily.

    For example:

    Someone buy a product in the App (Premium for example)

    But the purchase is not approved at this point

    User exists game or layout

    after few minutes its aproved

    Con can the game know that is has been aproved? The user will have paid, but will not receive the product.

    -PD:Sorry for my English-


  • Using MobileIAP:

    I'm making a game. It has a Premium purchase (Non-comsumable) and other consumable purchases.

    There are 4 test card options when purchase something on Android*(Check picture):

    1.Slow test card, approves after a few minutes

    2.Test card, always approves

    3.Test card, always declines

    4.Slow test card, declines after a few minutes

    The 2nd and 3th options are easy, because you get the accept or reject of the purchase at the moment.. But i don't know how to implement 1st and 4th. Specially for consumable purchases (dont know how to track it).

    I could freeze the screen until card is aproved or declined, but it doesn't make sense (could take 5 minutes). And what happens if the user exit the App? Or turn off phone.

    Any idea? Thnaks

  • Hi everyone!

    I made a multiplayer game long ago (For Android). It has been working well on my phone until the last update i did (just different images).

    The difference is that until now the game was exported with IntelXDK, but last time i exported it with Construct 3 apk exporter (Unsigned release APK, then i sign it manually). But it doesnt connect. Do you think it can be because of the whitelist? I write on that line exacly this:

    http://*/* https://*/* wss://

    Do i do something wrong?

    (Sorry about my English)

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Thanks!!

  • Hi !

    Is it possible to get the real time?

    The time of the device (Hour, date...)

    i want to make a game where you can only play (for example) 5 times per day. Then, you have to wait few hours to continue playing.

    Thank YOU!

  • Thanks all of you!!

  • Hi Scirra friends,

    I have a problem with variables.

    I have a variable named "PistolaDaño". Its initial value is 1.2

    So, when you press a button (called "Mejorar"), the variable has too add 0.3 to its value.

    It means that if press one time that button, the variable will be 1.5.

    If i press it twice will be 1.8.

    Then 2.1


    The first 2 or 3 times i do it, everything works well..


    After some clics its value chage to something like: 2.6999999997 (Instead of 2.7).

    (I can see that at the "Bug" test).

    You can see it at the pictures:!owcFyCrQ!eTTeEULLIdf4 ... 7okyORnj6U!V8lSlRBB!w-Ao6mnpvcZ5 ... ASwXXaj9uw!t18SnBhR!1Ixbpx9twG7E ... T73DX7vX8g!wwcBzCAA!ND5hMRmW7UC0 ... KJ82d7L_X8

    Thaks all !!!!!!!!

  • Thanks anyway

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  • Yes, i do

  • I have a problem with the Browser object with Intel XDK.

    Once the project is exported and compiled, ready to go, there is something wrong:

    Browse object doesn't work. I mean,

    In my case, pressing a button you have to go to a website.

    So it doesn't work. It doesn't do anything.

    It work perfectly on computer (testing the app while doing it with construct2), but not on the movile.

    I saw some forums saying that you have to put "*" at the whitelist (in all of them) while exporting the APP with Intel XDK.

    But it still not working. What is the matter?

  • I´m not sure i understand what u say, but i think i this:

    On touched object -> set X : object.x, set Y:object.Y

    On any touch end -> set object.x: X, set object.y: Y

    (Y an X are global variables)