delgado's Forum Posts

  • You need to use folderName/soundName.

    Or set the project to flat mode in the advanced project settings.

    Its not possible to choose subfolder from menu

    About flat mode You have right.

    When i choose simple play audio by picking FILE from menu and this file has been in subfolder, this works. So that confused me, and i ask myself why play sound by FILE NAME dont work with subfolders.

    So maybe its not a bug (or maybe is, depends what effect Ashley want to receive) but could be more intuitive in the future

  • Ashley ahh its a bug

    here i reproduce all steps. When i try play sound using file name audio dont want play from subfolder!

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  • You are trying to play Narg1. Narg1 does not exist, so it does not play. You want to play Narg1.webm.

    Why you say that?

    When you want play audio by file name you need to type only "Narg1" not "Narg1.webm"

    so my Global string says its Narg&1 so its 'Narg1' just like 'Narg1.webm' should work

  • Have you tried appending .webm to the name parameter?

    i try play sound

    by audio: play (by name)

    but i try indicate name from Global String

  • Hello guys, i have Audio file, for example: Narg1.webm

    so for global variable NAME

    i set this GV default to 'Narg'

    in events i try play audio typing in audio file name field NAME&"1" or NAME&1 so should recognize audio file name as Narg1 right? but dont work

    So when NAME&1 or NAME&"1" is finally "Narg1" why this audio Narg1.webm dont want play?

  • in game running only we can change fullscreen scaling quality.

    Also i need other actions to set Pixel rounding,

    downscaling and sampling should be avaliable in event sheet

  • Like I said kind of impossible to guess we would need the project. Of course after you punch the NPC that will keep the variables set, which I guess is what you are trying to do anyway. Is the player also the same object as the NPC? If this is the case then player will has some variables persisting that maybe should not be, or you talk about containers, what objects are in a container?

    All containers is sprites:

    Player obiect its another obiect (not the same as 3DNpc)

  • Interesting, i have saved old versions of my project (every day one save backup) i test and let you know, i must find what cause problem because without this Persist will be dificulkt to make fine game

  • Video on my Youtube with problem when i add Persist:

    After add Persist to 3D shape i receive problem:

    -sky is dissappear

    -i cant move

    -looped sound

    -npc behave weird

    -attack animations dont works

    -even if i touch orange field to go to World map, this condition and event dont work (i cant check others because i cant move)

    the problem is even with those elements that are not related to this object, e.g. the sky or the attack animation, so if i add persist to one 3d shape obiect called "3DNPC" this cause many problems in many elements of game.

    So now i must work without persist behavior

  • It's going to be impossible to guess, we'll need to see the project. If the persist behaviour is added to a random NPC that just exists in the level I'm not sure how it would affect the player object.

    i think i found one problem whan can cause errors, its instance variables?

    check out video below

  • hello guys, im making 3D game, i added lot 3D objects and lot sprites attached (as container) to one object for making 'skins' for NPC characters.

    Because this 3D shape object is template to make other NPC's with other skins and stats.

    Everything works very well until i added Persist behavior to this 3d shape object '3dNPC'

    After adding Persist object to '3DNPC' when im go to layout 2 and when im back to start level layout 1 , the game becomes unplayable. Controls dont working, shooting dont working, NPC behave weird also weird looped sounds !

    I dont do anything after preview, This happens when I leave the level intact, just exit and re-enter.

    3DNPC have instance variables:



    in Container 15 sprites as Faces

    Any ideas?


  • You say it old happens in your game, but if you add save/load to the template does it still happen?

    Most plugins do try to save load everything but it could be something that was just overlooked so it would be a bug.

    Other option would be to try to work around the bug. Maybe try to do some things when the game loads to fix the orientation or request pointer lock again.

    Yes, when i use save and load on other templates also 3D glitch dont show up. So only in my game this happen. Request pointer lock and relase i also try dont helped Because i have condition when press 'I' on keyboard Show Inventory layer relase pointer when again press 'I" hide inventory and lock pointer

    Also i delete all third party effects and plugins, nothing happen

    But i add new Condition, and this help.

    Also i have question to you, about your effect OUTLINE, its perfect for my game, this give me posibility to draw outline of bad character like in oldschool Fallout game.

    On full screen works but when i make window smaller i see addational outline on billboard shape

  • This is really well done, congrats on your work so far, the menus/ ui are very impressive.

    Thanks, lot of work i have

  • Hello guys and ladies

    i have question to you, do you have any troubles with built in save and load system in your 3D game?

    I never had before problems, all save and load game system works perfectly

    but now when i making 3d game after load i have weird problems:

    -mouse 3d camera dont work, after load camera is pointing in the sky and request pointer lock / relase dont reset camera. But Events work, for example enemy attack player.

    This problem is only in my game (started using template first-person platformer)

    i need clues to try fix this problem before i post this bug on

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