EnglishAcorn's Forum Posts

  • Depending on your intentions and development for the game, I would suggest using a text variable or global variable to keep track of your sprites attributes. I suggest this from experience, as it should provide more control over the sprite and reduce the chance of unexpected problems.

    In otherwords, you set the sprite's speed to a global variable 'Speed' constantly or at relavent events. If you want to increase your sprite's speed you alter the global variable and the rest follows. Then on each layout you create your sprite and set its variables to the appropriate global variable. While it may seem more time consuming at first, it can prevent confusing later on in your game. But different people have different progamming habits, so anyway is free.

  • TELLES0808

    From reading your post I think you are hinting at the following. Correct me if I am wrong:

    Firstly: Yes with the events editor you can do a lot of things with animation.

    Secondly: Beginners are generally not familiar with event programing methods

    Thirdly: Therefore to make C2 user friendly, include visual looping of frame tags in the animation editor. To better control which frames are looped.

    If this is the case, then the solution has already been implemented. Within the sprite animation editor, you are already able to edit and create new animations (to then label) for the same sprite. Its easy to miss this box that allows this, as I have found it hiding under the 'Sprite Editor'.

    You can therefore have 'animation run' frames 1-4, 'animation jump' frames 1-4, 'animation fall' 1-2 etc... Altering between the different lables.

    Is that what you are looking for? If not I apologies.

  • TELLES0808

    Hmmm... From watching your video, it brings back a memory of something similar (I can remember the server error screen). I can't remember however what it was associated with.

    Have you tried altering your signature, then after the server error message, instead of hitting the "back button" trying to refresh. Alternatively, loging out then in and editting your signature.

    The more I think about it, the more the error rings a bell, but I can't remember how I went about it. Either, removing my signature completely, then saving, then adding it again. Alternatively, clearing cache waiting till a few hours later then trying again.

    But I do now think I can remember something like that happening before.

    Sorry I can't help more than that.

  • As I understand it, you are all meaning adding a layer to all layouts simultaneously. Such a feature surely should be a tick box of current layouts which therefore gives you the option of choosing multiple layouts to add a layer to (or removing one). Hence, perhaps "Add multiple layers" may be an even better name than "Layout familes" or "Global Layer". :P :P

    On a side note, depending on your expertise, time available and if it is not a hassle. In a future game you may like to experiement with having much fewer layouts. But the 'main game' layout has the ability to load and run a map from stored data (i.e. an array). This normally requires a level editor (created by yourself), but has certain advantages with adding and updating levels and gameplay. But takes longer to set up. It all depends on the size of your game.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Have you considered the following:

    -Virus Scan, Programs or pop-ups running in background.

    -Haven't cleared cache for a long time.

    -Updated appropriate drivers/browsers.

    -Tested game with fewer tabs open.

    -Exported game then tested it.

    -Considered webhost of game.

    -Absence of apple pie and tea while playing game.

    For myself I get an average of 59 fps (58-60), and that's while running a laptop which professes an obvious hatred for me and anything associated with game design.

  • TELLES0808,

    My signature count is currently 162. Unless it's a recent development, it may be the content of your signature which causes problems. I can't recall any problems when saving my signature. What browser are you using?

  • I think it may have been mentioned, but I would check your browser settings if you find your cache is being refreshed. Unless the previous games you've played are coded to re-download old data, you may find the storage limitations placed by browsers are causing the extra download burden.

    Alternatively, a fresh pack of real playing cards can last a life time. However, try not to bend them, else pain will follow. :(

  • 8. (But uncollected) Due to focusing on building a foundation, then fate conspiring against me to prevent my hardware from working. Hence the short run of C2 tutorials, games, game updates etc....

    But 1 in terms of trying to give back to the community (spirit).

  • Wow, will do... And thank you. I now have even more excitment for r100...

    But if all else fails however, I'll have to create a Construct 2 magazine, light up a cigar and pretend I'm a New York media chief developing a strong case of throat cancer will looking out of a high up Manhattan office window having just helped two police detectives solve a murder case featuring an attractive women. Or something to that effect...

    All the best,


  • :(

    That's a shame. But at least I know to save to buy something better in the future. For the moment I think I'll put up with it. However the last two months have felt like fate was conspiring against me concerning digital work, off and online. I currently have a sinister sense of foreboding concerning the reliability of this desktop... haha... owww well... Nothing a cup of tea can't resolve.

    Thanks again for your prompt reply.


  • Ashley,

    Thank you for the prompt reply.

    I've recorded a screen capture and uploaded it here (Video is unlisted):

    I thought I'd record the problem as it should explain it a little better.

    The things I've noticed:

    The object image only distorts/corrupts when objects are NOT a 'Power of 2' size. In other words, if the objects are 32x32, 64x64, 512x512 in size. Then everything works fine. Albeit a small drop in resolution when in layout view mode (before preview or export).

    When I change the object image's size (In the image editor) to a resolution/size other than x2 size, such as 100x256. Then there is distortion.

    If I zoom all the way in, the object image is displayed properly, albeit the small drop in resolution in the layout view.

    As I zoom out, there seems to be an LOD effect, with each level other than the base level having an incorrect image as seen in the video.

    As you have mentioned, it is probably my graphics card/driver. However my confusion comes for the object images correctly displaying when at certain sizes or zoom depths.

    A strange work around can be for me to deliberately stretch the objects image in the image editor to a x2 resolution. Then in the layout editor, change the objects size there to what it should be and unstretch it. This leads me to think it may be driver related.

    I reformatted to downgrade to Win XP, as I was using Win 7 (64), which was slowing down my computer.

  • Fimbul,


    Thank you for your comments. I'm just currently coming out of some hardware issues of which I hope will be sorted soon (Has taken weeks/months off my time). After which I'll plan to produce a video tutorial to help.

    In the mean time, there is currently a written tutorial on the site concerning uploading your game to Kongregate.


    However it doesn't mention the other factors which may be worthy of consideration (highscores, gameplay etc..)

  • Just to pass on my experience of using Kongregate. As mentioned, after uploaded your game can take a few days to be recorded for revenue. After that it should update every 24 hours (Some times a little longer).

    Usually your game won't be rated yet until a certain time limit has passed (Or play count if its very low). I think for my first upload it took a few days with only 100 plays before it was rated. I was testing the water as with my other uploads, my advice would be to not rush uploading anything (Like I did) as you want to get at least 3 stars when your games is rated (More likely to increase further traffic to play your game).

    If you are integrating with the API for highscore etc.. to get the extra commission. You'll need at least 50 different registered recorded in the highscore tables, before this is added. So you want to programme your games to record the score during the game, not just at the end, else the play may exit the browser before the score is sent and recorded. This can result in fewer user scores recorded in the score tables, even with a high play rate.

    If you are ONLY uploading to Kongregate to get the final commission (Bringing it up to 50% with API integration). Then you may need to incorporate their logo at the beginning of the game. It took my second game (Space Star Shoot) almost a week to be available for revenue this way after uploading it.

    And further more from experience, you should make AT LEAST $1 per 1000 plays, but this will increase if your game is popular and depends on your commission rate. Just remember to fill in the IRS tax form, else Kongregate can take 30% your earnings when you collect.

  • **Apologies if this is in the wrong section, as I'm not sure whether it counts as a bug. Or other technical related problem. Further more I couldn't find a similar post.

    While Construct 2 works great on my Win 7 Laptop. Constant/irritating hardware problems (overheating turns of laptop), has forced me to work on my desktop.

    Having installed both Win 7, then reverting back to Win XP on my desktop. I have been having problems with the way objects are displayed within the layout screen when creating my games etc...

    Initially when installed on Win 7, the objects would always show up at a minimal resolution within the layout screen and at their proper resolution when exported. However, depending upon the size of the objects in the layout screen, they would also become transparent unless I zoom in quite far. I think this was perhaps an issue with my gfx card, ram or something similar. Hence down grading my desktop from Win 7 to Win XP.

    However, while Construct 2 now works speedily on my desktop. There still seems to be problems with objects displaying the correct image. If I draw and create an image from within the program, then only its resolution changes when views in the layout editor. However, when I import images in from else where, the object images are both transparent and corrupted when viewed within the layout editor. For example:

    Example 1(Imported images change when zoomed out)

    Example 2

    Example 3(If zoomed in, object image corrects self)

    Example 4(Object unrecognizable zoomed out)

    Example 5 (Object image fully transparent)

    My system spec:

    Win XP SP3

    AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual

    Core Processor 3800+

    2.01 GHz, 2.0 GB RAM

    ATI Radeon X1600 series (Latest Drivers installed)

    I thought it could be OpenGL related as my Gfx card is about 7+ years old. But I am unsure. I'm hoping there is a solution as I prefer C2 to other similar games development software.

  • Have uploaded the *.Capx file now.

    Would love feedback. Thank you for reading this topic.