dos88's Forum Posts

  • When you disabled wait did you also disable the bullet disable action too?

    Try setting a static speed and see what happens?

    I have to have the bullet disabled after it goes through that process.

    And yes, it works fine with a static speed set on it only I need it to be a random speed..

  • Basically it is the same as you did with the first two actions. Try leaving the speed action there and disabling the wait action and see what happens.

    Disabling wait only instantly disables the entire bullet action before it even gets to the player.angle lol.

    I don't understand why setting the bullets speed after it's angle would break the vertical axis of the bullets angle .. wtf ?

  • Here's a quick capx with the movingangle working as expected. ... .capx?dl=0

    See if that works for you?

    It might be the wait that is breaking yours, not the speed.

    Oh.. I am currently on the stable release.. not beta <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> So can't open the file.

    Could I just get a screenshot ?

  • It should work. Try disabling the speed, wait, and disabled actions to test again?

    Your right, that worked correctly.

    But still.. How am I supposed to set a bullet speed if it breaks the player.angle..

  • You could always add a small javascript <script> in your main HTML index file to disable right-clicking.

    of course this doesn't really secure anything.. but it can hide the right-click context menu.

    More info. ... y-web-page

    I did try this on one of my own test projects and it does effectively hide the right-click context menu.

  • I seem to be having an issue with a bullets angle of motion using 8 directional movement, the code I have below is actually working and changes the bullets direction on the horizontal axis (left, right) but it completely ignores the vertical axis (up, down)

    Is there no way to have the player.8Direction.MovingAngle encompass all directions instead of just left and right ? or am I just doing it wrong

  • Is there no way to only have 2 pixels show every x seconds ? I have a character with a fast speed and all this seems to do is create a giant snake-like line which does in no way look like footsteps Changing the settings "pixel per step" has zero effect on anything..

    I even tried destroying the object after 0.001 seconds and it still just creates a snake-like line and than destroys it.

  • A good example of beautiful minimalism, also I love the art.

  • Yeah I think so too. Thanks for the suggestion, looks like it could work!

    Not a problem, if you have any issues with it just throw me a PM and ill help ya out.

  • You could try using a different install creator for your project like the one I personally use is

    The setup process is pretty straightforward.

  • What do you mean with 'de-spawning'?

    The easiest way is to create the object outside the viewport and move it into it.

    For example:

    System| Every x seconds -> System | create object Sprite on layer 0 at (-sprite.width-1, y)

    This will spawn an object on the left. -Sprite.width-1 pixel outside of the left border.

    If your sprite has the width of 32 it will be created at x=-33, y.

    Now you have to move it:

    System| every tick -> Sprite| Move forward -1 pixel.

    If you want to spawn it at the right side:

    System| Every x seconds -> System | create object Sprite on layer 0 at (OriginalWindowWidth+Sprite.width+1, y)

    System| every tick -> Sprite| Move forward 1 pixel.

    OriginalWindowWidth is the Windows width in the project settings.

    This will work as long as the screen doesn't scroll, then you have to use viewportleft and right

    Thanks for the response!

    With the code I tried in the picture in my OP the object spawns randomly on the viewport but than just vanishes, I am trying to have it so that multiple objects randomly fly in from outside the viewport onto the viewport and do not de-spawn upon landing in the viewport.

    I understand how to have a sprite randomly appear in different places inside the viewport, what I do not understand is how to have a random object fly in from outside the viewport and land inside the viewport and stay there, I am also trying to do this for all directions, left, right, bottom & top.

    I.E I do not want the object to just magically appear inside the viewport lol.

  • I am trying to have it so that every "so and so" seconds a certain items flys in from off the layout and into the actual game screen, I have been spent a couple of hours now following tutorials on random objects but every single one I try just ends in failure or I end up doing it correctly but with no clue as to how to proceed to get the result I am looking for.

    I.E I tried this tutorial

    And it works, kinda..

    But I have no idea how to stop the spawned object from de-spawning. and I want it to look like it came in from outside of the layout, not just appearing..

    Anyways... Could someone please point me in the right direction ?

  • I made a capx to replicate your situation and now I understand and the trick to that is to use variables to store or collect recent pressed "up or down" direction and then use them with mirror in the left or right press actions. Hope it solved the problem XD.

    Heyyy you fixed it! thanks man!

    Ill try to learn from your capx and get better at this

  • ... hoto%2cpng

    On the Image above I tested this event and worked properly.

    Executing Animation up and down with no problem even when going right or left.

    Have you tried removing the condition 8Direction is moving or not when checking for key press? and setting 8 direction angle to "none"

    My problem is that if I add the (key is down left or right) it messes up diagonal movement and displays no animation when moving diagonally, now if I remove the (key is down left or right) it displays the diagonal animations correctly but only shows the Idle animation for basic left and right movement.

    I am trying to have it so that it displays the animation diagonally as well as left and right. :3

    PS : I did try replacing the entire thing with basic (key is down) events but that gave me the exact same results.

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  • - Since your condition: (If 8direction is moving and Down arrow or Up Arrow is down) is only setting animations when down or up arrow is pressed then it will not run animations when left or right key is pressed. Is that the problem because since I can't see the animations or the other events then that is the only possible explanation I can come up with.

    I suggest adding :

    *If Player is moving and

    *******************Right Arrow is pressed then

    ------------> Set animation to "RunningRight"

    *******************Left Arrow is pressed then

    -------------> Set animation to "RunningLeft"

    Thanks for the fast response!

    Well I tried adding "right arrow is press then do //" and it does work until I do up + right at the same time, but the problem is it gives no animation when travelling in that direction (North East - up+right) and I have no idea how to set an animation for (up+right) lol

    I got the same result when doing "left arrow is pressed then do //"

    So essential what I am trying to do is have all 8 directional movements using only these two animations "Running" & "RunningBack"