EpicRaid's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to get this done:

    But after the 'WaitSeconds*loopindex' action it goes wrong. All three explosions occur at the exact same coordinates.

    So I tried that 'loopindex' but apparently it doesn't work.

    Tried a bunch of things, but I was unable to solve it.

    I'm pretty sure there's something simple to solve this, except I don't know what it could be!

    Any ideas? Thanks.

  • Hiya,

    Sorry for the late reply. I replaced the LoS with a circle so now it checks on overlap. That does seem to work. I did wanted a 360 cone of view.

    Now the collision polygon isn't entirely round, as C2 recommends a max of 8 points. Would it hurt to have more, say maybe 16? I have cloned the circles because I believe it's necessary to have one for each tank.

    But I figure 16 points would be too much considering I will have like 8 controlable tanks.


  • Hello,

    I'm making a game that has tanks which have the LoS And Turret behavior. Now I am able to make the tanks fire at enemy objects. These enemy objects however, also need to be solid, as I don't want the tanks to be able to drive right through them, nor do I want the tanks to be able to 'see' through them.

    Problem is however, that the tanks won't shoot at these enemy objects if you either make the object a solid, or put a seperate solid sprite underneath or on top of the enemy object.

    How can I go about accomplishing this?

    P.S. I also noticed the tanks will fire directly at the original image point of the enemy object. The tanks will need to be able to 'see' the image point, apparently?


  • Sorry to bump this, I stumbled upon this topic, but does this pertain to the Browser object, specifically the 'Is Landscape/Portrait' event?

  • Did you clone the object? Or make sure the object has otherwise a unique name? If they're just copied, it will still destroy the bullet since they're colliding with the same instance.

    Alternatively, post a sample of your code!

  • Sure, use 'Choose'.

    Since you own a C3 license I'd also start using functions if you used my sample (always good anyway for recurring actions).

    I can't because I don't own a license.

    Update: mediaconceptfactory.com/c3p/Cars.c3p

    It works like:

    Text > Set Text to: choose("Text1","Text2","Text3")

    Put that action after the Car sprite is created.

  • OK, made a sample;


    Upload it to C3.

    Not sure if I can share the project 'online' I don't think so because I don't own C3.

    The Car sprite has a container which I added the Text object to. Then it will be created with the Car sprite on the same location. They will also be destroyed both, when Car hits the DestroyCar sprite.

    Find the container settings by clicking a sprite, then at the bottom left in the properties panel.

    Cars are created On Start of Layout, since they have a container.

    Note that I didn't set the Text object Pin to Car to 'Position AND Angle' but just Position.

  • Depending on how the angle of the image was created it will be displayed that way when imported in the Sprite editor.

    You can change the angle of the image in the Sprite editor by rotating it (counter) clockwise with one of the button at the top.

    What I personally prefer is to make it so the front of the car is facing right in the Sprite editor. Then the sprite will always drive 'forward', not having to make any extra calculations when trying to make it go a certain direction in the C3 editor or when scripting.

  • I use the bullet behaviour.

    I put a few of the cars already on screen so there will already be traffic.

    When the cars hits a sprite at the end of the road, car is destroyed (out of the players view).

    Set that destroy sprite to invisible at On Start of Layout. So you can see it in the editor, but not ingame.

    Don't forget to set the car's Bullet Angle of Motion, when you create the cars, standard will be 90 degrees in this case.

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  • Hiya,

    Thanks for your reply.

    It had something to do with the On Start of Layout condition indeed.

    I replaced it with:

    Also put those Level triggers in subevents like you said!

    Now it's working fine.


  • Hello,

    I've got this game where traffic cars are supposed to spawn on the road every x seconds set by a timer.

    I'm using the timer behavior as such:

    What happens is, it will spawn a traffic car every 0 seconds since Global Variable 'TimerObjectAmount' starts as 0. Global Variable 'Level' starts as 1.

    However, if I restart the level by clicking the button (for example you ran out of time in the game), the traffic spawns just fine.

    It just won't set the TimerObject to the according TimerObjectAmount until the layout was restarted by the button.

    I tried many things, changing the order of events, destroy and recreate the TimerObject, nothing seems to work.

    If you proceed to the next level without the current level being restarted, it will change the TimerObject correctly, but it won't have the correct number gotten from TimerObjectAmount. In other words, it's always one step/level 'behind' unless that specific level was restarted.

    Example: You're one level 1. TimerObject is using the initial TimerObjectAmount=0 and ignores my event which should set it to 3. Layout is restarted ingame. TimerObject was correctly set to 3.

    Hope someone knows what's going on?


  • Hey, hate to spoil your day, but those two comments look like they were made by spam accounts.

    About your game.. needless to say the graphics could use a major overhaul.

    I can't skip the intro. Sometimes I can use the mouse, other times I must use the spacebar to select?

    Either make it all keyboard, mouse, or for both.

    Gameplay.. well, uhm, it's ping pong. It works nicely. But if you want it to stand out, you might need an edge.

  • yes I always hear this from the construct team...goto google: site: construct.net/forums xyz ...which honestly is such a blow-off response.

    As far as I'm concerned the website is part of the $99 per year we are all paying for...being able to find information fast.

    I do have to admit I agree partly with you. In any case, was just trying to help.

    Must say I have always found the official 'manual' (of C2 in any case) severely lacking. It describes the bare basics of everything, but there are hardly any examples to be found. I suppose this could be due to the fact that examples can't be tailored to everyone's needs.

    But it has certainly forced me to open new topics on the forums, and that waiting, or should I say, hoping for a reply can be a not so fun experience. I mean, you stumble across a problem and want to solve it preferably before the days end so you can move on with your project.

    Fortunately there are many helpful people here on the forums, who basically help for free. But your argument has made me think just now; should it be the community to carry the burden of customer service?

    Ofcourse, without a thriving community, when the manual would be lacking, the forums can be really helpful. Although I don't feel the manual should be lacking in the first place.

    I'm still using C2, and I will probably need to upgrade sometime in the next years, I surely hope they will improve on this. Especially with a recurring subscription, which is basically like a prison ball and chains around your ankle, because you know you can't escape from C3 sooner or later.

    Oh, where I was going is, with that recurring income I find it unlikely that a decent manual and improved service will be out of the question.

  • It looks nice, don't quite understand the game yet to be honest. It looks whacky though, in a good way. I wonder who your target audience is? My guess is kids. But I don't find the gameplay intuitive judging from the trailers. Or is it supposed to be that way, that you need to figure out things? There are no clues as to what things do.

    What platform is this going to be on by the way? Desktop/Android/iOS?

    Anyway, the graphics are nice, but overall I personally dislike the pastel colors. I would go for bright colors instead, it would not only look better but actually appeal more to kids, well, if that is your audience. But that could just be me, I find the current colors appeal more to toddlers and younger.

    In any case, I doubt this will change your mind since you are probably far into development.

    I do find the whackyness a big plus. You just jump into a machine and it'll do something crazy!

    Good luck with your game!

  • Hey,

    I too find the forum search terrible. That's why I use Google instead. I just Google for example "Construct 2 key bindings". If the results get irrelevant on the results page, click 'More results from construct.net' below the small list of relevant results from construct.net.

    And if that doesn't do it.. you can always open a new topic here on the forum.