EnglishAcorn's Forum Posts

  • No worries, any questions, I'm happy to answer. Thank you again for your compliments.

    I have thought about donations and if you consider my work helpful and useful to yourself and others I'll gladly accept any tips. There should be a standard Paypal donation button displayed soon.

    As well as providing *.Capx files (Back engineering and viewing the events is a great way to learn). I'm planning to provide other free to download game assets/art/music etc.. I just need to find the time to re-write the terms and conditions for these so that I can licence the assets to allow others to use them commercially royalty free without removing my artistic copyright etc... (I think I'll read how Jason Shaw does it).

    I'm also hoping to start recording my video tutorials again (This time with commentary). My primary computer keeps over heating and won't allow me, so I've recently had to move onto my old desktop which runs fine.

    If you have any suggestions I'm all ears.

    Thank you again.

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  • I had recently uploaded an example and *.Capx file of an editable "Loading Layout". Once of the things I had included was an example of how to smoothly change the colour/appearance of a sprite. More on the "Loading Layout" example can be found here. Click Here!

    I thought it would be worth creating an individual example aimed primarily at displaying a sprite in a variety of shades and appearances. So I've created and uploaded Sprite Colour Changer to the Scirra Arcade. This can be found here. Click Here!.

    The *.Capx file can be downloaded directly from:English Acorn: C2


    **Update 06/12/2013:

    -Removed redundant and broken links.

  • Val:

    Thank you for your compliment.

    I can post the link here if you want. Download Here! But I attach it to a 5 second advert prior to the download link. The purpose for this is to compensate the time taken to create the *.Capx otherwise [due to financial limitations] it would have been more sensible for me to focus my time elsewhere.

    I didn't initially post the link as normally I come back to posts when I have more time to edit and update them. Also because I was unsure if I should due to the attached advert. And thirdly, since I'm updating the list of *.Capx files I'm offering on my site, it allows others the option to peruse and downloading those as well.

    If you have any more feedback or suggestions it's welcomed.


  • This example relates to two features, firstly the new 'Loading Screen' defined in a recent C2 updated. And secondly an example of a colour changing effect.

    An the example can be found in the arcade here. Click Here!

    A tutorial for the 'Loading Screen' can be found elsewhere on this site within the tutorial section.

    The colour changing effect is achieved by positioning two or more of the same (Different colour) sprite over the same position, then melding them together with the opacity function.

    You can download the *.Capx file from here. Click Here! (Scroll down to the Loading Screen Table)

  • How are you starting your layout? Are you created the sprites at layout in the event sheet. Or have you created and placed your sprites manually in the layout editor?

    A basic fix is to have a global/instance variable. If you create sprites at the start of layout, then add one to that value per sprites. Alterntively if your sprites are already place before the start of layout. You could instead use "for each" and add 1 to the value of the variable.

    Then when your player collects the sprites, subtract 1 from the value per sprite.

    When the variable = 0 then all the sprites have been collected, the door move etc....

  • I had considered something similar yourself. The use of a game to tell and teach some of the Bible stories, making them interative and to have a game that's more than just entertainment. But the conclusion I came to was that for most Christians, the Bible is good enough in itself to tell these stories and teach. It doesn't require other things etc...

    Nowadays, a lot of Christians will play main stream games, so a Christian 'themed' game may not have such an impact compared to the days of the NES/SNES and Wisdom Tree, with their under developed games.

    I mention this as you've sought backing from a Church, and depending on which country they reside in, they may feel the same way.

  • Create a variable that stores the different commands.

    Maybe this is a bit complicated, but its off the top of my head.

    Have a variable which counts down, lets call it V:Time.

    Then have variables for each action, punch, jump, kick etc...

    The Time value is constantly counting down.

    When ever a key is pressed, V:Time is set to 5.

    If punch is presses set V:Punch to +1

    If another action is then pressed, for each action variable greater than 1, add 1, as well as adding to that action variable.


    To demonstrate:

    V:Time = 0

    V:Punch = 0

    V:Kick = 0

    V:Jump = 0

    Punch is pressed

    V:Time = 5

    V:Punch = 1

    V:Kick = 0

    V:Jump = 0

    Punch is pressed again withing 5 seconds (Before V:Time =<0)

    V:Time = 5

    V:Punch = 3

    V:Kick = 0

    V:Jump = 0

    Kick is pressed within 5 seconds

    V:Time = 5

    V:Punch = 4

    V:Kick = 1

    V:Jump = 0

    Jump is pressed within 5 seconds

    V:Time = 5

    V:Punch = 5

    V:Kick = 2

    V:Jump = 1

    Kick is pressed within 5 seconds

    V:Time = 5

    V:Punch = 6

    V:Kick = 4

    V:Jump = 2

    Special move:

    If shift is pressed and (V:Punch = 6) (V:Kick = 4) (V:Jump = 2) Perform special move XYZ

    The V:Time is just to make sure the combo is done within the time, if V:Time ever =0 then reset all the other values.


    Or something there abouts.

  • Alternatively:

    -Move at angle.

    Set the angle to move at to the player's angle +/- 90 degrees (Depending if it is strafe right or left)

    Something like this.

  • If you are talking about changing one Object:Sprite (Sprite 1) to another Object:Sprite( Sprite 2); you can code it a multiple of ways.

    After the event where you 'touch' or 'collide' with it. Destroy Create Sprite 2 to the position and layer of Sprite 1, then destroy Sprite 1.

    Alternatively If Sprite 2 is always positioned to Sprite 1. At the start of the layout turn Sprite 2 invisible. Then once Sprite 1 is touch, turn Sprite 1 invisible and Sprite 2 visible.

    However, as has been suggested. An easy wasy is to have Sprite 1 form the first frame of an animation and Sprite 2 to form the second frame. At the start of the layout you stop the animation and set the frame to the fisrt. Then afte the 'touch' even occurs, you change the animation frame to the second one. Creating the illustion of the Sprites switching.

  • Depending on how the game is embeded copyright may not be violated. If using an Iframe code you are mearly peering through one website into another, sort of like a window.

    This is why with sites such as Kongregate. You host your game on your own site, and they have a window from their site to yours. People who play your games from other websites are still taking the bandwidth from your host and in effect copying the images/sound in your game from there also.

    If you've made it freely available on your own site, I don't think copyright is violated.

    If however someone has managed to download your whole game, including the coding and uploaded it themself elsewhere, then allow others to play. They are allowing others to create copies of your images/sounds/assets without your permission and violating your copyright.

    ....Or something like that....

  • zsangerous,

    You are right, it is the "Include event sheet". I removed them from use, and now the preview works. Will be trying it again once uploaded to the internet.

    Thank you.

  • Similar situation for myself. Have just updated C2 to export to the arcade. After the update I went to check if the project was still working.

    Neither the preview worked, nor when I exported the file and uploaded it to my site.

    englishacorn.com/html5/Test/Simple_Menu/index.html (Tested on FF, IE and Chrome, the first layout begins with a black opaque layer which fades away. This was working prior to the lastest update)


    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/Misc/error.png" border="0" />


    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/Misc/error2.png" border="0" />


    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/Misc/error3.png" border="0" />

  • Just created and linked to the video tutorial associated with the above.

  • Yes, I had noticed on Kongregate others making Flash game tutorials in Flash, or Stencyl game tutorials in Stencyl. So I thought I;d try to make a Construct 2 tutorials in Construct 2.

    It seems to have worked, although it look a long time. Learning things along the way (i.e. Don't make the screen too small, else views can see the event screen shots).

    Thank you for your compliment.

  • I have now uploaded an interactive tutorial to Kongregate, as well as finishing a written tutorial (albeit the same written tutorial as found in the interactive tutorial). If you have any questions please ask.