DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for the fantastic help guys!!!

    there is no need

  • maybe because you cant show interstitial and normal ads both together but 1 every time that might be the problem, u can try implement admob for normal ads and something else for interstitial.

  • > :)


    > zoom out

    > set layoutscale = lerp(layoutscale, (viewportRight("hud") / layoutwidth), 0.5*dt)


    > zoom back in

    > set layoutscale = lerp(layoutscale, 1, 0.5*dt)


    Tried this. You have keep clicking the zoom button over and over and over. Needs to be in a loop I guess.

    you can trigger it instead off when is clicked, to when is pressed, or left button down or is in touch on object. then will zoom continuously as long u keep ur touch or mouse pressed on it

    i added the capx with the math from lennaert on touch and positioned the zoom in zoom out buttons for u u can easy duplicate it in your game

    you dot need booleans for it sorry for misspelling your name lennaert

    however you have to move the buttons on a different layer so your buttons Don't get bigger when u zoom in, use them on a top layer and do a condition of zooming only that specific layer of your game layout(default will be 0 )

  • yes I have screen scroll control setup. That part works fine. I just want a way for the player to temporarily see the entire game board whenever they want.

    yes for a zoom in zoom out then you should do the way people said above, scale layout and should have some info for values what means 0 original ,1 double, 2 etc works with 0.5 for zooming out also or less values

    im guessing what the moderator was saying about not recommending, is because u said u have a very large area, if you'd fit the size of screen to the layout, when u export for mobile the game items will be so small that you barely can view them, because will try fit all that big screen on a smaller display.

    hope no1 took it as a offense on my reply's )

  • You shouldn't have to set the window size to the layout size, and I wouldn't recommend doing that. Try setting the layout scale -- since your layout is three times bigger than the view port, a scale value of 0.3333 should make the whole layout visible.

    that is so wrong in so many cases

    For the poster locohost :

    that depends on the layout size, but usually if ur designing ur game in a 800x600 or 1280x960 u can resize it to the layout size.... if ur layout size is bigger then the one i said that will be landscape 12:9 then u need to use the scroll to behavior so the screen size follows the player in the big layout(as a platformer will have)

    if u don't want that u could use yes the the layout zoom but who uses that? unless its looking for big pixelated graphics, the man just wanted to fit layout to screen.....

  • huh? testing with Intel xdk you mean opening in the emulation? if that is your question the ads will never show in the emulation from intel xdk, but should be visible on the mobile itself , if that doesn't not work, then u need to recheck the code from admob, and the keys, if that does not work either, check ur ads height and width, cause if its only for a surtain size, and its not automatically adjusting then its not gonna show, u have a few options and explanations in admob, as long in the admob tutorials

  • here is a small capx that also includes flying enemy's towards player position you can modify it:) cheers

  • uhhhh this game looks pretty colorful, and nice to play, i love how u matched the colors, its the simple contrast i always loved that on games, and not the glamour sparkling stuff. great job man

  • oh , you made it mate

  • "|rexrainbow i know, it's worth it for your 100 million plugins and behaviors though "

    he barely scratched the surface of 100 plugins and behaviors, but they are very welcomed and useful

    however i enjoy your plugin auto updater, but its a bit of a to much work for you to do now sounds ok, but when people starts to massively use it, its not gonna be practical anymore.

  • ok check this, in the game u posted, when u open the game in 2 tabs, and add create 2 different names, it says who is client and who's is host right? now when u switch between tabs, always the last message appends, it repeats itself, saying " Player1 has connected", then when i switch to the other tab says "player 2 has connected, "every time repeats so somewhere around those lines, the connection is lost, and reconnects. the problem is at on signaling connected> call add connected that should trigger only 1 time , but for u triggers every time when i switch tabs... not sure how to make it work , i dident worked much with the multiplayer functions yet. but its a matter of connection lost in those events recheck the steps from the example game, maybe is something you missed out, sometimes is c2 getting bugged from to many previews(one thing that solves it is saving the game under another name close c2 and then reopen the new game again.) atleast worked for me, if not try clean ur cache or change from localhost:5000 to i had some issues in past with the address local-host being loading slow or blocking previews, its a problem with firewall and how fast u request the preview. il look into it further please move ur thread in a how do i section since Ashley flagged it as closed i don't want to keep it open as a bug more then it needs unless u don't manage to solve it by events or i could try and see if i work a bit in this manner will help, then u can post the full bug report as it should.

    as you said, its the tabs doing the problem, so that means, the game recognizes both tabs being 1 player, i think is because of Firefox latest update, or chrome, if u open the game in Firefox but not in different tabs but in different windows does it act normal?

    but this is meant for multiplayer you testing it from same localhost and ip/machine its basics that sometimes will create problems, cause it reads the same ip adress, so if you connect from 2 different pcs and works, then this is not a bug, but a client side, and you should not worrie about it for future online gaming, since all players will be from different machines. i think is closing to problem solved?

    next time please do first a "How do i ..." post so we avoid reports and wrong posting please... as much i want to help, i cant if its in wrong thread.

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  • im also currently using 198 version, the example files from construct they work fine here, however your game does not, when i try connect with 2 players from 2 browsers i get the problems u say but only to the player second logged, i think its the coding you did, its detecting both players as the same, and there for 1 will always dissapear or both of them some times, its a signaling error from your events, you should post a picture of that in help section maybe someone can help this might not be a bug, however i don't know for sure, since the examples are working, and ur game does not , might be worth a while recheck your events. cheers m8t.

    but the game does work, once i switch from a window to another a few times, its for sure the signal events ur using, its detecting my ip as being same player in both sides, when i switch to the other 1 , the previews dissapears and viceversa.

    i might know what it is, does your preview game has the pause on out focus selected? you must assure that is disabled when u using as test your own browsers, since will pause between each time u switch from tab to tab, and there for your peer to peer connection will be cut off and then reloaded, and that's why the graphics dissapears, since temporarily your connection is lost. i bet my money on that.

    every time when i switch tabs the info text says i just connected, like i was leaving then reconnecting again, so that's the issue you have... im guessing u over spent last night ?:)) and ur tired, it happens to all of us.

  • that doesn't sound as bug, but more of a connection issue with the server, but im just a mere user i need to test it first myself

  • Another question: how can I drag'n'drop a q3d object in-game correctly?

    for the drag and drop you need to cast a q3draycaster taht shows u the mouse X ,y Z in the 3d world, then u take those coordonates and set the position of the object cliked and dragged. u can get exactly that drag and drop by looking at the raycasting example(viewport /ray casting) and also the 2dphysics has a drag and drop effect

  • u need more rep to post the links, but il google it, and btw you know most people here don't have a resume to show right?