EiLiF64's Forum Posts

  • Bump.

    Everybody who uses ultra-wide monitors please upvote.

    Thank you.

  • Sounds like something I ran into a while ago.

    What dop2000 said plus:


    --- Projection: "Perspective".

    --- Vanishing point should be 50% x 50%.

    Layers that zoom:

    --- Scale rate: 100%

    --- Parallax: 100% x 100%

    Layers that don't zoom (GUI):

    --- Scale rate: 0%

    --- Parallax: 0% x 0%

  • Put echarts.js into the scripts folder, selected it as "Main script". Profit!

    More coffee coming your way :)

  • I got this to work locally where index.html and echarts.js are in the same folder.

    How would I do this in C3? I tries the HTML element but it's giving me grief. HTML and JS are my nemesis.

    This is the index.html file:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
     <meta charset="utf-8" />
     <!-- Include the ECharts file you just downloaded -->
     <script src="echarts.js"></script>
     <!-- Prepare a DOM with a defined width and height for ECharts -->
     <div id="main" style="width: 600px;height:400px;"></div>
     <script type="text/javascript">
     // Initialize the echarts instance based on the prepared dom
     var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
     // Specify the configuration items and data for the chart
     var option = {
     title: {
     text: 'ECharts Example'
     tooltip: {},
     legend: {
     data: ['sales']
     xAxis: {
     data: ['Shirts', 'Cardigans', 'Chiffons', 'Pants', 'Heels', 'Socks']
     yAxis: {},
     series: [
     name: 'sales',
     type: 'bar',
     data: [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 20]
     // Display the chart using the configuration items and data just specified.
  • I think I am getting there. Not sure if I missed this in the manual, but I would have never figured this out without your help.

    The following seems to work. Still having trouble with one of the gauges, but I am hopeful to figure it out.

    I can now individually change the gray widgets' attributes:

    This is the code:

    Did I do it the right way (best practice)?

    I assume that IIDs don't change unless you switch layouts and create a bunch of other objects. How else would I be able track objects?

    Thanks for your continued support :)

  • I am using hierarchies to make widgets that display various object attributes.

    Given a parent picked by IID, how do I access the children?

    Manipulating the parent works fine. Manipulating the children affects all instances in the game.

    Do I need to pick the children explicitly or are they accessible when the parent is selected. Should I store the children's IID/UID in a parent instance variable for later access?

    The above image shows the parent (center) and it's children. Most children need to be manipulated (visibility, text, angle, ...)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks for clearing that up.

  • I have uploaded my project to a test server. The timeline animation starts but no sound is played until I click into the window. I have tried "On start of layout: Browser focus", but no cigar. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

    Sound works from within the editor and the WebView2 export of course.

  • This is a straight-up bitmap zoom. There may be better ways to this in C3. I am no expert.

    For crisper results I would render in an off-screen buffer at multiples of the screen resolution and then copy the "magnified" image. No matter, all of this is rather resource intensive.

    | Global number mag‎ = 3 + System: Every tick -> System: Take snapshot of canvas (PNG, quality 75, offset Mouse.X-50, Mouse.Y-50 size 100 x 100) -> MAG_PRINT: Load image from CanvasSnapshot (Resize to image size, cross-origin anonymous) -> MAG_PRINT: Set scale to mag + Mouse: On movement -> MAG_READ: Set position to (Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)

  • Right-click on the Fonts folder in the project bar and import a font of your choosing. WOFF seems to be the preferred type, but True Type (ttf) will work as well. Here is a link to a WOFF-Converter.

    My project uses Bahnschrift and Font Awesome 6.

    You will have to rewire all text objects by selecting the imported font.

    Now when you export, C3 should include the font in the package.

  • You are right. I am on a deadline though, but I'll try to see if I can reproduce it.

    Anyway no harm done. I was just curious if anybody else had the same issue. Thanks for the help.

  • This all in the C3 array editor:

    I removed a couple of rows from the array.

    When I try to save the project, C3 comes back with "Unable to save project."

    It's almost like the signal that saving the array data is finished never arrives (I assume that this is how it works). Assuming a save operation (array) is still in progress, C3 refuses to save the project file.

  • This happened after editing a json array file. It won't open in the editor anymore (italic filename font) or is hung loading/saving it. As a result I can't save the project anymore no matter the method (file/folder/cloud). I save frequently so it's not a huge deal but I was wondering if anybody else had issues.

    r412 beta.

  • Lots of places - google it. This should get you started: Kenney.

  • The consensus on the web seems to be that styling a list box is asking for trouble. I will use a simplified tabbed list box in the near future and switch something more custom when time permits.

    Thanks for your continued support.