GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • I wouldnt wait too much longer if you are interested Vitae

    If anything its only going to get more expensive (as more features get added). I dont think we'll be seeing C2 in the bargain bin any time soon.

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  • Hey berry, if your working with a lot of objects spread over different layers these tips should have you working efficiently again.

    1. On the right hand side click on your layers tab, select a layer and tick the box on the left hand side "Parallax in editor" under editor properties.

    2. Set the "View" in the view tab along the top to "Zoom to 100%". Now when you place things on the layers - thats where they will be in game.

  • For me it would all depend on your characters temperament and also the scenario. If done right though I think it can deepens one's connection with it.

    Thinking about it more - Its possible that the added connection is formed when the character is mirroring your own thoughts.

    If your cops just got to a murder scene for instance, this would be a good time to swear.

    On the flip side, Borderlands has some pretty comical swearing throughout the story. I enjoyed that too.

    Its juvenile, but my experience with swearing in video games has usually been "Did he just say that!?", "Awesome".

  • I thought it was an awesome movie. It was definitely not what I was expecting though. It should have been called "The other side of Indie Games".

    You really get deep insight to the amount of isolation and stress involved when you start to take things seriously.

    I felt paticularly bad for the FEZ dev. Without posting any spoilers, they really caught this guy at a bad time - he almost seems nutty because he is so on edge.

  • Hey Odd, nice work. The game play is good, looks great for smart phones.

    The panda's do look a bit innocent when you shoot them, even if you just gave them red eyes or something it might have taken that feeling away.

    Best of luck with it mate.

  • lol Eisenhans its the classic position :)

    Looking forward to the next milky.

  • What have you done to space invaders?! Haha, Im just kidding.

    I smiled when I read the description and had a good laugh when I played. For what it is, its great.

  • Thanks mate :) I appreciate it.

    Best of luck with it all marked one. I'd be interested in hearing how you go with it.

  • teahousemoon Maybe I did exaggerate a little ;)

    Its just that once the novelty of making a new game wears off and you lose the buzz, I personally find it really hard to be motivated when progress is slow.

  • I see your point marked one, I agree with you.

    Its hard to argue that a really good 2d game wouldnt be better if it was done in 3d (with a 2d perspective) like Trine.

    But you also have to take other things into consideration before you decide which path to choose.

    With C2 you can complete a commercial project by yourself (in relatively short time frame). The assets are easy to handle and quick to produce. Progress is extremely quick.

    Designing the same game in a 3d engine for commercial purposes, you will need a team (for a much longer period of time). The assets are time consuming to create and tough to handle. You will hit barriers and progress will be slow.

    Im not trying to talk you out of it. If you have the time, skill and an iron will Im sure you will make a great game! Still though, I think the more logical approach would be to make your game in 2d and then approach investors to bring it to 3d for you. It will be the same game after all.

  • No worries ;)

  • Ahh. Yeah I remember that throwing me in the early days as well! If there is no condition in the event then it reads as 'Every tick'.

  • It looks pretty complicated but cool aswell,

    I like how you have used some new mechanics, I can see what you are trying to do with the combat - keeping players on their toes.

    Looking forward to seeing more.

  • You had me at Lobo, lol.

    Graphically its like Mario - but also not. I like it. It plays really smoothly, like the effects for the trees.

    Really good idea to shoot him out of a cannon to the next stage! Fun!

  • I do, he hasnt been on for a couple of months so I apologise your not sharing this on puporse Rexu,

    Just let me know and I will take it down.