GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • Hey Meloo,

    Cool game so far, music is very good. Creates a good atmosphere.

    I actually found it pretty damn hard myself. I like the way the battles are set out with multiple hits on the enemies, it feels a bit different than your normal platformer.

    Those spikes were the killers for me, maybe I was trying to run too fast. They just seemed to always catch me out.

    Keep up the good work :)

  • Ah thanks for the input C-7. I didn't know that.

    Sorry to give you the wrong info there rookie, so destination out only works in black and white basically. That's no problem, remember that the light is on the top, we just add the coloured light source object on the layer beneath and drop the opacity so you can see through it.

  • I like your approach. Jump in the deep end I say :)

    A cool thing about images in the editor is that it works both ways, you can import new images but you can also export images that are loaded in previously.

    Double click on the light source and you will see in the animations editor you have the option to save it to file. There is your white light. Add a layer on top of that in ps and reduce opacity and you have your coloured light.

  • Ha, glad to hear it.

    Your not annoying mate, I have plenty of time for courteous people and I have asked a lot of questions myself so I don't mind answering some too when I get the time.

  • Sorry for the late reply.

    No I don't think that light sprite was made in the c2. Its pretty limited in terms of what you can do with the editor graphically. Photoshop would be the go.

  • No problem Gon, :)

    Looking forward to seeing what you create!

  • RookieDev now ask GenkiGenga about the shadows. Something like "where're the shadows of my solids?"

    Im not sure how to take this, is this something you wanted to know yourself or a sarcastic remark? If its the former you don't need to ask it through someone else, lol.

    I just looked up the game and I don't see any shadow casting from objects. But Rookie is right, check your c2 folder examples and a capx for a similar effect is in there. Whether or not it would be feasible to use it for a massive level is the question.

  • You could just scale up your graphics to the appropriate size but I get what you mean. It would be a nice option.

  • My pleasure, its great knowing how easy it is to get going :)

    Hmm, I see what you mean with that screenshot. It looks like the darkness is made up of a grid of black boxes that dynamically shift their opacity based on the square next to them.

    You could mimic that with a similar style but your right, it may not be efficient as its probably something they optimised the engine around. I could be wrong about that to be honest its not something I have played with too much.

    On the other hand though, the underground shot above is easily achievable. With one tiled object set to 70 percent and a hand full of light sources. If you think within the box your creative problem then becomes how to transition from light to darkness when going underground.

    You could have a triggered event that once you go below ground level your opacity could transition from light to darkness the deeper you went.

    Just a quick thought anyway.

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  • That does look funny doesn't it. I am interested to see your code because I cant imagine why it would be doing that, unless your image points are off for the jump animation.

    A good thing to do whenever you run into a problem like this is to isolate it from your project. Start fresh with nothing but the code needed to display the problem. If it still occurs in that project post it and I will help you.

    A lot of the time though in doing so you find it yourself and is much easier than debugging your whole wip.

  • No worries,

    Ok to break it down further, you see that there are 2 layers in the example. If you click in the layers tab and then on layer 1 you see in the left hand side that the background colour is set to black, whereas layer 0 is set to white.

    Now click on the light source object, there are a bunch of different effects that you can add to objects, this one uses 'destination out' which creates that effect of looking like a flash light (because it is on the layer that has a black background).

    If that light object was green instead of white then the light would look green too.

    Most important thing to take from that example is that you need to do all your lighting as the top layer.

  • Just the one that says 'Lighting', its a simple example with 2 light sources.

    I have not actually played Terraria but from what I saw it seemed like there were just a bunch of little light sources.

    The example works on a pure black background but if you set the opacity to 50 percent then you can start to see how it would work.

    If you had a black box covering the screen, you could also simulate simple day/night by changing the opacity from 0 (day) to 60ish for night.

    Keep in mind these are just simple suggestions though.

  • Hey Rookie,

    First step is opening up the lighting example built in with C2, once you understand the principle of that it should set you on your way.

  • If you don't want to use pin, (and are familiar with setting objects to imagepoints) use on Whipping = true -> Set object to image point.

    Now you need to go into all of your animations and set the origin for that specific image point. It should stay with you regardless of movement.

  • Guys,

    On Start of layout, Browser -> request full screen worked the last time I checked node webkit and I was fairly impressed with it.