DexRage's Forum Posts

  • I think I fixed it sort of. Rather than keeping MSPassed ≥ 99, I set it to 60. if you believe there is a better way I can incorporate this, I would love to hear it from you. Thanks once again for your support.

  • Thanks for the response, greatly appreciate it :)

    Just had the opportunity to try it out. I included the milliseconds part as you suggested. Though most of it seems to be working fine, I find the timing to be a little slow. Can you guide me on how I can fix this? Following is a screenshot of my events for your reference.

  • Hi, I'm looking to implement a time-based scoring system for a project of mine. As such, once the player starts a level, a timer starts counting from 0 in the "00:00:00" (mm: ss: milliseconds) format. Once the player completes a level, this timer get's stopped.

    Can someone guide me on how I can implement this type of a system?

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  • Issue Fixed!! Thanks a lot :D

    I just had to uncheck Pixel rounding and set full-screen quality to high. :)

  • Hi, I'm worcking on a top-down action game that uses the 8 direction behaviour controls for movement. I have set it up in a way where when turning, it rotates in 45 degrees intervals. As such, at any time the player sprite is moving in a cross direction, this sprite starts to jitter. after some digging, I figured out that this issue is caused because the pixel art sprite that I'm using is too small.

    if for any instance I scale up the sprite in any way, this issue is solved where the jitter is no longer happening. The issue here is, if I scale up my player sprite, it no longer matches my 16 x 16 tilemap. Following is a screen recording of when this jittering is happening for your reference. please note that I'm new to construct 3. I have only been using it for the past few days. Hope someone will be able to help me figure this out.

  • Hi, my name is Deepak. I'm an independent game designer from India. I've been working on a retro-style top-down action game and making plans to bringing it to crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter.

    As such, I'm looking to collab with an experienced construct 3 developer in developing a vertical slice/ demo of this project. Though I was originally hoping to enquire to see if anyone may be interested in joining the team as a partnership where once the game gets funded, I share the funding with them. Nonetheless, I'm also open to the idea of paying developers upfront where they can take up more of a freelancer role if they wish.

    If you are interested or need more info, feel free to contact me at

    Thanks for your time.