Hello there,
I'm trying to make an idea into a small game as an absolute beginner, relying on tutorials and youtube videos but I am now completely stuck because of an issue with misalignement of my layers when I hit the preview button.
I created different layers for my landascape background and added a simple parallax effect for the sky. All my layers are the correct size for my side-scrolling project (1728 x 480 with a viewport of 864x480). I set the positions on 0,0 and everything looks fine in the editor; all assets and layers are where I want them. When I hit "preview", everything suddenly change position; my landscape layers are correctly stacked on one another but misaligned to the right of the screen. There is a little cabin asset I want to leave in the first screen and I set its parallax to 0%x0% but it moves as if it was part of my character...
I tried to change the viewport settings, I checked that I correctly set an "anchored" behaviour to the cabin and a "scroll to" behaviour to my character. I do not know what I did wrong since it seems to be a very simple thing I'm trying to fix here and I feel stupid now... So I thought someone might be able to help easily and it woudn't take them too much time to figure out where I screwed up!
Your help is very appreciated, I do not want to give up on my project over such a silly thing... Thank you very much in advance!
Here is a link to my project