ERAgames777's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the help, I will now make new projects by checking the meaning of the text or multiplying by a number. With the hash I have not worked yet, so I'll probably leave it aside.

  • I still had an idea to use Array. I think if I write a variable into an array and then also add points from other array rows. Is it possible? Or is it also easy to crack as a variable?

  • Does anyone know how to protect variable numbers from hacking cheaters? I'm already beginning to get bored when my games are hacked by small children ...

  • Hey. Does anyone know how to deal with cheaters who change variables? And if so then please you can with the example preferably on C3.

  • Thank you Ashley! The information was useful to me, I think I will not go to the Crosswalk assembly if you say that 85% of the market is more than 5.0+

  • How do I release the game on android 4.1 if I use the built-in Scirra compiler where the minimum android 5.0?

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  • It is working for me now.

    Yes, server work was restored.

  • I was reluctant to do so since It takes me a while to log back into everything.

    I did clean PC a few times and it didn't do anything, still gets stuck on "restored connection".

    I did end up restarting it with the same results.

    I disabled my security for a few minutes to test it as well and it didn't connect.

    I also do not connect to the build server when I try to export Cordova. I write to Construct-3-bugs and find out the reason .

  • >

    > Apparently this is a problem with the googleplay plugin. I also started the application with this plugin. The Login screen appears in googleplay and disappears after that no events associated with this plugin work.


    Seems you're right. I finally got the login screen/pop-up to show. Looks like it is logged in, but then nothing I have programmed afterwards will work. It won't set the high score, or load the high score, or display leaderboards. I'm stuck at the moment...

    I'm talking about this and said ... plugin googleplay is not finalized, apparently Scirra will modify it in the next updates.

  • > Silviu are you using Construct 2 or 3? I'm not sure if the version of Google Play in C2 works in Android applications at the moment.


    > I'm assuming your using C3, based on the "Google Play Services stopped" message. When developing the plugin I noted that Play Services can be very fragile, and will sometimes crash when given invalid data instead of producing error messages. Also setting up your application online can be quite hard. Here's a checklist I have for using it:


    > - Create your game and leaderboards etc. through the Google Play console NOT the Google API console

    > - APKs must be signed

    > - Upload the SHA1 signature for your signing key

    > - Sign the APK with the same signing key that you upload the signature for

    > - Specify the app ID in the project

    > - Make sure your email address is under the list of testers on the Google Play Console

    > - Leaderboard/achievement caching is very aggressive, your device will always use it's local list instead of the remote if it can


    > If you haven't done any of the first 6 you won't be able to log in, it can be pretty frustrating.


    Thank you for your reply. I am really new to this, so I need a bit of help... So I exported my app as unsigned apk with Cordova then I created a keystore and signed my app using: keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000


    jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore my_application.apk alias_name

    After that I uploaded my game using Google Play Console. In google play object in construct 2 I added my game ID which is something like and Client ID which looks like, I am not sure what to add for Application ID. I added my email for testers, too. What else should I do? I am not sure what do you mean by "Upload the SHA1 signature for your signing key"... Thank you again for help!

    What is SHA1? Of course, I understand everything that googleplay policy is very invigorated, but why complicate everything ... Previously to add googleplayservices to your game you just had to copy your APP_ID and nothing more. Now the game developer needs to make not only a game but also learn how to compile through cmd ... What is ... Why would not Scirra simply add the function of the GooglePlay plugin to the SHA, APP_ID, SecretKey insertion function ... In general, you need to detach from this GooglePlay if they will complicate everything ...

  • I just tried implementing the Google Play services plugin in a game today and can't seem to get it working.

    I have these events on the starts screen:

    + GooglePlay: On loaded

    ----+ GooglePlay: Is loaded

    -----> GooglePlay: Sign in

    When it loads, the screen dims and the menu bar and the navigation buttons show (like when you swipe down from the top during full screen). It looks like something is going to happen, and then they disappear and the game plays like normal. no error or anything.

    Is this an issue with how I am programming events? Or is there an issue with the plugin?

    Apparently this is a problem with the googleplay plugin. I also started the application with this plugin. The Login screen appears in googleplay and disappears after that no events associated with this plugin work. The problem with Construct 3 is that they always have very important errors in the plugins. At the moment I can not release the game via C3 at all, since they do not work with the cordova-android assembly with the plugin mobileIAP. I thought why I paid $ 100 if I just sit and look at the program that puts me in the wheel.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Please stop multi-posting the same question.

    If you want to report a bug then use the Bugs section and ensure you follow the Bug Report Requirements.

    Ok, i'm sorry for double question.

  • When browsing the web, the image is downloaded from the url. But when you export via cordova, when you run it through android the image is not loaded from the url.

  • Who knows when they will fix the export of cordova (android) and plugin IAP to Construct 3?