DuqueKarl's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • I changed from that crappy free server to 000webhost.com and now Facebook Share with images is working nice (and bonus, my PHP MySql highscores are working too!) Thanks for the plugin, good job!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hi, I bought the plugin and it is working nice (Twitter, Whatsapp) but I have some problems sharing on Facebook.

    This is related to the "image" field. I use this: http://c2games.pixub.com/teamukawa.png and it is not working. Facebook Share doesn't show well

    Example of error (here I am using a goo.gl shortener just in case):

    https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer. ... 4085467458

    My "fast" solution (not too good) is to remove the picture. Example without image:

    https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer. ... 4085467458

    I received V3 inmediately in an automated link after the PayPal donation. Anyways, I would love to receive V3.5/6 to fix the blocking pop ups on computer. Thanks

    By the way, one trick for sharing the user score (replace highScore with your Construct 2 variable):

    "My highscore in ALIEN ROBOT is " & highScore & ". How far do you think you can get? Try it for free!"

  • Clever Frog

    Online: http://duquekarl.com/clever-frog/

    Android Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... cleverfrog


    Jump from leaf to leaf, using all the leaves on the water! Can you beat all the 24 levels in this smart game?

    Ready for a brain challenge?!

    Clever Frog is a very intelligent toad, from Einstein’s family. Help the little frog to move through every level jumping from leaf to leaf. Leaves sink, so you must pass only once over every plant until you complete the level using all the leaves!


    – Touch a plant to jump there

    – You can jump forward, left and right

    – No backwards jumping and no diagonal jumping

    Be clever and thoughtful. Think every move before you jump to the next leaf. If you get stuck restart the level and try again! Help the little frog jump on all the leaves to complete all the 24 levels.

  • Can you tell more details about what you are looking for? It is a sporadical job offer for just one game? It is a 1-month / 6-months thing, etc? What kind of games will be done? It is a fixed payment per month/per game? Which amounts? My email is - website with games- duquekarl.com

  • SenJos I advice you start making a lot of tutorials. Then try to make some super simple 1-day/2-day games, before attempting to make a game like that, but of course it can be done and I think it can be done in a short time (few weeks, less than a month) given you have the sprites ready...

  • Why 41 MB? It's too much for such a simple games and simple graphics

  • 6 posts