fredriksthlm's Forum Posts

  • 1) chooseAsync = Change context in C3. (switchAsync and createAsync you can use via js, but is rarely used in IG)

    2) For newly created games you can only create contextual leaderboards. So only use this in your projects from now on.

    3) iap is not supported in C3 plugin. Use js

    4) You don't need this, but can do it manually if you really need

    5) This is supported in the plugin, but is cotrolled by FB. Now it gives a message to share on your wall. but changes from time to time.

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  • first you must create/load an ad. you can do this on start of the layout. then show the ad when you want to show it.

    remove all your variables and remove all your triggers, for now. until you get the ad to work.

    it doesn't seem like you understand trigger events

  • those banner and ads will never show.

    don't use triggers inside trigger (once)

  • I use scirras Admob plugin.

    In Android the game is paused while the ad is playing.

    In iOS the game is running in bg while the ad is playing.

    It is a bit odd :)

  • I am currently playing trough Mega Man X on SNES, I have finished three levels (doing one every other day...)

    Your game seems similar.

    I didnät get from the KS if you are creating a PC/console or mobile game?

    Are you creating the graphics on your own?

  • Oh, hmm I see.

    But I have never included any splash image into my project, and had loader set to none. Previously I did not see any splash screen if I exported the game like this. (maybe just a black screen for a millisecond then..?)

    But with the new icon/splash setup in the projects I get the game icon as splash screen. (this was never shown if exported with the previous/older construct builds)

  • Hi all,

    Since Scirra changed the minification services to Google Compile, this behavior is filing in my exports.

    Litetween by Lunarray.


    Anyone get the same?

  • no one else experiencing this? Even if I set 'Loader style' to Percentage text, the app show my game icon as splash screen before the percentage beeing shown.. So regardless of setting, the icon is shown as splash

  • I am also seeing this new behaviour for an exported cordova app. Not when running in preview though.

    I have

    First layout = "Loader" (my own loading screen)

    Use loader layout = Yes

    Loader style = Nothing

    Previously the exported app started with my loader layout. Now it starts with the App logo, and Whita background(!). Even though Splash color is set to black in the properties.

    In the Icons folder I only have one file, the app icon.

    How can I turn off the "logo screen" ? (Like it has always wokred before)

  • sounds like an interesting game.. :)

  • When you use a virtual machine, in the name of the "mac" appears the name of the machine, if I publish something apple will know that it is a virtual machine. You can check it by looking at the devices associated with your apple id. If you don't have the money to buy a mac, I recommend setting up a hackintosh.

    For me the machine does not show up in the Devices list.

    The Devices list is only my related test devices (iphones and ipads), so the machine is not in there. (at least in my dev account)

    It is very common to rent virtual machines, (or use shared company machines), for xcode/cordova etc.

  • Can tests be done on physical devices?

    If you ask me, then yes. You use your normal -physical- Ipad and/or iphone to test with.

    Just the computer is remote. (It is an apple computer with latest OS and latest Xcode etc. You have your own private login and desktop. Machines with 2.5GHz Intel Core i5, 8GB memory.

    You just log on remotely from your own machine. Just like logging on to your companys machines.)

  • I use macincloud. 1usd per hour.

    You have "your own" machine. Works perfectly.

  • How "complicated" is the game you are dreaming about?

    If understanding events is to hard, then making computer/mobile games will be quite hard for you I believe. Try to look into all the demos and tutorials.

    (To hire a random dude on fiverr might work, but I do not believe the result will be exactly like you want it. To create a basic first idea of the game play might work, but then it is countless of hours to make it "perfect", and to have someone hired (by the hour) to fine tune everything might not be possible, for your wallet..)

  • I cannot tell why it force closed, but..

    a green arrow means it is a trigger.. so the 'show video' will not show with those nested triggers