DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • great stuff r0j0 to bad the physics engine C3 has is still the old C2 had which on recoil wants to go on straight line instead of follow the proper bounce angle.

    10 more years maybe it will be fixed

  • you can fake that effect, by having the items in grid pattern like in the website example, covered by a boundary "sprite object" and make the items scrollable by pinning them to a tile background object that u drag left and right. there was a tutorial on this in the old "tutorial area" of website. not sure if still around. was called something drag scrolling object "mobile"

  • create waypoints.... i have a simple AI example somewhere let me look in my drive. (might be missing some comments and weird stuff, but once u understand the logic behind it u can do this in like 5 minutes or less)

    ai example with pitstop (might be a bit complicated but is a simple waypoint controlled by some manually placed dots in screen.

    you can also use the same principle and create for each car "lines" or "raycasting" and basically when car is to close to the walls it turns away from them. it would give u a more realistic feel for the ai cars, but at the expense of CPU usage.

    here is ai barebones mechanics

    hope it helps. is not the raytracing method u where asking...

  • Thank you for your response. I did your suggestion but the mouse still seems to control my player as well as the shooting (by using left click).

    Can you help?


    maybe remove the mouse following code? if u move character by the keys u don't need the mouse right? why is that code still there? :)

    care to share ur project file? to take a look at it ? or a screenshot of the events that cover the movement of the player?

  • maybe record a video of the gameplay and we can help achieve your functionality, also try removing all 3rd party plugins that u don't need. most users on forum don't use custom plugins or behaviors on prototyping, it's easier to debug with community help.

  • escapeball play with weight of ball and bounciness and gravity world. but i guess around 80 world gravity and impulse applied... then u can also control bounciness and how fast the ball stops mid air using the angular damping and linear damping of ball have fun. i never played the game, but im guessing the ball is controlled by tapping and the angle of movement is controlled by above what object/direction of gameplay is going to.. so is automatic by the system. that is a bit trickily to achieve but not impossible.

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  • here is my solution, il read above what you where trying to achieve. but this is what i meant with the for each.

    testing c3 sorry for the long song.. couldn't find a FX sound lmao.

    mikehive That could work, but not if you had for example different enemies shooting at each other with different hit power. Turret 1 does 30 damage to enemy, where enemy health = 100. At one point it will be -20 and the event won't run correctly because it was never exactly at 0.

    it doesn't matter if the damage taken is 1 or 99 cause your condition is less or equal to zero.. the object should be destroyed. or call a function/event that does something then destroy that object. otherwise the song will loop forever as that less or equal will always be true forever as long as that 1 character is still on screen/dead or with health under zero or equal to zero.

  • Hiya,

    I'm using 3D objects as enemies. What I use is this:

    I'm not sure if I'm overlooking something simple but it's driving me crazy.

    Whenever I kill the first enemy, everything's working as expected. However, whenever I shoot the second enemy, which is a copy-paste (again, it's a 3D object) of the first enemy, it just won't execute the code at line 12.

    In the debug preview, the health of the second enemy just goes more into the minus every time it's hit by 50.

    Is it the trigger once that's causing it? I used to think putting it as a subevent would trigger it only once for that event, instead of 'forever'.

    try removing the trigger once as you mentioned.

    you might also want to try a

    For each 3dblock health =< 0

  • apply this rule in here basically example 1/10 x100 = 10%

    in construct is going to be something like

    number = 1 / number = 10 = 0.1 X 100 = resultnumber = 10

    text.settext to resultnumber &%

  • you need to store the tap gesture on a variable like value 0

    and when tap gesture happens turn that value to 1 lets say.

    and on the drag&drop thing add if variable is 0 drag enable.

    if 1 disable drag&drop

    tap gesture needs to happen in a sequence for this to work like click/release at a certain speed. it might work weird though on PC. but mobile should work properly.

    you also need another condition for tap to check if drag&drop is enable ... so the rotation to 90 degrees doesn't happen.. once you finish drag&drop.

  • global text variable = your password stored in game (or hash key)

    text input as 1st layout when game loads that requires the input.value to match the global text variable.

    if they match u go forward to the main screen if they don't match do nothing.

  • have you tried disabling collision with other objects? so that you use rectangle box collision mask? and not worry about how objects interact with each other?

    and if you need to test collision of 2 objects with collision disabled to each other just calculate the position point of their XY origin point... at offset.

  • you might want to look into ipfs and minty Construct is just like paint... has nothing to do with blockchain is just a interface for you to create a image ... how you publish that image is available out there on the internet.

  • change your display settings from Nearest to Biliniar or Triliniar it works for me. it is a rendering low quality issue.

    Click project folder name in right side ... and left side on settings bar u have display area and under Sampling select Triliniar and is all looking smooth for me.

  • R0j0 is right c3proj is jason based... i was thinking at the single file format c3p thing or whatever the extension is ... that is a zip file that contains the c3proj and required assets/plugins...

    i wanted to say if is worth mentioning ... if u didn't try... if you didn't messed with the backup default options of Construct3 ... try looking for an automatic backup of your project... i know won't be the latest changes... probably... but atleast u get ur c3 project back as piiq probably diregarded it as its something like backup_231231312312312312.something_weird_code_hash

    you will find the backup file for construct projects in your c/windows/temp folder or in local/user/temp or in local/user/appdata/temp one of those 3 places might be anoter 4th place or 5th if ur running windows 10. sometimes if ur project is saved on desktop there might be a hidden backup file around for the project also on the desktop.