dop2000's Forum Posts

  • Why did you add "set x to self.x+300"???

    Remove this action!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • XRArrayTextBox pick nearest to (100000,90)

    And remove the first action - XRArrayTextBox set x to self.x+300

  • Try this:

    Set layout scale to clamp(2200/distance(1CharBox.X, 1CharBox.Y, 2CharBox.X, 2CharBox.Y), 0.5, 2)

    "2200" is the biggest distance possible on 1920:1080 screen (the diagonal).

  • Just edit your event, it's a simple change -

    instead of "Repeat 1 times" condition put "XRArrayTextBox pick nearest to (100000,90)"

  • You should post your project code, not videos of the gameplay :)

    See my first comment in this post, if you copy all events from the screenshot, all your animations should work correctly.

  • I posted an answer here an hour ago and for some reason it's still pending approval from the moderator. I really don't understand this new forum...

    Anyway, here it is:

    Edit: It's actually Pick nearest instance, not closest.

  • Hey,

    Sorry, the project is a complete mess.. It will take a lot of time to make it right. You select an answer and then players should click correct questions?! This is some broken logic! :)

    I suggest you search for a better example, there should be lots of tutorials on how to make this kind of quiz games.


    And all this can be done much much easier. You don't need any arrays.

    You need one "Question" sprite with animations A, B, C, D etc. Each animation contains one frame - big fancy letter.

    And one "Answer" sprite with animations also named A, B, C, D etc. Only in this sprite each animation should contain lots of different pictures starting with this letter. For example, in animation A you can have two frames - airplane and acorn.


    So when the game starts, you set a random animation name to the question sprite, say "B".

    Then you spawn different answers, with random animations and random frames from each animation.

    When player clicks an answer, you simply check if question.AnimationName=answer.AnimationName

    If animation names match, the answer was correct, that's it!

  • I'm confused about how to insert images in posts. Can someone explain how?

    Upload an image (note, that extension should be in lower case - i.e. "jpg", not "JPG").

    You'll see a message like this: Uploaded! (ID: 12345)

    Copy the ID, click Insert Image button on the toolbar.

    Then insert the ID like this:

    Am I the only one to notice all of the broken links with the new layout?

    No, I've been complaining about this since day one.. So many very important posts are now corrupted.

    Tom ensured that links in the imported posts will soon be fixed.


    This stupid captcha is driving me crazy! I'm spending more time selecting storefront and street signs images trying to prove that I'm a human, than actually replying to posts!

    Please-please, can it be disabled at least for users with many comments?!!

  • It is working! When you move right, the animation switches to "right".

    When you move down, the animation switches to "left" (because that's how you programmed it).

    Look, I can't guide you through every tiny detail and write the code for you.

    I explained in my previous comment how angles work in Construct, just put the correct angles and animation names for each direction. It's not difficult!

  • I guess there is no 100% solution, it all depends on the music.

    With some music tracks a tiny gap should not be such an issue.

    With others you can try fading out the intro and fading in the main track.

    Or you can overlap them a little bit - start the main music 0.5 seconds before the intro ends.

  • Signatures aren't coming back, sorry.

    Tom, is this because you don't want people to advertise their games/websites in signatures? Or the new forum engine simply doesn't have this feature?

  • Here are a few issues I found:

    1. "Inline code" tag messes up formatting in the code (removes line breaks), or maybe I'm using it wrong? There is no explanation about it. And why do we need four different buttons for code anyway?

    2. Image upload doesn't work if file extension is in capital letters (file.JPG)

    Also, there should be some hint on how to insert uploaded image into message. I figured it out eventually, but many people wouldn't.

    3. I posted quite a few comments today and the captcha has still not disappeared. Instead, it became even more annoying - it now asks me to select images..

    4. Follow Topic button doesn't seem to work.

    5. Word wrapping in Firefox not working.

    And I really hope formatting and links in imported posts will be fixed soon.

    Not being able to access links in posts like this list of plugins is really frustrating.

  • Whoa, your question is too broad.

    You can save level data to a database or upload to a server.

    But I suggest you start with creating a local game editor first, and then upgrade it for online.

  • Your animation names are wrong.

    In Construct angle 0 is on the right, angle 90 is down, 180 is left and 270 (or -90) is up.

    So when your sprite is moving in direction between -45 and 45, it's moving to the right, so the animation name should be "right".

  • when you select "between angles", you should see three empty fields:

    Angle, First angle, Second angle.

    In "Angle" field type your sprite name, followed by dot, followed by 8direction, followed by dot again, followed by MovingAngle....

    Just note that these events should be nested (be sub-events) under the parent event: "Sprite 8Direction is moving".