"On click" is a trigger, it can't be inverted. You can use two conditions:
Mouse Cursor over object + Mouse left button is down -> Set frame 1
Else -> Set frame 2
You can use replace() expression.
Set text to replace(string, "Martha", "[color=#ff0000]Martha[/color]")
If you don't want to use an array or JSON, you can use a bunch of variables.
You will have to add events for crafting each item. For example, to craft a table, first check if wood>=4, subtract 4 from wood variable, add 1 to table variable.
But with more items this system will quickly become unmanageable. I strongly suggest learning arrays or JSON.
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Well, I don't know your game. I assume there is a tilemap? Like I said, these are two different approaches:
1. Create invisible sprites on frozen tiles with the required physics properties.
2. On every tick compare the tile under the character. If it's frozen - temporarily change the properties of the tilemap or behavior. We do this in our game - when walking on ice tiles, 8direction deceleration is reduced, so the character is sliding.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You are using wait inside the function. The parent event where you call the function won't wait for it to finish. That's why it displays "???"
If you need to wait for the function to complete, it needs to be set as asynchronous. And asynchronous functions can't return a value.
You can do this:
There is no easy solution. You can spawn invisible sprites on top of frozen tiles with different physics parameters. Or you can check which tile the character is overlapping and change physics setting in real time depending on tile type.
If you have more than one instance of the object, don't use "Trigger once" condition with it! It will cause more problems and bugs.
the problem is that when it is overlapped and creates the object, it creates it continuously without stopping,
You need to use "On collision" event instead of "Is overlapping" condition.
Another option is to check if the object already exists, and only create it if it doesn't exist.
Add the sprite to a family, and define all instance variables and behaviors on the family. Then you will be able to pick both instances independently in the same event:
Ball compare variable team="red" BallFamily compare variable team="blue"
In NWjs export you can make the window transparent.
Why are you using scripting for that?
Set text to replace(text, "í", "i")
Set text to replace(text, "á", "a")
Or you can nest them:
Set text to replace(replace(text, "á", "a"), "í", "i")
Can you make an example or draw a sketch of how it should work?
Try asking in this subforum:
Or on discord:
Maybe someone will be able to update the plugin.
What's the size of frames in pixels? If each frame is 1000x1000px, this is 500MB of images, which will certainly cause a lag, especially on low-end devices.