fredriksthlm's Forum Posts

  • phonegap for example. (well you export via construct but you need to create your apk via other service)

  • You have to buy them all, and this particular plugin cannot be used if you export via construct currently. Just fyi.

    (The plugin collection is though super good, highly recommended for every serious C3 user I would say!)

  • It is a setting, if you want the stable or the beta track.

  • fredriksthlm Yeah it is quite a confusing issue. In my mind you shouldn't need to set "child directed" as setting your content rating to "G" should imply that it's suitable for children.

    I expect the method to set content rating from the app is an additional method to allow more specific control ( per user as opposed to per app ).

    Yes, if you set the ad rating to G in Admob for the app it should only serve ads that are suitable for children. (The standard is that the app ad rating is derived from the account ad rating, which can be set to other than G... So you really need to verify that it is really G, before posting the build that are going to review. And if something was not compliant and you need a new review it is needed to post a new build, even if you didn't change anyhing. Otherwise they will use the old review.

    I got some rejection one time for an ad violation as well, I just replied I used their service, so I cannot be responsible of the ad content! They replied this:

    Hi Fredrik,

    Thanks for contacting the Google Play team.

    Status of app: Not available on Google Play, pending your action

    We’ve accepted your appeal and included details below about what additional steps you’ll need to take to get your app to appear on Google Play.

    Action required: Submit your app

    In order to show your app on Google Play, please submit your app again:

    Sign in to your Play Console. Make sure to increment the version number of the APK.

    Select your app.

    Select Store presence > Store listing.

    Click Submit update or Resubmit app.

  • Really strange issue.. :(

    If you set your app to G (in the console) all ads should be in line with the family program. I have it for several apps, and they are approved for the family program just fine. It is clearly stated that all ads should be suitable for families and children, if set to G.

    (IF the rejection would be that you were not compliant with the family policy it should state this:

    Issue: Violation of Families Policy Requirements, but you get a different violation status?)

    IF you get a violation from Google and resubmit to review the same build they will reply with the same print screen and same violation. A new review is only done if you post a new build when resubmitting (at least that is what they told me).

    Was both your account and app set to G in admob before submitting your latest build?

    Normally the review team is helpful when you reply and ask what is needed to adjust. At least this is my experience.

  • I think i have found where the problem is... the game is under "families program", and the guidelines says this...

    Does c3 add this or is it something i have to do?

    Do you use mediation?

    Regardless, have you set the ad contect to be classified as G?

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  • If they claim the content is wrong, then just reply on the Violation ticket that the ad came from their own AdMob service. If you don't reply to their violation ticket then you will never know what's wrong.

  • This sounds like an Admob configuration issue. I'm not familiar with the guideline your referring to, could you link it for me so I can take a closer look?

    It's not possible to display a banner more than once, but I believe Admob (by default) swaps to a new advert periodically if the banner is open a long time. I'm not sure why that would be default if it's not allowed on the Play Store though. My only other guess is that one of the adverts you are showing is against the T & C's, which would be rather frustrating.

    It's a setting in AdMob, if you want Automatical refreshed banners (with new content) or not. (Inactive/Optimized by Google/Your own setting)

  • It looks like a fully normal banner.

    When you get a violation you can always respond to it, and you will get further information from Google, what they claim is wrong and how it should be. You will have the respond link in the email you receive from them

  • look in the console

  • do you use the IG plugin and nothing else? do you load any external data?

  • both of these plugins send a message after some specific time interval, in seconds.

    It might be possible to derive the amount of seconds until next 17:00 if you also use a clock plugin to get the current time...

  • I speak swedish, some of your "swedish" translations are quite hilarious... :)

    Växla lökhuden

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    I think you need to put more time into this and really look into every string you are translating, to fully understand what it actually means. Not just to translate the words in a translator engine.

  • Bl4ckSh33p Okay. Let me know if you need help. Signal One works just fine.


    Can you explain a bit how you integrate your C3 projects to One Signal? Do you have any plugin or how do you integrate it?

  • For me still looks way cleaner iPhones compared to Samsung because of the saturation is too strong on Samsungs phones, if you playing long hours with Samsung it hurts the eyes and they get tired much quickly but that's my personal opinion, but I know some people they prefer Samsung colours and its fine for me.

    You can turn off the color boost on Android in the Display settings, if that is what you refer to.