DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • if u can make a capx of the slanted platforms where u want them to be and at what angle then i might help right now im not sure what u want to achieve

  • Isn't that what Overwolf the overlay app does i mean it doenst have youtube but you can browse in the youtube site and it is an overlay feature

    not sure, i seen a few youtube mobile players, but what they do is just load each video link as u search for it as many websites repeat youtube video do, what my request is, making a area for login or register to youtube, load your playlists and automatically play them as you do in youtube, but it could be used for mobile, pc etc . its taking so much of resources of using youtube online, it creates a big cache, so by running it from pc will be easier... and less resource eating.

  • Would it be possible to make a game like 'A Dark Room' in Construct 2?

    I think this kind of game is called an 'incremental game' or 'idle game'. (see

    you can find a template i made for people who wants cookie clicker clones/adventure capitalist/hero clicker/ type of games you can find it here ... mplate-704 its still a work in progress but if you have knowledge of c2 events you could work on it. il update it very soon for a better easy way of using it.

  • Hi!

    I can not find how to check the release that .capx created with.

    It may be a stupid question, but I need help. Thank you so much already!

    capx, is another expression for c2 to reconize, and open, but what actually is, its a Zip file, but with a diferent name, so if you right click and if u have rar or 7-zip u can extract it, open the .caproj file with notepad or what text editor u have, and on top you will see Version and a number such as 197,00 or smth like this, u can always change that number with 192 or what version u have then reopen the caproj with c2 and its gonna work, unless the latest update that was used to do the capx int he first place has so many changes that ur version might not have, so i suggest u install latest c2 into another place on ur computer so when u need to use the stable release u can do so, and when u want to see newest capx files u open with the latest beta

  • Jermfire

    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    Time management, can mean a lot of things i forgot to specify that this time management, is more of a upgrade clicker and it (time management - you gain money, if you buy enough regenerative venues), does not mean, that you have necessarily a time/clock.

    il try answer your questions here as much and accurate i can, so :

    Q1- i just said above, it does not always mean a clock will be shown, but if you really want that i could add it, its more of a infinite upgrade time management, as a cookie clicker, its still a time management, il update it very soon, and you will have the timer that counts days/weeks/months/years, in the events for those who want a timer, and il add the initial thing i wanted to add for it, end of year taxes. but i had so many on my plate lately and i couldn't continued it yet.

    Q2- not sure where u had that problem, the math is simple, every price u have, its multiplied with every purchase by 1.25 times, that's 25% of the total price, the revenue its more simple then that, it automatically calculates how many venues you have and gives u reward for each item u have of that category * by the venue reward . e.g if the venue reward its 10 and you have 10 venues of the same type your reward will be 100 , its impossible for the venue to give u less since its only multiplies the numbers of venues you got with the reward you choose'd, unless you changed the math that should not give u less , (there might be a problem with the price text show, i tried to add the K,Mil,Bil and cut the 000 or 6 zeros when u have to many, since c2 automatically creates a lot of digits at the end, you might read it wrong, or is a matter of display problem, il try work on this problem cause its creating to many problems).

    Q3 - seems fair for those who bought it now, or in the Beta stage, that they will get a new file when the update is finished, i just need you guys to pm me with the purchase code, so i can identify u, then il send u a redeem code for the new item update.(that if doesn't do it automatically not sure how it works yet.)

    Q4 - the buttons in the shop menu, where supposed to be the managers for each venue that will run them automatically for you without u have to click on items to run the business to get the reward.

    il try update it as soon as possible, and when i do il add a demo version on web so can be played, with a tutorial info.

    also as you see when u enter the game asks you for a name of company, i dident finished it yet, when u start the game, you have a picture in top left corner , that should be the image u selected, followed by your name, and business icon, the template future is near to be completed, and then you will have a good engine for time management games type, including, offline idle mode, save load options, logo customization, name changing, , time laps and taxes, and many achievements and upgrades, as you see the events for the template are above 500, so when i finish will be a easy to use template, but im afraid for those who don't have a c2 license cause when its completed the game will have over 2000 events.

    Thanks for your tips, and questions this helps me a lot to improve the features in the products i sell.

    Also im working on a multiplayer pool template, and i have a bit of issues with the animations of balls when angle is changed so it gives u the 3d ball roll, but that will be fixed soon.

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  • well depends when you want it to move like that? when u move it by keyboard or you want him to do it all the time? you could try with sine behavior, and change the time of action and the way it moves if you want it be a random float platform, and not your main actor. i need to know what you want to use it as , so i can know how to make it spin , cause a fixed position object as a element in a game, its gonna have different programming then a actor that u want to move and jump around.

  • u mean like the big spring u posted? try using bounce events code it, and rotate behavior and trigger it when u want it, or rotate counterclockwise, clockwise or also by events (rotate 5 degrees wait 0.01 , then repeat it till u get the 90 degrees stuff, unless u actually mean to make it like the spring, then u need some math, or animation

  • ......... TowerClimb made in Construct Classic, kind of a shameless plug but it's some of my earlier work .

    that game is dope )

  • hanks

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    how long takes to proceed?

    Edited... never mind i got the link to download

  • JLH1964 Shack iceangel

    Thx for super long and detailed advice.

    You know what's the shocking part? I didn't even do first tutorial yet lollll

    I will try to work hard not to let you guys down hehe

    our please, im amazed you understood anything i wrote there, without proper commas and exclamation marks. )) i was not sleeping for the last 48 hrs, so i tend to talks weird and skip some important quotations. yes try read some tutorials, for optimization, they are like 10/15 will make u understand better the process. later need to kill a Indian in the hot-tub .

  • i tested my pool template , i was having problems with it and sounds replayed to many times and the collision was detected every tick when overlapping the balls or the walls of table, also before when i was shooting at maximum power i had a problem with the balls passing through each other, now they don't do that anymore, also the sound acts like it should triggers 1 time, as i set it to.. its working good here.. since im using a lot of interactions asm.js physics at least, on browsers(IE, Firefox,chrome,) and also on nodewebkit.

    you can see old template that i was working on ... v1-sandbox here and u see the problems with old physics they do some weird thing and also sound is acting funny, on collisions or ball sitting near margin of pool table, now its all working good, il upload a new version soon . sorry for my missing words from phrases and my gibberish, dident slept again for 48 hrs so im guessing this is how my brain says i need to sleep ... so later guys.

    P.S also the interaction and the direction balls bounce now are more accurate, without me having to modify the interpolation stepping

  • why should i send u games for steam? when i can buy a license for publisher?

    79.99 pounds? you for real? to publish in your account, on steam? us developers getting what? nothing outside a name in our games, the income, will be frozen in your account by steam, unless i have a publisher account but then i don't need u anymore... i better spend 500$ on advertising the links. If you want to make money with ur game, make quality games, don't post them on internet, and go to miniclip/newgrounds/kongregate/flashgames/armorgames/crazymonkey and submit a splashed demo to them for evaluation. if has good graphics and works without bugs and can be ported on any platform, they will tell u to add a splash screen and 1 -2 links in game, then u get from starting with 1000 up to 10.000 USD and more... once u got the sponsorship u have substantial freedom to develop next games... id suggest get implicated into stores, as scirra, facebook games, envanto etc they are a lot of games, steam also, post on what place u can find, u don't need to give ur games to no1,... unless u really want to get hit hard... im telling u cause i did it before to many times, even though they where promising and assured me 100% not the people that made this request... others similar like.... in the end its ur decision..

    i can always go here ... anyway no offense thread opener, but i don't find your thread safe enough, also the link to your website is dead .... <--- found it from your linked u gave <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> .. so guys.. think before u submit games... cheers and good luck.

    create account upload your game ... ppid%3D765

    and sorry now i seen the full thread

    " This is how it works:

    When a sale is generated,

    Game's Price - all the taxes - Platform's share = Publisher's Revenue

    They will then send you your share % from what the publisher gets. Unfortunately I cannot share the numbers here. All the details will be there on the contract.


    Sondeep " really? why i should cut my % down to 5%? when i can upload it to scirra., steam and many others stores, even android googleplay is 25USD the account .. IOS 99 a year... its small cash in order to make money with games... its investment... i wold not give you my games, not even if u assure me ul get me 10.000 Pounds. i wont believe u... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> unless u have a 5mil Facebook page of game players, or any others that u can show, that are actively towards purchases. i can also open a thread , and say give me ur games, i give u the % after i pay publishers, i take my fee and that's that..... and referring as my publishers a lot of known big company's...

  • what game?

  • It works, there is just a mistake in the URL, it's a http, not a https :

    the facebook payment looks **** also damn need to buy them both soon <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> i have Q3d bought, and for sure i need the paypal payment link unless i can do it for browser cause im guessing its doing same thing, its not loading it in the app ... iframes are resource hougs, but the facebook plugin and paypal is a must <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> easier to set and a different market larger actually then the IAP;s for mobile

  • outside position updating is worst then web.js for collision games (as pool ) nothing much different...