david88eve's Forum Posts

  • Works now. Seems the Leaves.Count doesn't get under 1.

    Hope this lasts, and thanks for all help and direction given, I appreciate it.

  • My method failed when player jumped and moved (Screen moved).

    Tried your suggestion but the wind audio just won't stop playing.

    This is driving me mad..

    To simulate my exact problem:

    Create one sprite with bullet behavior.

    Copy it multiple times across screen.

    Have some audio play when it is on screen.

    Have the audio stop when the last instance of that sprite leaves the screen.

    With one sprite (leaf), this works fine. The problem occurs when they're multiple.

    Thanks for helping me with this. :)

  • Got it working! This is what worked for me..

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  • How does this look?

  • Still won't work.

    Would think there was an easy way to do this, but I can't find it..

  • Thanks for the reply.

    Only thing is, that these sprites only get destroyed outside layout.

    Is there a way to use Object.Count for On-Screen objects only?

  • Hi, so I'm having some issues with audio playback.

    In my game, I've created a weather system.

    So far I have 3 states. Rain - Wind - Clear.

    Rain and Wind has turrets creating raindrops and leaf sprites that moves across the screen.

    I want a sound for each of these states, and I want them to fade into each other.

    Problem I have is that these sounds will have to trigger when last raindrop-sprite has left the screen, and whenever the last leaf has blown across the screen.

    It's not a problem getting them to play. (IsOnScreen -> TriggerOnce -> PlaySound)

    But it is a problem getting them to stop.

    I cannot have the sound stop when the weather variable changes, cause there's a lot of rain/wind sprites still on screen.

    So my question is. How do I detect last sprite (leaf or raindrop) leaving the screen?

  • Thank you so much! That's great 👌

  • Hi! I have this problem. I have a 20000 px layout-height platformer, and need a sprite in the layout to change it's color from RGB 23 24 25 to RGB 72 104 89 based on the sprites Y coordinates. Anyone got any idea how to best do this?

    Figure there is a clever math solution I'm missing..

    Thanks for any help!

  • Thanks for the replies! Just what I was looking for!

  • Hi! I'm trying to make a simple app where I need a text to be editable. I need it to work so when I edit the text, it saves the text in the textbox, and when I reenter the app, the text is still there, ready for further editing.

    I also will be having more than one text to save. I want a text for each frame in a sprite (20). But I think I know how to do that once I get the text-save working.

    Would love some help with this, thanks!

  • R0J0hound You're amazing, thanks!

  • DAMAJIANG Thanks! I'll check this out!

    R0J0hound Downloading now, thank you!

  • Ok, so I made a tilemap, filled it with tiles, then made a sprite that moves one tile at a time that destroys each tile it touches. Then I want to destroy all tiles that have lost their connection to the rest of the tilemap.

  • Is there a way to detect tile clusters that have no connection to other tiles?