fredriksthlm's Forum Posts

  • fredriksthlm

    I test this on the simulator and on a device. So far they behave the same.

    I just realized that the IDFA explainer message is never shown. That is ok if you are in the EEA, but I just tried to spoof the location as outside the EEA and it still didn't show it.

    Right now I don't have too many ideas as to what might be wrong, i'll have to keep looking at it.

    Since we get the ATT prompt before the IDFA explainer is called, we will not get the IDFA explainer shown when that is called later since we already have Allow for ATT by then, and then you will not get the UMP window. I think you need to first correct the workflow in your plugin.

    (Also verify that the IDFA message is created and activated, this is not the same as the Consent message).

    Also the spoof location doesn't work at all. the "in EEA or unknown" is true regardless of spoof (if you are in eea but spoof to US). and also the consent validation doesn't listen to the spoof thinghy

  • DiegoM

    I have now verfied the ConsentStatus bug.

    in r256 the consentstatus was not updated correctly "internally", but the actual consent was saved "externally".

    in r257 the consentstatus is updated correctly internally in the plugin. but you will get the UMP window every time you open it, with consentstatus UNKNOWN. So it seems it did not save the consent correctly(?)

    I can build the same project in 256 and 257 to verify the different behaviour. You should be able to reproduce it easily. It is the same for both Android and iOS. (If you already saved consent with a 256build, you might not get the issue in the 257 build, since it stored a cookie already. So uninstall and clean the device between every test)

  • > Since in some circumstancus you are not allowed by Google by any means to show it (if the app exist in a featured program for users without ads for example)

    That makes sense. You would need to make a special build of your game for that case, wouldn't you?

    The old plugin had the options to show the consent dialog for EU only, Always and Never. EU only is what it does now, which is the smart behavior where it figures out if it needs to show it or not. I don't think Always is needed anymore though, why would you want to force the consent dialog if you don't need to?

    So I think that just a toggle to choose whether to show it on start up or not is all that is needed.

    No, it is the same build unfortunately. That's why some apps can't have it on "Always show". But to have a toggle with Show / Not show , is fine. (where "Show" is only for EU)

    Then I can show it manually with the Show Consent event for the ones that should get it.

  • DiegoM

    I just realised, you cannot force to show the consent/IDFA automatically! You must keep the setting (like you had previously in the former Mobile Advert version) where you can chose to show it automatically on startup or to not show it automatically, and just show it with an event.

    Since in some circumstancus you are not allowed by Google by any means to show it (if the app exist in a featured program for users without ads for example), in those circumstances your app will be banned by Google if any ad-related things are shown at all, even the consent window. But for the other users I must show the consent/IDFA. (I can decide with IAP events when this comes into place)

    So this is a must have, like the plugin worked before. Just as boulerzzz also asked for.

    I had not realised this before.

  • This has no relation to Admob.

    This is just a policy from Google that you are not allowed to update apps from other sources than Google Play, and you are not allowed to alter other app than your own, basically.

    It is also a policy that the app should follow Google quality standard, which normal Corvova/C3 apps unfortunataly do not do.

    But you should be fine. Just mark the message as "archive" in your console.

  • As for the other issues, I can't comment on them too much really. When I try it out it remembers the settings. The only thing I can think of right now, is that the Test Mode checkbox might still be on, that would cause the consent dialog to be shown all the time.


    I do not use "Test mode"..

    Do you test in xcode simulator or a physic device? So you are saying you get the actual IDFAstatus in the expression in the plugin while running on iphone?

    (If a user is not in EU they will not see the EU consent, they will instead get a IDFA explainer message which you create in Funding Choices, so that's why it is really important that the IDFA explainer shows before the ATT prompt!)

  • DiegoM

    This is my findings when testing the iOS flow.

    1. When opening the app the ATT prompt shows before the Consent/IDFA explainer. This is incorrect behaviour. The Funding choice message should be shown before.

    2. The IDFAstatus expression is always returning ”not-determined” regardless of the actual status.

    3. The Consent status expression is always ”UNKNOWN” when you open the app, regardless if you have given consent when you opened the app before. (The status though change in the app session when consent is given! But next time you open the app it is still unknown again.

    4. The consent window is always shown on every app opening (I guess this is related to error no3).

    I know there is a bug fix for the consent values, so maybe this is solved if you update to the latest version, but also look into your code and ask Ratson if you need advice, the current state of the plugin is not functional.

    ( the events of loading and showing ads work fine in iOS)

  • You are using the old deprecated SDK which is not complaint any longer basically. They tell you to rephrase the words on the buttons, which is possible to do within Admob in the new setup but not in the old.

    (In the old SDK which you use, Google are including an open source Consent screen which is a html form which you can amend as you like if you build with cli or in Android Studio)

    In the next stable C3 you will have the new framework for this instead.

  • I've tested the plugin today and agree with boulerzzz statements.

    either include getConsentStatus as an action, or (if possible) trigger this when consent is given. the condition is otherwise only updated when the app initializes.

    Otherwise all is fine (for Android) now. I've not tested for iOS yet.

    (I can see you use fixed versions (admob1.17 and consent2.1.10 at the moment), but I saw Ratson corrected your reported bug in consent 2.2. just fyi)

  • Actually looks very cool.

    How did you create the video? it is many short sequences of gameplay with some pre-made transitions between them? it's a very cool way of making fast paced intense action game videos :D which software did you use for it?

  • Sorry but what is fallback icon?

    The icon to use when adaptives are not supported (prior to Android 8)

    And is it very tough to do these things? I have never even touched AS

    if you are not used to code or developer programs then it can be a bit hard yes. But just install it and try it out, it's free. there should be a guide on the cordova webpage how to set it up

  • Sorry for a random question

    Why many don't use Construct 3 online APK service to make apps? Few clicks and APK is made

    Is there some extra advantage on manually making APK file?

    The standard Cordova builds are not compliant with Google quality standards.

    For example: native GUIs (like popups) uses deprecated themes. The Back-button doesn't work. The (fallback) icon is created incorrectly. All those things must be amended manually before building the APK.

    edit: also for analyses reasons, since it is very easy to investigate logs while running you app in AS.

  • - make sure you have Android SDK installed (both 29 &30)

    - set the environmental variables (as Sparsha showed above, and verify your own paths)

    - verify (in AS) that your gradle setting is: '' file

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Here are a few games:

  • Thank you, this sounds fine.

    (Regarding reset it's not really the same thing to send a "reset" with an action (from a button, hidden or visible for example in a live app). than to have your app in "Test mode"... but yea, never mind..)

    Fyi: I have not tested the ATT/IDFA framework yet, so I might bug you with those later hehe :D

    Since those work similar to consent, but only for iOS.